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FDI: Architect of Terror - An Analysis of Jiang Zemins Role in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-08-06Over the last four years, however, much information has been brought to light that demonstrates how then-Communist Party head, Jiang Zemin, not only formulated the policy of eradicating Falun Gong himself, but actually went against the decision of the entire Politburo Standing Committee who were advocating for Falun Gong at the time to enact the persecutory campaign against Falun Gong. The following discusses some of these details that have come to light.
France: The Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice held a Conference in the Chinese District of Paris
2003-08-05The Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice is an international alliance organized by groups and individuals who believe in justice and care about Chinas future, and by those who have suffered persecution under Jiangs dictatorship. The coalitions mission is to engage all righteous people, expose every crime committed by Jiang, and bring Jiang to the court of law, as well as the court of world opinion, which is based on human morality and justice.
UK: Falun Gong practitioners were Invited to join the Parade of Edinburghs World Famous Annual Festival
2003-08-05The opening parade of the Edinburgh Festival was held on August 3rd in Scotlands capital. Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated traditional Chinese culture and were welcomed by the spectators who reportedly numbered almost 200,000. Falun Gong practitioners won the first prize in the Community category for the second year running.
Sweden: Let every Town and City know the Goodness of Dafa
2003-08-05Dafa practitioners went to the beautiful city of Strömstad and used their spare time to tell people about the goodness of Falun Dafa and the facts behind the brutal persecution against practitioners in China. They appealed to good people to stand alongside Falun Gong and end this persecution, which is aimed directly at human morality.
EFGIC: Falun Gong Woman Exhibits Torture Injuries, Dies in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-05On April 12th, 2003 Ms. Zhangs family received a notice issued jointly by the Masanjia Labour Camp, the local police station and Liujiawopu Village Committee stating that Ms. Zhang is receiving emergency treatment because shes critically ill. By the time Ms. Zhangs family arrived at Masanjia, she was already dead.
Germany: Clarifying the Facts Via Music and Dance
2003-08-04On July 12, Falun Gong practitioners attended a cultural festival held in the City of Calw, hometown of poet and Nobel Laureate Hermann Hesse. On the stage opposing to the conservatory in downtown which is fashioned with ancient wood architectures, practitioners of Falun Dafa gave a set of performance that they created and designed including Lotus Flower Dance, songs and flute solo.
Russia: Practitioners in Moscow Persistently Practise Falun Dafa Exercises Outdoors to Introduce Dafa
2003-08-04 -
Ukraine: Explaining the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong at a Youth Association Event
2003-08-03On June 27, 2003, in the city of Kramatorsk in the Ukraine, the youth association Getting United held events and activities dealing with the issues facing families and young people. The practitioners of Kramatorsk were invited to participate in the activities. One of the activities was to discuss the major issues of the city in writing. In the discussions, we described our experience of cultivating Falun Dafa, which is based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Germany: Information Day Held by Falun Gong practitioners in Hannover
2003-08-03Practitioners placed small display boards on tables, on which photographs and reports of Falun Gong practitioners who have been brutally persecuted and lost their lives in China were displayed. The display boards drew a lot of attention. Practitioners commented that they had never talked for such a long time with passers-by before.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Canadian Congressman sends requests to the Public Security Bureau Chief of Heilongjiang Province to Release Falun Gong practitioners family members
2003-08-03Reid mentioned in his letter that Wang Chengyuan has been detained since his arrest on the 17th January this year. The authorities have not given any explanation [for his detention]. Congressman Reid wrote that he strongly requests the release of this innocent person and that such illegal detention is unacceptable.
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal against the Persecution on July 20th in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-08-02On July 20 2003, practitioners in Italy practised the Falun Gong exercises opposite the Chinese Embassy. They sent forth righteous thoughts and called on the people of Italy to help stop the ruthless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners that has been ongoing in China for the last four years.
Greece: A Kind-hearted and Sincere Man
2003-08-02Early this year, Mr. Fannos personally wrote a letter to the former vice secretary general, Hu Jin-Tao, asking him to follow public opinion and stop the persecution of Falun Gong; the letter was returned. Mr. Fannos once again wrote a letter to the Chinese ambassador accredited to Greece, Mr. Tang Keqi and requested he pass on the information. The letter was returned again on May 22. As a result of Mr. Fannos criticism of human rights in China, his computer in his shipping and travel company was attacked by a hacker.
British Parliamentarians Raise the Issue of Article 23 and Falun Gong with the UK Government
2003-08-01During the months of June and July 2003, Members of both Houses of Parliament raised their concerns regarding Article 23 and its impact on the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners. Parliamentarians who raised such questions included Lord Hylton and Mrs Patsy Calton MP.
UK: An Old Chinese Man is Happy to Stand on the Side of Justice and Oppose Jiang’s Brutal Crimes
2003-07-31Mr. Wang excitedly waved his fist in the air and said, “Though I don’t practise Falun Gong, I want to join your activities if I ever get the chance!” I looked at him in astonishment. He continued, “I want to defend Falun Gong against injustice! Why does the Chinese government treat Falun Gong this way? You are all peaceful, kind, and you never use violence.” When I looked at Mr. Wang’s majestic figure, I smiled from my heart.
Italy: Photo Report - Promoting Falun Dafa in the Cities of Venice and Turin