Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Mr. Zheng Zhicheng Arrested for the Third Time Along with His Wife, Ms. Cheng Chao
2007-05-17On April 14th, 2007, police arrested Mr. Zheng Zhicheng and Ms. Cheng Chao. Zheng Zhicheng had already been imprisoned in Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp for three years. The guards there are brutal in their efforts to "reform" practitioners. One of their methods is "Stool Sitting." Every day, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. they force practitioners to sit on a 10-cm (4-inch) wide and 20-cm (8-inch) tall stool. Everyone has to sit still; no one is allowed to use the toilet or eat outside the fixed schedule. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are ten minutes each. Each person is entitled to use the toilet twice a day for five minutes, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. During their many days of "Stool Sitting" the practitioners are forbidden to change clothes, brush their teeth, or wash. Some get lice.
Police in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Arrest Six Practitioners using the Excuse of Defending Security for the Olympic Games
2007-05-14On April 14th, six Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by corrupt police officers. On April 28th, they were sent to a forced labour camp. the police informed the relatives of the practitioners that they must sign relevant documents for the judicial procedures. Their intentions and tricks were extremely contemptible. Without any conscience, they even held a party to celebrate their "accomplishment" and received bonuses. It is said by an insider of the police establishment that the higher authorities appropriated funds of 100,000 yuan for them in order to stop practitioners from utilising satellites to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice before the 17th Party Congress and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Former Military Officer Mr. Wei Danquan Arrested Again by Police in Shanhaiguan, Hebei Province
2007-05-13Mr. Wei Danquan is over 40 years old and was a military officer who used to work at Shanhaiguan Airport. He has been detained and cruelly tortured in successive years because of his firm belief in Falun Dafa. Recently, he was arrested again although he still suffers from tuberculosis and is spitting up large amounts of blood. Because Mr. Wei Danquan refused to give up his belief, he was fired from work, monitored and detained several times, and his home was ransacked many times. He was also sent to a forced labour camp in 2003 and severely tortured. The judicial system tried to sentence him in 2004. He was secretly arrested by public security officers in 2005, and was again arrested on April 14th, 2007.
More Information about Dafa Practitioner Hua Yuliang from Weifang, Shandong Province, Who Was Arrested
2007-05-13On April 18th, 2007, police broke into Dafa practitioner Mr. Hua Yuliang's home and arrested him. Since the Chinese Communist Party started their persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. Since October 1999, Mr. Hua Yuliang was imprisoned for three years in Weifang Municipal Forced Labour Camp, and in the Shandong Provincial Forced Labour Camp. He was brutally persecuted and suffered from merciless beatings, electric shocks, and detention in solitary confinement. In Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, over ten guards used more than ten electric batons to shock him for hours. He suffered from such torture several times. They also handcuffed him to a metal door in solitary confinement for over 80 days. Mr. Hua's legs became swollen and he became mentally disoriented as a result of the brutal persecution.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu Disabled from Torture and Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in Longkou City, Shandong Province
2007-05-13On April 22nd, 2007, officers from Longkou City, Shandong Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu because she was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong. At the detention centre, Ms. Wang was brutally beaten because she resisted the unreasonable demands of the guards. Her leg had been disabled from previous torture and its condition worsened. Ms. Wang attempted several hunger strikes to protest the torture and was brutally force-fed. She was taken to Jinan Prison.
Court Sentences Hong Kong Practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua to Prison Without Notifying Her Family or Lawyer
2007-05-12In March of 2007, Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua was tried and sentenced to three years in prison. She appealed, but the Shanghai No. 1 Middle People's Court rejected her appeal. She was tried a second time, but the court did not notify her family or lawyer. Ms. Zeng was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison on April 16th. To conceal their criminal act, the Shanghai 610 Office and the Public Security Bureau secretly manipulated Zeng Aihua's second trial. One month after the second trial her family and lawyer were still kept completely in the dark and did not know anything about it.
Middle School Teacher Mr. Zhu Huajun from Henan Province Arrested and Persecuted
2007-05-11Mr. Zhu Huajun, a teacher, was arrested by police and sent to a detention centre. Without showing a warrant or identification they took him into custody without giving a reason. When his father saw Zhu Huajun, two people were holding him up. His hands were cuffed behind his back and there were tubes inserted into his chest. He couldn't walk on his own. The police were constantly yelling at him. Mr. Zhu hasn't eaten anything for 12 days now, and his life is in danger.
Practitioner Mr. Wu Lei from Shijiazhuang City Arrested and Detained in Connection with the Trial of Wang Bo and Her Parents
2007-05-08An unjust trial of Wang Bo and her parents took place at the Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court on April 27th, 2007. The court stipulated that anyone could apply and receive an audit permit with an ID and a residence permit. Following the official requirements, 27 people including some Falun Gong practitioners obtained audit permits. However, the Communist Party agents refused to let any Falun Gong practitioners audit the trial. The court officials and 610 Office agents monitored and arrested practitioners who tried to enter the courthouse. Practitioner Mr. Wu Lei is in his 20s. Officials from the National Security Division at the Shijiazhuang City Police Department arrested him for taking photographs.
Many Practitioners from Weifang City, Shandong Province Unjustly Arrested on April 18th, 2007
2007-05-05On the night of April 18th, 2007, the authorities from the Weifang City Police Station arrested over 10 Falun Gong practitioners. One practitioner's workplace was ransacked. After the door was pried open, the officers stole a van and two motorcycles, among other belongings. The warehouse gate where many Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution were stored was broken into and the materials taken away. The perpetrators had been monitoring some practitioners for a long time and then arrested them in different places.
Mr. Qu Yanlai's Younger Sister Taken Against Her Will By Shanghai Police
2007-05-05Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Yanyan from Daqing City visited her older brother, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Qu Yanlai, who was imprisoned at Tilanqiao Prison on March 20th, 2007. That very evening, she was taken against her will by the Shanghai State Security police. As early as September 2002, when police in Shanghai arrested Mr. Qu Yanlai, the Shanghai State Security police had intended to arrest Ms. Qu Yanyan, and colluded with Daqing City police to implement the plan. But beforehand some people exposed the plan to a member of Ms. Qu Yanyan's family, and her relative paid a large sum of money to Daqing City police to make them drop the plan.
Ms. Chuai Cuijun Sentenced to Five Year Prison Term for Passing Out Leaflets - Four of Her Family Members Arrested for Appealing to Tangshan Court in Hebei Province
2007-05-04On April 12th, 2007, practitioners Ms. Chen and Ms. Chuai were sentenced to four and five years in prison, respectively. Four family members of Ms. Chuai Cuijun, along with some of Chen Baihe's family members, went to the Quanxi Court to appeal for justice regarding the issue of Ms. Chuai and Chen being sentenced. They asked for their release, but instead they were all arrested by the National Security Team and detained. It was said that the authorities from the 610 Office had planned to detain Ms. Chuai Cuijun and Chen Baihe until late 2008 in the name of "securing the safety of the Olympic games in 2008."
Mr. Cui Xin from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Secretly Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2007-05-01Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cui Xin was arrested at home on December 22nd, 2006 by state security agents and policemen from Hulan District Police Department. Police officers took away his printer and several hundred copies of leaflets exposing the persecution, which were used as so-called "evidence" to sentence him to prison. He was recently sentenced to seven years in prison after being detained for four months. His case was apparently handled by the Hulan District Court. The Harbin City Middle Court judge determined the sentence.
Eight Middle-Aged and Elderly Women Arrested for Practising Falun Gong Exercises in Private Home
2007-04-29Ms. Cao Fengying is a Falun Dafa practitioner. On April 5th, 2007, police officers from the Wanquan County 610 Office and the National Security Division arrested her and ransacked her home. They also took away seven others who were practising Falun Gong at her home at the time, most of whom were new practitioners who had just started practising Falun Dafa. An elderly woman in her 70s was so scared that she fainted on the spot.
Exposing the Crimes of Zhangjiakou City (Hebei Province) 610 Office Agents
2007-04-29On April 5th, 2006, some Falun Gong practitioners put up exposing the persecution on their way to the Zhangjiakou City Wangjiazhai Public Cemetery and the Xiaoxinzhuang Funeral Home. Practitioners displayed banners to mourn for fellow practitioners who had been killed in the persecution. The local 610 Office agents were greatly alarmed by these banners and conducted widespread searches and arrests of seven local practitioners. These practitioners were secretly sent to a prison to be tortured.
Cao Dong's Sentence Was Based on a Deceitfully Induced Confession
2007-04-26Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cao Dong was sentenced to five years of imprisonment before the 2007 Chinese New Year. Defence lawyers said that the only evidence was a false confession from Mr. Cao, admitting that he had submitted eight articles to a Falun Dafa website. He had been promised release if he confessed, but it was never granted. Mr. Cao Dong met with Edward McMillan-Scot, the European Parliament's Vice President, on May 21st, 2006. Mr. Cao told the Vice President about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Two hours after the meeting, National Security Division agents arrested Mr. Cao.