Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Ms. Jiang Hong Released from Unlawful Detention in Heilongjiang Province Only When Her Life Was in Danger
2007-06-25On April 29th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Hong was visiting her neighbour when police arrested her. Her family went to the police department to request her release, but her father (in his 70s) was chased out by Zhou Tiegang. After being detained for 35 days, Ms. Jiang Hong became dangerously emaciated. She had to be placed under intensive care constantly, and she was dying because she could not eat for ten days.
Many Practitioners Arrested and Taken to Brainwashing Centre in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
2007-06-24Recently the Chinese Communist Party has assigned quotas for practitioners to be brainwashed to each employer in Huaihua City, Hunan Province. As a result, many Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre by local agents. Ms. Dai Dingcui, 60 years old and a retired employee of Huitong County Water Supply Co. in Huaihua City, was tricked into getting on a bus. She was directly taken to the Huaihua Brainwashing Centre at around 8:00 a.m. on May 17th.
How Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Deceived and Kidnapped Liang Wenjian And Me
2007-06-16I heard that Liang Wenjian and her husband, Falun Gong practitioners from Guangzhou City Guangdong Province, were arrested at home by the police in February 2007. In March, without any legal procedures, they were sentenced to two years of forced labour. I read reports on the Internet of the speech that the Chinese Embassy gave in England which deceived English politicians.
Ms. Liu Dan Detained beyond Her Term at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province, Her Relatives Arrested for Trying to Visit Her
2007-06-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Dan was sentenced to three years of forced labour and is suffering from barbaric torture at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. In May 2007, her sentence term would have been over; however, Baimalong Camp authorities extended her term because she refused to be "transformed". Her family members went to visit her several times, but were harassed by the labour camp every time. On May 16th, 2007, Liu Dan's mother, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and another relative went to Baimalong Labour Camp to visit her. As a result, they were arrested and detained in a detention centre.
Practitioner Fan Jianguo from Zibo City, Shandong Province Secretly Sentenced to Four Years in Prison; Parents Pass Away After Hearing the News
2007-06-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Fan Jianguo was tried and secretly sentenced by the Zichuan Area Court to four years of imprisonment. His family was unaware of the situation before the trial ended. The entire trial process took place secretly. Mr. Fan's parents both passed away after hearing the news. After his mother passed away, the authorities refused to allow Mr. Fan to attend her funeral.
Officials of Weifang City, Shandong Province Again Attempt to Sentence Mr. Dai Zongqiu, Who Previously Became Gravely Ill During Detention
2007-06-13Mr. Dai Zongqiu, a Falun Dafa practitioner, has been detained in the Anqiu City Detention Centre and persecuted there since April 18th, 2007. When he was arrested the police confiscated all of the money his family had (800 yuan). His teenage son was about to go to high school, but now his family can no longer support him, and he has had to apply for jobs to support his family. Although Mr. Dai is ill with diabetes, he was still sentenced to two years of imprisonment and has been continuously mistreated.
Sun Yanhe, Wang Hongyan and Others from Shulan, Jilin Province Arrested and Imprisoned in a Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-13Falun Dafa practitioners Sun Yanhe, Wang Hongyan, and others were imprisoned by police at Pin An Police Station on March 3rd, 2007. The police refused to listen to their explanations. Instead, they brutally beat and robbed them. Sun Yanhe suffered trauma to his ear from the blows. In order to force a confession at the police station, policeman Wang Da hit practitioners in the face and dragged them by their hair, subsequently pulling out whole tufts of hair, then kicked their lower bodies, abdomens, and heads, until they could no longer stand upright. He then tightly handcuffed them and dragged them down the police station hallway. He then used one ring of the handcuff to handcuff them to the top of the beds--hanging them by one hand and lifting them so high that their feet could not touch the floor.
Ms. Qiu Shuangying Arrested, Taken to a Brainwashing Centre in Tangxun Lake, Hubei Province
2007-06-12At around 4:00 p.m. on May 15th, 2007 in Yunmeng County, Deng Guobin, Yu Meng and another member from the National Security Bureau arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. Qiu Shuangying from the fashion shop where she was working. Ms. Qiu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" loudly and told all the onlookers that practitioners are all good people, but are unjustly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Infuriated, the policemen beat Ms. Qiu in front of the public. A large crowd of over a hundred people gathered. Beating up a harmless woman, unafraid in the face of terror, caused the three policemen to panic. Feeling guilty, they called up some ten other policemen who arrived and arrested Ms. Qiu. They took her away to the Yunmeng Detention Centre for further persecution.
610 Office Agents Arrested Our Daughter-in-Law
2007-06-12We are the parents-in-law of 57-year-old practitioner Ms. Hu Nianxian. Our daughter-in-law was arrested on May 14th, 2007, by agents of the 610 Office simply because she believed in the universal law of Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. They broke into her home and, without any explanation, a couple of muscular men took her away. Why did they have to use several car-loads of men to arrest her? In fact, if they still had a little bit of kindness, they would have heard the desperate cries from the two little girls after they came home from school. "Who has taken my granny away?
610 Office Arrests Hong Kong Resident, Who Was Visiting Father in Shenzhen City and Now Faces Trial
2007-06-10Mr. Chen Jinshu, 50, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hong Kong. On April 16th, 2007, several state security officers arrested Mr. Chen Jinshu in Shenzhen. According to a number of different sources, Mr. Chen is now imprisoned in Baoan Detention Centre. According to a reliable source, the police interrogated Mr. Chen in the detention centre to find out if he had contacted practitioners in Shenzhen. The arrest of Mr. Chen Jinshu was a blow to his family. Chen's father repeatedly passed out after he heard the news. To this day, Chen's family does not know which justice or law enforcement department is responsible for Chen's arrest.
Party Officials Plan Trial of Practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen from Heilongjiang Province and Deny Family and Lawyer Visits Until Conclusion of Trial
2007-06-08Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen, 41 years old, was a kindergarten teacher from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. Her husband divorced her in 2003 after she was sentenced to three years in prison for practising Falun Gong. Tang Hengfen was arrested by police on April 5th, 2007. Her family consulted with numerous people in an effort to rescue her. The police threatened the family. Tang Hengfen is currently held at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Jixi City. Her family hired a lawyer to defend her in court. When the lawyer requested a meeting with his client Yang Hengfen, the procuratorate told him, "You cannot see her until the trial is over."
Mr. Gao Weixi from Changchun City, Jilin Province Arrested One Day Before Going to Visit His Daughter
2007-06-07Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Weixi was planning to visit his daughter, whom he had not seen for eight years, out of town on May 10th, 2007. On May 9th, he was arrested by police from the Nanguan District Department and Jilin Province Department. On May 10th, the family could not find Mr. Gao at the train station like they had planned. Finally, they went by train to look for him at his house in Changchun City; they found two policemen, who had been living there for several days. The police said, "We found three big bags of Falun Gong materials in this place. Five books are enough to have him sentenced. Mr. Gao has been detained in the Changchun City Third Detention Centre, and once he is sentenced, he will be permitted visits."
Poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party, Daughter Turns in and Assaults Mother Ms. Hu Lingying
2007-06-06In July 2003, Ms Li Huaying beat up her mother, Dafa practitioner Ms. Hu Lingying, at home because she continued to practise Falun Dafa. She assaulted her mother with an iron nail, attacking her head, back and upper body, causing her to bleed profusely. In 2006, Ms. Hu was reported to the police by her daughter and sent to a brainwashing centre.
Ms. Li Jifeng Given Eight Year Sentence and Tortured at Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City
2007-06-05On May 28th, 2003, police from the Beipei District Police Department arrested Ms. Li Jifeng and took away her Dafa books and other leaflets exposing the persecution. They also confiscated about 7,000 yuan cash from her home and other personal property, including a computer. To date, the police department has not returned these items. The police sent Li Jifeng to the brainwashing class in the Beipei Party School. Li Jifeng refused to tell them any information about the leaflets production site and other fellow practitioners. She did not cooperate at all, so the police from the Beipei District Police Department hung her up and beat her for a long time. She was brutally tortured in both body and mind. In February 2004, she was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment.
Luo Gan Conspires with Shijiazhuang Court to Abuse Power and Turn the Trial of Practitioner Wang Bo into a Show Trial
2007-06-02The case of Wang Bo went to the second round of hearings in Shijiazhuang City on April 27th. Six defence lawyers from Beijing courageously walked out of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) shadow, and bravely pleaded not guilty for the family of Wang Bo. This drew wide attention from international society. The lawyers pointed out 13 incidences of authorities violating legal procedures, and submitted supplementary defence statements.