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Hungary: The Withholding of my Passport is Another Example of the Jiang Regime Persecuting Falun Gong Outside of China
2003-06-27Did they not know that every person with a sense of justice can see right through their pathetic lies? They stated clearly that unless I signed a letter guaranteeing to give up Falun Gong, there was no way I could get my passport back. They wanted to make it difficult for me to stay in Hungary by withholding my passport; they wanted to force me to give up my pursuit of Truth, Kindness, Tolerance by means of disrupting my work and my kids education.
U.S. White House: Press Statement Regarding Hong Kong's Article 23
2003-06-27'The United States has concerns that Article 23 legislation, as currently drafted, could harm local freedoms and autonomy over time. Especially worrisome are provisions mandating the proscription of certain kinds of popular organizations and the absence of a "public interest" defense to protect freedom of expression and the press. The United States urges Hong Kong's Legislative Council to adopt amendments to correct these shortcomings.'
France: Dafa Practitioners Participate in the Paris Expo
2003-06-26This annual expo is a particularly popular event and this year it attracted over 2 million visitors. Accompanied by elegant music, some practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises to the audience, while others explained the principles of cultivation, told people about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and outlined the activities of practitioners all over the world in their efforts to stop this persecution.
Germany: Munich Chinese Consulate Officials are Scared of Banner Reading Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-26Dafa practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese consulate in Munich to support the global campaign to bring Jiang Zemin to justice. From June 19 to 22, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts every hour.
FDI: Local Pro-Communist Associations Hosting Chinese UN Ambassador Assault Falun Gong in New York City
2003-06-26I was surrounded by men who started punching me in my face and abdomen, says New York resident Mr. Jun Li. Mr. Li bears a swollen black eye and abrasions on his torso and arms. One man was screaming, Im going to beat you to death, Mr. Li recalls.
AFP: Amnesty International and US urge Hong Kong to drop anti-subversion law
2003-06-26"There is still a window of opportunity for the Hong Kong government to pull back from the brink of this potential human rights disaster and to listen to the hundreds of voices raised in opposition to the serious problems raised by the proposed legislation," [Amnesty] said in a statement.
EFGIC: High-Level Chinese Officials Found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
2003-06-25In the last 18 months, three high-level Chinese officials have been found guilty of crimes against humanity in U.S. District Courts for their roles in the persecution of Falun Gong. A fourth lawsuit against former Chinese Communist leader, Jiang Zemin, is being reviewed by a U.S. District Court judge in Chicago.
Holland: Promoting the Fa and Explaining the Facts at the Forest Park in Apeldoorn City
2003-06-25On Saturday June 21, the annual large-scale Multi-Cultural Festival was held by the Holland Immigration Bureau and the Refugee Association at the beautiful and quiet Forest Park in Apeldoorn. Holland Falun Gong practitioners were also invited to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.
France: Photo Report - Introducing Falun Gong near the Eiffel Tower
2003-06-25 -
Netherlands: Photo Report - Dafa Practitioners Send forth Righteous Thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-25 -
Germany: Frankfurt Practitioners Collect Petition Signatures Supporting the Trials of Jiang
2003-06-25Practitioners from Frankfurt and other areas answered peoples questions and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. Many people signed a petition calling for the people of the world to bring Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice. Recently one phenomenon has become more and more popular: there are always people who come back to our stand and want to talk to us more or those who sit on the nearby benches enjoying the harmonious atmosphere.
Dagblad (Dutch newspaper): Meditating in Stadswandelpark
2003-06-25'The sweet sounds from the portable cd-player are only just audible above the loud singing of the birds. Slow and inconspicuous, but intensely concentrated, a dozen people practice meditation exercises. These are the Eindhoven practitioners of the Chinese forbidden spiritual movement, Falun Gong. Tomorrow morning this mixed bunch of people will, like every other Sunday, do their exercises in Stadswandelpark.'
AFP: Beijingers say SARS impact not over even after WHO declares it safe
2003-06-25'BEIJING, June 24 (AFP) - Beijing residents said the World Health Organization's decision Tuesday to declare the city SARS-safe and lift its travel advisory does not mean a complete return to normalcy, as the disease has put a permanent dent in the lives of many.'
Time Magazine: Hostages Of The State - A Murder That Shocked The Nation Exposes The Brutality Of China's System Of Extrajudicial Detentions
2003-06-25'On his way to an Internet café, he was stopped by police and asked for his ID. When Sun said he had left it at home, the police took him to a nearby station. By the next day when his boss and friends showed up with the necessary papers, Sun had been transferred to a detention center for vagrants. Two days later, on March 20, he was dead, the victim of a brutal beating in the center's infirmary.'
UK: Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-24The practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts at the top of each hour and told the people of London the facts about Falun Gong. People signed their names on a petition to bring Jiang to justice. It is clear that the dictator will be brought to pay for his wicked crimes against humanity, not only through legal courts, but also through the peoples courts of morality and conscience.