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Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners held a Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to Expose Jiangs Crimes and Reveal the Facts about the Persecution
2003-07-31During the exhibition, one Dafa practitioner from another Russian city accidentally stumbled across the exhibition. He attained Dafa two years ago and has been practising Falun Gong at home by himself. He has been searching for fellow practitioners for a long time, and today his wish was fulfilled. Practitioners realised that nothing is a coincidence.
Ukraine: The People of Lviv Warmly Welcome the Citys First Dafa Photo Exhibition
2003-07-30Practitioners from Kiev, Cherkass, Uzhgorod and Sambor travelled to Lviv to hold a Falun Dafa photo exhibition. They invited local officials, media and the public to come and find out more about Falun Dafa and stand on the side of justice by opposing the Jiang regimes persecution. With pure thoughts in the practitioners hearts, no difficulties could stop them.
Finland: Excerpts from Newspaper Reports on Practitioners Summer Tour
2003-07-30751 Falun Gong practitioners have been killed in China since 1999. The government of China banned Falun Gong, when investigations showed that over 70 million people were practising it. Practitioners are happy that the high ranking politicians in Finland have made positive statements about the human rights situation of Falun Gong in China.'
Sweden: How Impressive Falun Dafa has even reached the Small Island of Gotland!
2003-07-30Between the 6th and the 12th of July, many Swedish politicians spent a week on the small island of Gotland. Dafa practitioners took this opportunity to display the exercises and give flyers about Article 23 and the persecution of Falun Gong to the public and the politicians. The response was good and many of them wanted to know more about Falun Dafa and the Jiang regimes persecution.
Meeting with the Icelandic Ambassador in Washington DC
2003-07-29Practitioners are concerned about upholding values and ethics in society. Leaders in a democracy play an important role in this regard. Setting bad examples can be a threat to good values and have bad effects in society. In addition, we note that the view that a government takes on Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is the view of a nation, regardless of the peoples opinion. We hope that Icelands view will become positive.
France: Touched by Practitioners Behaviour, RATP Officials want to Help more People to Learn the Truth about Dafa
2003-07-29Here in the busy subway, many passengers learned more about Falun Gong, enjoyed looking at the exercise display and heard the truth about Jiangs persecution. People could see practitioners performance and a video of Falun Gong founder Master Li Hongzhi demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises on a huge screen hanging above the practitioners.
Germany: Global Committee to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners sends a Letter to the German Government
2003-07-29In the letter, the committee made an urgent appeal to the German government to request the Chinese authorities to release Chen Xiaozhu who once studied in Germany, and Yu Hongli; both illegally imprisoned in Chengdu city of Sichuan Province. Just like thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, they are illegally locked up without trial. In a country governed by dictator Jiangs terrorism, their lives are at risk at every minute in the prison where they are illegally held.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (6)
2003-07-29When entering the City Hall, a receptionist received us and attentively listened to our introduction to Falun Gong and the persecution of practitioners in China. He told us that the Councillors happened to be holding a meeting that evening, and he would like to put our leaflets where they could be seen by all the council members. By doing so, the Councillors could read our flyers during their meeting, as well as the letters that we left for them.
Finland: TV and Newspapers Report on Practitioners Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-07-28With banners and display boards, the practitioners attracted the interest of not only local people, but the staff of the embassy as well. A reporter from one of the largest TV channels in Finland came to interview the practitioners at the embassy. Later a story about the appeal appeared in newspapers as well.
Article from Dutch Newspaper Utrecht: Protest Against the Persecution
2003-07-28We are doing (Falun Gong) exercises. At the same time, we appealing to people to pay attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. said Martai Walse. Four years ago, Falun Gong was prohibited by the Chinese government. Ever since then, several thousand people have been arrested. Hundreds have been cruelly persecuted to death.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (5)
2003-07-28The practitioners were warmly received by officials from each city council, who promised to pass on the materials to all of their colleagues. The practitioners also contacted local media and told them about the activities to rescue their persecuted family members.
EFGIC: Woman Injected with Unknown Drugs Suffers Paralysis and Death
2003-07-28According to sources familiar with her case, while detained in Zhongba Labour Camp Ms. Han endured torture and abuse at the hands of prison guards. In particular, Ms. Han was severely beaten by a female guard named Gu Xingying, 29 years old, who then enlisted 8 male guards to tie up Ms. Han and inject her with four doses of unknown drugs. From that point on, Ms. Hans muscles began to atrophy, her lower limbs became virtually paralysed, she had difficulty breathing and her mental state was unclear.
Germany: Practitioners from across the Country Gathered in Berlin to Expose Jiangs Four Years of Crimes Against Falun Gong
2003-07-27More and more people in China and in the west have learned the crimes of persecution against Falun Gong, and more and more governments and various human rights organisations have strongly condemned this persecution. Whats even better is that with the efforts of practitioners, both inside and outside of China, more and more Chinese people have seen through the lies and propaganda."
Central News Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Series of Events in France to Protest Against the Persecution
2003-07-27The media, international human rights groups and student organisations came to interview and witness the event. Falun Gong practitioners talked to the media in detail about the facts that Falun Gong is based on the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," that it teaches people to be good, and that Jiang Zemin launched the persecution against Falun Gong out of jealousy over its popularity.
UK: Explaining the Facts in the Busy City of York on July 20
2003-07-27When the exercise music began, many passers-by stopped to watch. A lovely 2-year-old girl with golden hair and blue eyes watched the third exercise, and started imitating the hand movements. As we gave out leaflets and told people the facts, we met many Chinese people. Some of them came towards the information desk and asked for leaflets and Video-CDs.