Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Practitioner Ms. Wang Chunrong from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Is Arrested by the National Security Brigade
2007-03-25On January 19th, 2007, about twenty policemen arrested Dafa practitioner Ms Wang Chunrong. The police surrounded Wang's home and also her husband's shop, where she was arrested. The police stole three computers from the shop, and also took two personal computers from the Wang home. While raiding the home and business, the police also seized Wang's nephew, although he had broken no laws and the police did not have a warrant for his arrest. This latest incident marks the fourth time Wang Chunrong, 53, has been arrested in the past seven years.
610 Office Police Again Arrest Ms. Wang Shupei from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province
2007-03-23At the beginning of 2004, authorities arrested Ms. Wang when she went to a brainwashing centre to ask for the release of practitioners in captivity. The “610 Office” in Zhaoyuan sentenced her to a six-year term of imprisonment. They put her in the Women’s Prison of Shandong Province and severely tortured her both physically and mentally. Two years later, Wang Shupei developed a malignant tumour in her uterus and her life was in danger. She was then allowed to be hospitalised outside the prison in early July 2006. Recently she was arrested again.
Two Hundred Relatives Plan to Sue Police after Practitioner Fu Zhenmin is Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-22When driving his own car on February 8th, Mr. Fu Zhenmin was reported to police by villagers and arrested . On February 25th, with no trial or evidence, Tong and Sun sentenced Fu Zhenmin to one year of forced-labour in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp on the grounds of "spreading Falun Gong material", which he did not. Fu Zhenmin's relatives are very concerned about his safety and protest his unjust imprisonment. They plan to sue police officers for knowingly violating the law.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Gao Weiling of Beijing Has Been Detained by Shunyi County Police for Six Months
2007-03-19National Security officers and a gang of policemen, suddenly surrounded the home of practitioner Ms. Gao Weiling. This happened on August 31st, 2006. Because Ms. Gao and her husband (a non-practitioner) refused to open the door, Xiao Changjun found someone from the local community office and pried open their door in broad daylight. They arrested Ms. Gao and confiscated many items from their home. The police first sent Ms. Gao to the Shunyi Brainwashing Centre. They planned to forcefully "reform" her, but they failed. Then they sent her to the Nihe Detention Centre.
Ms. Xuan Hehua from Yuanlin County, Hunan Province Forced to Become Homeless
2007-03-18In July 2005, Ms. Xuan Hehua, 55 years old, was arrested by local police when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and was held in the local detention centre for 15 days. In March 2006, Ms. Xuan was reported to the police when she sent the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to officials of her work unit. On May 16th, 2006, police got Ms. Xuan out of her bed to arrest her. She received a suspended trial and an announcement that the local prosecutor was suing her four months later.
Employee of French Company PCM Arrested in Beijing
2007-03-16He was supposed to take part in a managers’ meeting of the French company PCM on March 14th, in Angers, France but Ma Jian, manager in charge of the PCM Beijing office, selling oil pumps, was arrested on February 28th in Beijing as he was working. The witnesses present during the arrest say they saw six plain clothes policemen arriving and asking for Ma Jian. After a heated discussion with the employees, the policemen remained alone with Ma Jian in his office. Then he disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown.
More Facts about the Persecution in Jiangbei District, Chongqing City
2007-03-16Ms. Huang Zehan is a retired teacher in her 60's. While taking an early morning stroll on February 1st she was arrested by a few police officers. She demanded to know why she was arrested. Seeing that some bystanders were watching, one officer said that it was because she was taking illegal drugs. Ms. Huang immediately denied this, saying, "I don't take drugs, I am a Falun Gong practitioner." She then proceeded to say how good Falun Gong is. The officers put a bag over her head, and dragged her into a van. She was then taken to the Yuzhongqu Detention Centre. On February 6th, Ms. Huang was sentenced to two years of forced labour and sent to Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. She refused to submit to the detention and escaped from the camp on February 16th.
Three of Mr. Cao Jiwei's Relatives Arrested by 610 Office Head When Requesting a Family Visit
2007-03-11On the afternoon of February 22nd, 2007, police arrested practitioners Mr. Li Zhenfang and Mr. Cao Jiwei. The police confiscated 5,800 yuan. Policeman Wang Jinshi cruelly beat Mr. Cao Jiwei. He pulled his hair, slapped his face, and stepped on his hand and ground it into the gravel. At about 9:00 a.m. on March 1st, Mr. Cao's elderly mother, his wife, and his elder sister went to the home of Wang Fucai, the head of the 610 Office, requesting a family visit with Mr. Cao Jiwei. Wang did not open the door. Instead he called police officer Dai Chunjie from the Political and Security Section. Dai Chunjie beat and arrested them.
Mr. Xie Mingyi in Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2007-03-11Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xie Mingyi was sentenced to eight years in prison. On February 13th, 2007, Xie Mingyi's wife received a notice that Xie Mingyi was secretly sentenced for "violating the execution of law." He would not accept the sentence and has already appealed to the higher court. The CCP's arrest and sentencing of Dafa practitioner Xie Mingyi greatly pained his family and friends. Villagers who knew the truth got very angry and all spoke out for justice, "He did nothing wrong." Xie Mingyi's wife takes care of their two young children while struggling to maintain a normal life.
Mr. Yang Jianju, Ms. Shen Yuehong and 10-Month-Old Baby Arrested in Xuchang City, Henan Province for Practising Falun Gong
2007-03-09On January 21st, 2007, practitioners Mr. Yang Jianjun and his wife, Ms. Shen Yuehong were arrested by police in Xuchang City. The police snatched Ms Shen's 10-month-old baby from her arms. Ms. Shen and her baby were sent to a brainwashing centre. Now they are homeless. In the past few years, Mr. Yang and Ms. Shen's parents and other relatives have also been persecuted and their homes searched. This has led to the deaths of three older members of their family.
Older Hong Kong Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua Sentenced to Three-year Prison Term - Her Relatives Also Persecuted
2007-03-0858-year-old Ms Zeng Aihua is a steadfast Dafa practitioner. During her nine months of detention, she refused to wear a prison uniform, never wrote a guarantee statement promising to give up the practice of Falun Gong, never signed any interrogation records, and never provided any information of other Dafa practitioners to the authorities. Because of this she was subjected to torture. Severely short-sighted, her glasses were taken away when she was first sent to the detention centre. She was forced to labour for long periods of time and her eyesight deteriorated significantly. On February 12th, 2007, the Pudong New District Court in Shanghai sentenced Ms. Zeng Aihua to a 3-year prison term.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Bo and Family Refuse to Accept Unjust Sentence - Appeal Stalled
2007-03-08Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Bo was charged with "using x cult to sabotage the administration of law" and sentenced to five years in prison on February 2nd, 2007. Her father Wang Xinzhong and mother Liu Shuqin were sentenced to four years in prison with the same charge. Wang Bo and her parents refused to accept the unjust verdict. They appealed with the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court before February 10th, yet they are still waiting for the court to file the case.
Police Arrest People and Ransack Homes; A Mother Loses Her Daughter Again
2007-03-07Practitioner Wang Liqiu's mother Su, 74 years old, used to have a happy family. Her oldest daughter Wang Liqiu and her youngest daughter practised Falun Dafa and benefited the whole family. After the persecution started in 1999, the two daughters went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but they were arrested and sent to forced labour camps. The youngest daughter was released when they persecuted her to the brink of death, and Ms. Wang Liqiu was also reduced to skin and bones when they released her. In the past eight years, Ms. Su's family has never been whole.
Mr. Li Jizhong of Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province Persecuted
2007-03-06On December 27th, 2006, Mr. Li Jizhong, 28, was arrested by police and taken to a detention centre. On January 4th, 2007, Mr. Li was released because he protested the persecution by going on a hunger strike for eight days without water and he was in serious condition. On February 5th Mr. Li went to the city's 610 Office to ask for the return of his personal property, which the officials had taken after ransacking his home; instead he was arrested on the spot and taken to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. His wife is living in difficultly with their four-year-old daughter.
Ms. Luo Xirong from Wuhan, Hubei Province Arrested Again
2007-03-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Xirong, in her 50s, live was arrested while exposing the truth of the persecution and telling people the facts of Falun Dafa in Wuhan City on February 4th, 2007. She was taken to the Wujiashan Women's Detention Centre on the afternoon of the same day. On the afternoon of the next day, the Huangpi District 610 Office Head ransacked her home. In the seven and a half years of persecution, Ms. Luo has cumulatively been detained for more than 600 days, which has caused both her family and herself deep pain, both mentally and physically.