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EFGIC: Reports Confirm Five More Falun Gong Deaths in China
2003-06-12'Five more innocent Falun Gong practitioners have been confirmed to have died as a result of the ongoing persecution in China. The confirmed death toll currently stands at 720, though the strict media blockade in China has undoubtedly prevented more cases from being exposed.'
Germany: Practitioners Hold an Information Day in Berlin to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-12There was a continual flow of Chinese people coming to the Information desk to ask for materials revealing the truth about Jiangs crimes and about the practice of Falun Gong. One Chinese person said, All those who practise Falun Gong are very good people.
Denmark: Dalai Lama Receives the Most Precious Gift!
2003-06-12As I stepped forward to hand him the book, he asked me what kind of book it was. I told him that it was a very unique and precious gift not an ordinary book. He looked very intensively at the book and asked me if it was a Korean book. I said it was an ancient Chinese book called Zhuan Falun, and that it was very special. He looked at me, nodded, then looked at the book again and took it. I felt compassion in my heart, and felt very righteous and calm at that moment.
Germany: Practitioners Perform in a Parade to Celebrat the 1000th Birthday of the Ancient Town of Kronach
2003-06-12 -
AFP: Hong Kong journalists slam "chilling" proposed security laws
2003-06-12'"The changes fail to tackle the fundamental threats to freedom of expression," she said. "They merely tinker with the legislation and thus the amendments will make little difference to how the law is implemented or the chilling effect it will have on the media."'
Reuters: China Seen Tightening Control Over Internet Cafes (Excerpt)
2003-06-12'"By setting up chains of Internet cafes, it will be easier to verify what is being looked at or posted over the Internet," said Nathan Midler, a senior analyst at IDC Asia Pacific...He said licensed firms must enforce rules about registering user names and citizenship numbers, which can later be used to determine who posted a sensitive message on the Internet.'
UK: Supporting the Lawsuit Against Jiang at the Chinese Embassy in London
2003-06-11UK practitioners met opposite the Chinese Embassy in London to send forth righteous thoughts in support of the lawsuit against Jiang launched in Chicago, and the rescue efforts for US practitioner Charles Li who is illegally detained in China. Practitioners hoped to tell people the facts about the global efforts to bring Jiang to justice and the horrific crimes that he has instigated.
Germany: Practitioners Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Rescue Efforts for Xiong Wei and Other Practitioners in China (Part I)
2003-06-11After reading the information boards and talking with practitioners, many people immediately offered their support. Some said, We will definitely help you! One school teacher said that she will discuss the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong in China more often with her students.
Netherlands: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike in front of Chinese Embassy to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice and Rescuing Charles Li
2003-06-11 -
Norway: Practitioners Attend Festival of Peace in Drammen
2003-06-11Practitioners introduced people to the Falun Gong exercises and many learned eagerly. The atmosphere was very serene for the entire day and outside, there was warm and sunny weather. Practitioners also talked with many people. Some expressed an interest in learning the exercises and asked about the nearest Falun Gong class.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in the Folklorama Festival in Kiev
2003-06-11Practitioners took part in a concert, performing the Fan Dance and the Lotus Dance, while the five Falun Gong exercises were being demonstrated in the background. As well as an exercise demonstration and the dance performances, all of the practitioners who were present sang a song that they had composed entitled Way Home.
EFGIC: Chinese Police Rape Female Graduate Student
2003-06-11'According to witnesses, on the evening of May 13th, several policemen took Wei to a cell in Baihelin Detention Centre of Shapingba District. There, witnesses say the police officers forced two female inmates to strip her, and one of the uniformed policemen pushed her to the ground and raped her as the other inmates watched. When Ms. Wei engaged in a hunger strike to protest her treatment, police botched a violent forced-feeding attempt, seriously injuring both her trachea and esophagus, leaving her unable to speak.'
Financial Times: Sars takes heavy toll at China Southern
2003-06-11'China Southern Airlines suffered an 85 per cent slump in passenger numbers in May as the country's largest carrier succumbed to the impact of Sars on regional travel...A senior China Southern official admitted that Sars had begun affecting passenger loads in March, had had a major impact in April and that by May numbers were down 85 per cent year-on-year.'
EFGIC: Swedish Government Helps Falun Gong Practitioner in Thailand
2003-06-10"No matter how I have been suffering during my detention here, I know that it is nothing compared to how terribly my friends in China are suffering in detention in labour camps. I wish that more people will know the true facts about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. I am even more determined now to help my fellow practitioners in China to the best of my abilities. I hope we all together can stop this senseless persecution soon." -- Pirjo Svennson.
Denmark: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and Rescue Efforts for Charles Li
2003-06-10Falun Gong practitioners from Denmark and Sweden gathered in front of the Chinese embassy in Copenhagen to support the global lawsuit against dictator Jiang Zemin for his crime of genocide in his brutal persecution of Falun Gong, and to support US practitioner Dr. Charles Li, who is illegally imprisoned in China.