
  • Please Continue to Try to Rescue Practitioner Ms. Yang Xiuling from Henan Province

    Ms Yang Xiuling was seized by personnel from national security at the beginning of May 2006. Yu Yiyun, head of the 610 Office in Zhoukou City, bragged that he would sentence Yang Xiuling. She was sentenced by Chuanhui District Court to 10 years, but the prison officers refused to accept her. Her case was rejected and retried by Zhoukou Intermediate court due to "insufficient evidence" on December 15th. Her husband was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies and was frightened by their high-pressure terror tactics. In fear of being persecuted also, he divorced her.
  • Persecution of Practitioners in Shiling Prison, Siping City, Jilin Province - (Part 1)

    The staff at Siping Shiling Prison, from the top to the bottom levels, put much effort into the goal of "destroying practitioners physically," unless they renounce their belief in Falun Gong. Yet, they show a completely different image to the world beyond the prison gate. When a Falun Gong practitioner is first transferred from another prison to Siping, they give the practitioner the impression of having escaped the brutality experienced in other prisons. However once they discover that the practitioner cannot be "transformed," they show their brutal side. They then use all kinds of torture methods to the point of "physical destruction."
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Dr. Li Huiyun, Lecturer from Hebei University of Science and Technology, 43, Suffers from Schizophrenia Due to Persecution

    In the brainwashing centre a "collaborator" burned 43-year-old Ms. Li Huiyun's hands with cigarette butts, causing four burn wounds. Li Huiyun became confused and disoriented after long-term sleep deprivation, being tied up day and night, brutal beatings, deprived of toilet use, and various forms of humiliation. One month later she developed symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • The Persecution of Mr. Wang Cunbo at Anshan City Police Department and Jinzhou Prison

    During interrogation at the Police Department of Anshan City, policemen cuffed Mr. Wang Cunbo's hands behind his back. He was not allowed to close his eyes for two days and his hands and arms became very swollen. Several policemen hit and kicked him, trying to force him to sign the interrogation notes. Wang refused to cooperate. Six policemen then used a crueller torture method. They pushed Wang's head into a basin full of water many times. While he was trying to breathe, they kept hitting and kicking him. Mr. Cunbo almost fainted.
  • Many Practitioners Recently Arrested in Pingyuan County, Shandong Province

    In the first half of 2006 alone, the police in Pingyuan County ransacked five practitioners' homes, arrested ten practitioners and sentenced two practitioners to a forced labour camp. In addition, the local police have ransacked and harassed more than twenty households of local practitioners and extorted money from them. Since November 2006, police have been conducting illegal searches at will in Yuzhuang Village, Qiancao Town. They forced practitioners to renounce Falun Gong and sign guarantees not to practise Falun Gong. Those practitioners who refused to comply were arrested or fined.
  • New Crimes Committed by the 610 Office of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan has been missing since December 20th, 2006. It was later learned that the 610 Office arrested her because she practised Falun Dafa. She is the second practitioner who has been arrested in November 2006 from the Dou District and she is currently being detained in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp. In her previous detention police officers tortured her by giving her unknown drugs.
  • Police Savagely Torture Practitioner Ms. Lu Chunyun from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Who Once Donated 60,000 Yuan to Build an Overpass

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lu Chunyun from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, donated 60,000 yuan in 1998 to build an overpass. However over the last seven years the police have brutally tortured her for practising Falun Dafa and she is now emaciated. She was once tortured by a policeman who sat across from her and rubbed her ankles back and forth with his hard boots until the skin peeled off. He burned her legs with lighted incense, causing more than 20 large blisters. He poured lighter fluid from a cigarette lighter into a water bottle, lit it and burned her arms, again leaving her with large blisters.
  • 89 of Ms. Bai Yufang's Neighbours Condemn the Elderly Practitioner's Arrest and Detention by Beijing National Security Bureau

    On October 26th, 2006, the Beijing National Security Bureau and the Neighbourhood Committee of the Institute of Air Force Equipment collaborated to arrest Falun Dafa practitioner 72-year-old Ms. Bai Yufang and ransack her house. Ms. Bai has been detained for over 68 days for "Practising Falun Gong, serving and leading the group," and "distributing flyers of counter-revolutionary propaganda."
  • The Ongoing Persecution of Ms. Cao Qiuxiang from Qidong County, Hunan Province

    In May of 2000 practitioner Ms. Cao Qiuxiang was sent to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp. One day in August, the wardens claimed, without any evidence, that Ms. Cao was suffering from high blood pressure and forced her to take an unknown drug. During her year in the forced labour camp, the Department of Politics and Security at the County Police Station extorted 1,000 yuan from her family, and the township government extorted 1,500 yuan.
  • Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province Uses Poisonous Injections and Toxic Substances to Torture Practitioners

    From the end of 2000 to 2003, over ten of the practitioners detained in Division Seven of Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp developed symptoms such as difficulty with gross motor skills and walking, abnormal faeces and urine, decreasing memory, blurry vision, and misjudging the distance of objects. Many local practitioners have been detained there. Five of them developed similar conditions. An insider witnessed these events at that time and personally saw the collaborators put "bad" medicine into the practitioners' food.
  • The Torture that Led to the Death of Mr. Cui Zhilin in Jinzhou City Prison in Liaoning Province

    Dafa practitioner Cui Zhilin was arrested by the city's 610 Office on September 18th, 2002 and was sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment. He was imprisoned and persecuted in Jinzhou City's Nanshan Prison. On August 4th, 2004, he died as a result of the persecution at the age of forty-three. The next day, his family was notified that he "committed suicide by jumping from a building." His family found that he had been beaten so badly that his body was too horrible to look at. His body was also as thin as a skeleton.
  • Drug Poisoning - A Method of Torture Often Used by the Chinese Communist Party

    In order to quickly "reform" the practitioners, destroy the practitioners’ willpower and justify the persecution, the officials at detention centres, labour camps and prisons where practitioners are held against the law often resort to preposterous tactics. They secretly inject sleeping practitioners with unknown drugs or put poisonous drugs in their food, which results in general malaise, difficulty walking, stunted speech, rapid decline of reaction and memory, and organ damage. Some practitioners suffer from a complete mental breakdown or cannot wake up from comatose sleep and have disordered thinking.
  • Three Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning Provinces Missing for Many Years

    Ms. Wu Jing, around 30 years of age, a Falun Gong practitioner from Baishanshi in Jilin Province, was employed at Baishanshi Tourism Office. She has been missing for more than seven years. Her husband has married another woman. Her child is still waiting for her to return home! The last time I saw her was around the end of October 1999 at a Beijing railway station. She was followed by the security police from Baishanshi. We both entered the toilet and the police guarded the entrance from the outside. When I left the toilet, the police were still guarding the door at the entrance. I did not know our brief meeting would be a farewell meeting.
  • Practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaolin Is Still Detained in the Harbin Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province

    In 2003, Ms. Yang was sentenced to 12 years in prison because she still practised Falun Dafa and spoke out for justice. In the prison, Ms. Yang was beaten by guards because she refused to shout out "report" whenever a guard was around or when she was asked a question. Her face swelled from the beating and it was more than 10 days before she recovered. In December 2003, Ms. Yang refused to do forced labour and was dragged outside in the snow. She was forced to stand up or run around. This torture lasted for over 10 days.
  • The Persecution of Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and Ms. Qu Hongxiang from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province

    In 2001 Jiang Zemin's regime started to run a "brainwashing centre." 52-year-old Ms. Qu Hongxiang would not give up her belief. Town officials looked for her and tried to arrest her, but she had gone into exile to avoid persecution. They went to her husband's workplace. They forced him to stop working and didn't allow him to find other work for six months. On September 30th police broke into Ms. Qu's home and took her away. 610 Office personnel handcuffed Ms. Qu to a metal chair, used electric shock to interrogate her, and then sent her to a detention centre.