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Statement by the Swedish Ambassador to Thailand Regarding Thailand's Decision to Revoke Swedish citizen Pirjo Svenssons Visa
2003-06-07"Thailand's decision to revoke Mrs. Svensson's visa is regrettable. The Falun Gong Movement and its information materials are not prohibited in Thailand. According to our knowledge, Mrs. Svensson has never acted in such a way as to disturb peace in the Kingdom of Thailand nor against the Thai government. The opinion of the Thai authorities that Mrs. Svensson constitutes a risk to the country's security is therefore hard to comprehend."
Hungary: Overcoming Interference from the Chinese Embassy to Spread the Fa
2003-06-07Practitioners held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy in Budapest. One Embassy official came and tried to drive us away and called the police. When the police arrived and heard his ridiculous demands, they laughed and did not take them seriously. One officer said, “They are just sitting here in meditation. How are these people disturbing you?”
UK: Dafa Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Appeal for the Immediate Release of Charles Li
2003-06-07According to sources in the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai, Charles Li has experienced beatings and force-feedings while in custody. UK Falun Gong practitioners are seriously concerned about the safety of his life, as more than 10% of the Falun Gong practitioners who have died in Chinese custody have died from force-feeding.
Three UK Bishops Express Opposition to Article 23 Legislation
2003-06-07Recently the Bishop of Bradwell, the Rt Rev Laurie Green, wrote to Falun Gong practitioners regarding the Article 23 legislation. She said I do assure you that I will do all in my power to support the intention of your letter and will press for the Hong Kong government to have a proper degree of independence of mind and authority whenever I find myself able to do so.
Sweden: How Students and Teachers at my School Learnt about Falun Gong
2003-06-07I had to teach a cultural studies class on society. I told them about Chinas history and culture and how freedom of expression and belief differs greatly between different countries. The students stayed after class to ask more questions. One assistant teacher, who was accompanying me, told me that it was the most interesting class she had ever attended.
Germany: Local TV Stations Broadcast Falun Gong Videos
2003-06-07In recent months, various local TV stations in Germany have broadcast truth clarification videos about Falun Gong one after another, enabling the general public to realise the facts about the persecution happening in China. The broadcasting of the video generated very good results as people can quickly realise the truth of a situation. Some of the TV stations agreed to repeat the broadcast at practitioners and many other viewers requests.
Report from Netherlands Newspaper Dagblud de Limberger: Chinese Interference with Falun Gong Goes Far
2003-06-07'A few days ago the Chinese government tried to stop a performance by Dutch Falun Gong practitioners at the theme park Mondo Verde in Landgraaf. This incident does not stand alone. Chinese authorities are trying to block the movement more and more outside of China.'
Respekt (Czech newspaper): All Alone on Tiananmen Square
2003-06-07'Whilst living in Australia, Zhang didn't have any problems practising the Falun Gong exercises, but she knew that since 1999 millions of practitioners in China have been forbidden from practising. The Chinese dictatorship cracked down on the practice of Falun Gong when they felt that it had become too popular. Over 100,000 people have been imprisoned in labour camps or mental hospitals. Many have died from torture.'
Report from Finnish Newspaper 'Kaleva': China Covers Up Information and puts Pressures on Other Countries
2003-06-07'By covering up the facts about the SARS-epidemic, for example, China has already caused great economic damage to itself and to the countries that it has trade relations with. Indirectly, the entire world may have to suffer from SARS because the cover up has led to its rapid spread outside of China. The media has an important role to play in telling the facts about this matter. Nothing should be able prevent this.'
French Green Party Writes to King of Thailand
2003-06-06"We also know that the former chinese president Jiang Zemin is responsible for the death of many Falun Gong followers. Jiang Zemin and several other Chinese leaders are now sued by courts in USA and Europe for genocide and crimes against humanity. Our Party has for several years now expressed its continuous support to the efforts of Falun Gong followers to let the truth of the persecution they endure be known. We can say they are not at all the kind of people described by the chinese propaganda ; they are good people."
Germany: Speech by Peter Muller of the International Human Rights Association at a Falun Dafa Appeal in Hannover
2003-06-06"It is every U.N. members responsibility to guarantee [basic human] rights. However, none of these rights are guaranteed in China. In this regard, no one knows this better than the Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted and tortured to disability or death in China. Their family members and friends are even oppressed by the dictator and his accomplices, and this is absolutely unacceptable."
Irish Press Release: SARS is Just the Tip of the Iceberg in Terms of What Jiang Zemin is Hiding - Irish Student Among Thousands still Detained without Cause
2003-06-06Nobody should be maltreated as a result of their belief this is stated in the United Nations Declarations of Human Rights states Mr Brian Trought, a spokesperson for the Irish Falun Gong Information Centre. But this is exactly what has happened to Feng Liu. He must be released immediately and unconditionally.
Slovakia: Practitioners Appeal at Chinese Embassy in Bratislava and Visit a Foreign Ministry Representative
2003-06-06Practitioners from Slovakia and Austria met in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava to send forth righteous thoughts and appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Many passers-by read the leaflets we handed out, looked at the banners and watched the peaceful exercises.
Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Frankfurt
2003-06-06Using an exhibition and an information booth, practitioners will provide an opportunity for Frankfurts citizens to understand the peaceful nature of Falun Gong over the next few weekends. They will clarify the facts about the persecution in China and detail the crimes committed by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong practitioners. People will also be informed about how practitioners in different countries are bringing lawsuits against Chinese dictator and instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Granddaughter of Qi BaiShi, the Famous Master of Traditional Chinese Painting, Suffers Persecution for Practising Falun Gong
2003-06-06The following news was broadcast in Mandarin by RFIs news program on the 2nd of June to Mainland China and the Chinese region of Paris.