Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Three Family Members Arrested; Wife Forced to Have Abortion in Order to be Admitted into Detention Centre
2007-06-02On April 24th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhai Huiling and her husband Mr. Liu Yonghui were arrested by police in Beijing. Two days later, Mr. Liu's mother, Ms. Yang Tiezhen, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested. Ms. Zhai was pregnant at the time and was thus rejected by the Lugouqiao Detention Centre. In order for her to be admitted by the detention centre, she was forced by the police to have an abortion.
Art Studio Students Miss Their Teacher Mr. Zhang Yinfu
2007-05-31Tragically, art teacher Mr. Zhang Yinfu was arrested by the public security bureau on April 21st. That night, teacher Zhang finished teaching and chatted with one of his student's parent at 11:00 p.m. when he left his studio. The next morning, the students came to school but their teacher was not there. Teacher Zhang's office had been ransacked and left a mess. Several investigators came to question other teachers (hired by teacher Zhang). At this moment everyone asked, "Where is teacher Zhang?" Finally the news came out that public security was investigating teacher Zhang as a Falun Gong practitioner. No wonder teacher Zhang is so kind, for he practises Falun Gong. Falun Gong is the practice of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The department persecuting teacher Zhang is the Bao Ming Detention Centre Xinan Neighbourhood Security.
The Chinese Communist Party Is Hiding Its Second Verdict Against Cao Dong from the Public
2007-05-31In May 2006, Dafa practitioner Cao Dong met with the European Parliament's Vice President, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott. As a result, he was arrested. Mr. Cao was charged with "colluding with overseas anti-CCP forces" and "accepting an illegal interview." On February 8th, 2007, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. After the sentence, Mr. Cao's defence lawyer made a statement that "the trial decision does not conform to the facts" according to new evidence he collected. In order to cover up their crime of depriving Chinese citizens of their basic human rights, the judicial system operated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ignored the voice of justice and malevolently insisted on convening a second trial in private.
Police in Changchun, Jilin Province Rampantly Arrest Practitioners and Search Their Homes
2007-05-30Since March 2007, many practitioners in Changchun have been arrested, persecuted, and had their homes searched by the police and Public Security Bureau agents in their local districts. It seems that every two or three days several practitioners are arrested. Dozens of practitioners have recently been taken into custody. The police go to a practitioner's home and then deceive him or her into opening the door for them. If that ploy is not successful, they use a locksmith to break into the home, the police search it, and confiscate any Falun Dafa materials and related items and arrest the practitioner.
Practitioner Wang Huizhong Persecuted and Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2007-05-26In October 2000, Wang Huizhong, a villager in his 50s, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. There, police officers arrested him and transported him back to the Wuwei City Detention Centre for a three-month imprisonment term. In May 2002, while Wang Huizhong was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong, he was reported to the police, arrested and sentenced to an eight-year term in prison. Mr. Wang was confined in Lanzhou Prison for three months. Later he was transferred back to Wuwei Prison. In November 2005, he was transferred to Jiuquan Forced Labour Camp, where he has been subjected to even more vicious treatment.
Arrests of 6 Practitioners in Weifang, Shandong Province
2007-05-25Between April 7th and 18th, 2007, six Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by Li Shenghua, Li Zhixin, and other police officers. Currently, Ms. Tian is free as she managed to escape. Mr. Dai, Mr. Li, and Ms. Shi are still imprisoned and being persecuted. After Ms. Xu and Ms. Li were arrested by police officers Jing Zhi, Li Zhixin and others, they were taken to Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp and sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labour.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Propaganda Twists the Facts and Slanders Innocent People
2007-05-24At around 4 p.m. on April 23rd, without any authorisation, several police officers from Xinjiang Police Station in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, broke into Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Ying's home and arrested her. However, on April 25th, Harbin's The New Evening newspaper twisted the facts in reporting this incident. The headline said, "Using an extension ladder, police got onto a balcony to arrest a thief." The article slandered Ms. Zhao. Ms. Zhao Ying was brutally tortured. As a result, she began to have heart problems and her relatives do not have enough money to pay her hospital expenses.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Bo from Tonghua City, Jilin Province Arrested by Police Again
2007-05-24In the afternoon of April 3rd, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Bo was fetching her son from kindergarten, along with the six-year-old child of a relative. Suddently, within a few feet of reaching her home, police officers Zhou Fuyou and Tian Kaiyuan--in plainclothes--jumped out of a red taxi and abducted Zhang Bo, forcing her into the taxi. The police searched Zhang Bo's pockets for keys, opened her front front door, and fled after shoving the two children inside. The two children started crying for their mothers, and a kind passer-by brought the children to the nearby Xinzhan Public Security Bureau. However, Zhou Fuyou, Wu Guoqing and four other police officers pushed the children out of the Public Security Bureau and threatened to beat them.
The Chinese Communist Regime Plans to Sentence Ms. Hu Yuanzhen from Sichuan Province - Her Two Daughters Appeal for Her Immediate Release
2007-05-23Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Hu Yuanzhen is 64 years old. On March 15th, 2006, while she was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong along with four other practitioners, more than ten police officers from the National Security Department arrested them. Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Hu and her family have been subject to constant persecution. Her husband, practitioner Mr. Li Guocai, was sentenced to three years in prison in May 2005 and is in Wumaping Prison. Ms. Hu's 70-year-old sister was also arrested and her husband couldn't handle such tragedy and died on April 22nd, 2007. Hu Yuanzhen's two daughters have appealed to the concerned organisations to demand their mother's immediate release.
Practitioner Ms. Xiang Hairong from Hunan Province Jailed, Visiting Mother Arrested and Tortured
2007-05-22In May 2004, while Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xiang Hairong was shopping at a roadside stall, a police car stopped beside her, and several policemen jumped out and grabbed her. Ms. Xiang was sentenced to two years at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. In July 2005, Ms. Xiang Hairong's parents brought their grandson to the labour camp to visit their daughter and to give her Teacher Li's [Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa] articles. But her parents were arrested and detained in a detention centre.
Six-Year-Old Boy Missing After Parents and Other Practitioners Arrested in Yantai City, Shandong Province
2007-05-21Around 9 a.m. on April 17th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Guolan was forcefully carried away from her home by five or six policemen. Ms. Sun left her door unlocked for her son who was coming home. The police barged into her house and dragged her away. After they came out of the building, Ms. Sun was forcefully pushed into a van. Practitioners who were arrested on the same day also included Mr. Yu Haiyou. The police first arrested him at his workplace and sent him to a brainwashing centre and then arrested his wife, Wang Xuemei, at their home. Subsequently, the policemen sealed their house. Yu Haiyou's six-year old son has been missing since the arrest of his parents.
Details of the Recent Arrest of Ms. Ji Yan of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
2007-05-21At 6:40 a.m. on April 14th, 2007, after practitioners Ms. Ji Yan and Mr. Wei Danquan drove through the Shanhaiguan toll station, their car was stopped by two police cars. Ms. Ji's belongings were confiscated, she was handcuffed and taken away in a car. Lu Ping, the director of Qinhuangdao City's National Security Group, asked, "Who is Ji Yan?" When Ms. Ji turned around to answer, Lu Ping immediately punched her in the face, pulled her hair, and pushed her down to the ground. He started to beat her further but was stopped by the guard. Then the police officers took off Ms. Ji's glasses, covered her head with a black bag, and took her down to a car, while Lu Ping was shouting, "Never dream of getting out of here, I've got to kill you today!"
Twelve Practitioners Taken into Police Custody after Luo Gan's Secretary Visited Chicheng
2007-05-20On April 21st, 2007, the secretary of Luo Gan (one of the primary perpetrators of the persecution) went to Chicheng, Hebei Province. When he passed the Dahaituo Tourist Area in Chicheng County, he saw the large banners posted by Falun Dafa practitioners to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong. After he returned to Beijing, he reported this to his boss. He then pressured the government officials of Chicheng County accusing them of not being able to suppress Falun Gong effectively. As a result, the 610 Office of Zhangjiakou set up a special team. They went to Chicheng County and worked with the local police department to persecute practitioners. In every town in the county, the police arranged someone to keep surveillance at night. Police vehicles patrolled the streets everywhere.
Policemen from Wanquan County of Zhangjiakou City Arrest Several Dafa Practitioners
2007-05-20Police surrounded practitioner Zhao Wanying's home. Although he was not at home, his wife and daughter were there and the police stayed for more than 40 hours. Police ransacked their home and took away Mr. Zhao's wife and his daughter, who are not practitioners, to the county police department. It has been over a week now, and the child is still not allowed to go to school. According to some witnesses, Mr. Zhao's wife suffered a heart attack. Their current whereabouts are not known. The policemen monitored Mr. Zhao's residence for two days, hoping to capture Mr. Zhao and any practitioners who go to his home. The policemen have been camped out inside his home and eating his food.
Ms. Ma Youjuan Is Detained, Her Non-Practitioner Father Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2007-05-18On October 15th, 2006, after being homeless for over four years, practitioners Ma Youjuan and Yu Kejun were arrested. In the evening of the same day, their eight-year-old daughter was also taken to the West City Police Station and detained there. The following day, Ma Youjuan's father, Ma Yiqing, took the child home. One month later, Yu Kejun was sent to a forced labour camp for a year, while Ma Youjuan has been detained at the Weifang City Detention Centre to this day. Because Ma Yiqing, who is a non-practitioner, went to the police to appeal for the release of his daughter, he was arrested and sent to the Changle Forced Labour Camp for a one year term.