Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Female Dafa Practitioner Passes Away as Result of Torture in Beijing

    She made a living by running a small business. While being detained at the Kandan Detention Centre, Fengtai District, she suffered untold torture and was pushed to her limit until she sadly passed away. The authorities try their utmost to hide their crimes so details are still being investigated.
  • Weak and Emaciated Until Finally Death for Dafa Practitioner in Harbin City Prison

    In early 2002 he was transferred to No. 3 Prison in Harbin City. After suffering long-term persecution, Wang Weihua was very weak. The guards in No. 3 Prison in Harbin City brutally tortured the Dafa practitioners imprisoned until they became extremely weak and emaciated.
  • Detailed Information About the Death of Practitioner Ms. Wang Ailing from Zhangjiakou City

    Around April 25, 2001, police from the Mingdebei Police Station went to her home to harass her and jeered, "See what you've gotton from practising your exercises." Ms. Wang told him sternly, "This is not from practising the exercises. This is entirely the result of your persecution." The policeman had nothing to say. At the beginning of May, Ms. Wang's condition was deteriorating day by day.
  • Witnesses Reveal the Inside Story of Li Xinze's Torture Death in the Xinhua Labour Camp

    In August 2002, they began torturing Li Xinze again. Everyday he would only be allowed to sleep at 4:00 a.m. in the morning. Guard Hu said: "Torture him to death. If he does not transform, I will take the responsibility for his death!" Team Leader Deng Gang, Deputy Team Leader Hu Xuelin and Sub-team Leader Liu Xingyuan took turns ordering criminals to persecute Mr. Li.
  • Dafa Practitioners Tortured and Hung Up for Days In Minxi Prison

    In the afternoon of the 22nd, under instructions from the prison vice-chief Luo Yingjie, the supervisor of the new prisoners Deng Yunchun and supervisor Xu Shangsheng ordered prisoner helpers Wu Jianghai and Wang Xiaodong to cuff the four Falun Gong practitioners, including Chen Ridong, to the second floor window, suspending them in the air. Chen Ridong was hung up for over thirty hours. He was not let down until he passed out on the second day.
  • Sadistic Policemen From Shuangkou Labour Camp Torture A Senior Citizen With 150,000-Volt Electric-Shock Batons

    On the day that I was released, the policeman who processed my release asked me to fill out a form. One item was asking whether the police had beaten people or not. And whether the police had shocked people with electricity. The police forced us to fill in "no." They used this method to cover the truth.
  • Dafa Practitioner Killed by Police in Shuangyashan City

    At the strong request of Mr. Ji's family, police allowed relatives to view his body. His body and head were covered in bandages. After undoing the bandages, the relatives were shocked and distressed by his distorted body: his face and back were purple, the left eye swollen and bloody, his ankles wounded and the skin on his toes and arms torn by torture.
  • Revealing the Shocking State of Female Practitioner's Corpse in Zhangjiakou City

    Yang's family members were not notified until two days after her death, and they were not allowed to see her remains until right before the cremation at the city crematory. According to an eyewitness, Yang's face was so pitifully deformed that people who were familiar with her would not even recognise her. There were signs of bleeding from her mouth, nose, and ear. Her face was covered with traces of blood and cuts from being beaten. Her body was covered with bruises that were purplish-black in colour.
  • Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Jinan City Forced Labour Camp

    Detained Falun Gong practitioners have lost almost all of their freedom. Correspondence with their families is tightly investigated. Whenever there were "important conferences," they would be deprived of the right to meet with their families, and even phone calls were not allowed. This year, owing to rampant SARS, the Forced Labour Camp existed in a shutdown form. Family members were only allowed to send money and clothes once a month, making it harder to know the details inside the Camp.
  • Exposing the Hideous Crimes of the Wuhan Women's Prison

    They tied our hands and feet and held us down on the freezing ground for three hours. At 10:15 PM we were allowed to go back to our dorms. At that time, the policeman Wang laughed wildly and said, "If you are not ill tomorrow, I will respect Falun Gong." As a matter of fact, we were all right the following day. In the early morning, the police officers used the same means to torture us. They ordered us to stand on the concrete ground with bare feet and then sprayed cold water on our feet. They also used scotch tape to seal our mouths.
  • Despicable Means of Persecution of Female Dafa Practitioner by Shijiazhuang Railway's Public Security Sub-bureau

    They sent secret agents to stay in the hospital to attempt to seize practitioners who came to visit. At this time, Yan Guangliang attempted to disguise himself and went to the hospital, but he was caught by the guards Qiao Xiaoxia and others from the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp who also wanted a promotion. Even though Yan Guangliang was shouting: "You got the wrong one. I am not a Falun Gong practitioner!", the guards still seized him and brought him to the local police station. The entire incident was despicable and laughable.
  • Brutal Strait Jacket Torture Disables Female Dafa Practitioner's Arms in Zhengzhou City's Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp

    In April 2003, the Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp carried out another wave of terribly inhuman persecution against steadfast Dafa practitioners. As Ms. Wei firmly resisted, the vicious criminals put her in a strait jacket and caused her two arms to become disabled. Under the instigation of the police, the methods that the drug addicts used were very brutal and at this point Ms. Wei is facing life-threatening danger at any time.
  • Jixi City Labour Camp Beat Up Dafa Practitioners in Vicious Frenzy

    The jail guards gathered around 40-50 people and rushed into practitioners' cells with electric batons and ropes. They beat up practitioners and removed Gong Chengge, Jiang Hongfu, Shi Zhenwei and Zhao Bing from their cells and beat them even more ferociously. One person's toes were smashed and his entire body was covered with bruises and wounds. Afterward, these practitioners were sent to the criminals' cells to be isolated and continuously persecuted.
  • Torture Death of Female Dafa Practitioner in the Da'an City Detention Centre

    She was forced to work more than 15 hours daily. Because she was exceptionally healthy, the guards forced her to do heavy manual labour. In late December 2002, she was picked up by people from Da'an City Police Department and was given another heavy sentence. After six months of incarceration at Da'an City Detention Centre, on June 10, 2003, her family received a notice of her death.
  • Woman Dafa Practitioner Fell to Her Death Whilst In Police Custody in Linqi City

    Ms. Zhou was detained on the top floor of a residential building of the credit union. Ms. Zhou fell from the building and died. Now only her school-age son is left at home. The "610 Office" claimed that Ms. Zhou accidentally fell when she attempted to escape from the detention.