Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Jiang Zemin's National Security Department Starts to Investigate Falun Gong Practitioners' Relatives
2003-10-21Recently, the branch of Jiang Zemin's national security department in a northern city started to collect information about Falun Gong practitioners' relatives, their relatives' employers and their home phone numbers. Apparently it has something to do with the lawsuit overseas that is charging Jiang with genocide. The national security department is trying to figure out the practitioners who have overseas relatives and block the channels that might be used for the delivery of evidence about the persecution.
Institutionalized Corruption in Hebei Province: Bazhou City Policemen Accumulate Illicit Money in the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2003-10-14Once the corrupt police received a fine of 5,000 Yuan from a Falun Gong practitioner surnamed Chen of Chengguan Town and others, they straight away split up the money in the Political and Security Section office. After they split up the money, one of the police argued, just like a common thief,:"How come you have so much money, but only give me so little?" One of the leaders replied:"You only have that much! How many days have been here! If you want it, just take it, otherwise you have nothing. Don't you know the Party has no say in this matter..." They nearly started a brawl over an uneven share of the illicit money. This is what Falun Gong practitioners witnessed.
Relatives of Jilin City Practitioners Are Arrested
2003-10-11Police said: "If you are not a practitioner, then swear at their Master." Ma Hongjuan replied, "I won't! Why should I swear at anyone?" The police replied: "Well then, just repeat after me. I will swear, and you imitate me." This action by the so-called "people's police" was shameless to the extreme. Ma Hongjuan refused to cooperate , so they began asking the couple's 5-year-old child, "Does your mother practise Falun Gong?" However, they did not get any answer.
Questionnaire Slandering Falun Dafa Meets Resistance in Weifang City Schools
2003-10-09Recently the Kuiwen District Education Bureau of Weifang City, Shandong Province conducted a prize-awarding survey, requesting that each student answer a set of questions. All the questions are designed to blacken the name of Falun Gong and its founder.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Secretely Abducted by Police in Shijiazhuang City
2003-10-05After practitioner Wang Chenbiao was forced to leave home at the end of September 2001, Changan police have been closely monitoring his family by way of tapping into their phones, abducting family members etc. At the end of July this year, Wang Chenbiao was secretly taken away and is currently being held within the Shijiazhuan City district. Police at the Changan Police station admitted their involvement in this case.
More Than Ten Relatives of a Dafa Practitioner Kidnapped
2003-10-01In the prison, his cousin was so brutally beaten by the policemen that he cried out pitifully to the next room: "Father, help!" His father, who was detained in the next room, cried back: "My child, I have no way to help you!" The boyfriend of his sister is a newly graduated student from the Policemen University of Henan Province and had not been assigned a position yet [in China, the government arranges jobs for newly graduated university students]. The policemen in the prison threatened him: "You will never have a job arranged for you if you can't find Shi Dongxin!"
Chengdu City Retired Female Senior Engineer Kidnapped and Brutally Tortured by Lawless Policemen
2003-10-01But not more than half an hour after she arrived home, lawless policemen and officials of the "610 office" broke into and illegally searched her house. They arrested her and took her to Chengdu City Detention Centre, and tried many times to force her to write a guarantee. However, Ms. Li didn't cooperate with this unjust demand at all. Then they expressed their intent to send Li Binnan and several other practitioners to the Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp in Zizhong City for further persecution.
Heartless Shangzhi City Police Arrest Nursing Practitioner Mother Leaving Baby Unattended at Home
2003-09-26In year of 2000, Officer Song Jiancheng broke into a civilian's house; illegally arrested a female practitioner and sentenced her to a one-year term in a forced labour camp. The female practitioner had a baby at that time and was still nursing. Her husband was working outside and her mother-in-law was in another province. Her little baby was left all alone. The policeman showed no concern for the baby's welfare.
Amoral Police from Yingkou City Extort Huge Sums from Dafa Practitioners
2003-09-24Dafa practitioner Mr. Li worked hard all his life for low wages. When he was arrested for being a practitioner, wicked Chief of Police Wang Hongkui fined him 20,000 yuan, knowing well how poor he was. Li had saved all his life to buy materials to build a home, and Wang Hongkui also confiscated all the lumber. Wang gave the lumber to a relative for the relative to build a house with.
Sichuan Province Elementary School Students Forced to Watch a Movie Defaming Falun Dafa
2003-09-22For the duration of the movie, several people guarded every exit. They asked students to stay put even if students didn't want to watch. The evil people twisted one student's ears and slapped his face when he walked out of the theatre. The student was so frightened that he cried. To make it worse, upon returning to the school, the students were forced to write down their impressions after watching the movie.
Chengdu City Practitioners Abducted and Detained Under Extended Terms
2003-09-22After July 22, 1999, the police often went to their company, their residence and Chen's in-laws' home to harass them, disturbing their peaceful life. In March 2001, Chen and his wife were abducted and held in the Jinjiang District brainwashing centre. Chen Yingjun's hands ended up bleeding because the police forcefully handcuffed him.
Shuangcheng City Female Dafa Practitioner Suffers Injustices During Illegal Arrest
2003-09-13Practitioner Gao Guofeng resisted with all her strength. Gao's husband struggled with the police to protect his wife. Her two sons also came and asked the police for the reason (for the arrest). The police said, "She has to come with us because she practises Falun Gong. There is no other reason. We only follow orders from the higher authority." Then they tried to drag her into the police car. Under both her sons' protection, the police failed to take her away. One police officer left while three other stayed to watch over Ms. Gao.
Beijing Police Forcibly Abduct Practitioner Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-09-11Police Chief Bai Jinlong, came to the house of Dafa practitioner Yu Huiqin and tried to take her away by force. Yu Huiqin resisted with her righteous thoughts and righteous actions. Shortly after, about seven or eight policemen led by Detention Centre Police Chief Xia Yongkun clambered over Yu's garden wall and entered her yard. They crashed through windows and smashed down the door to gain entry into Yu's house. Without showing any identification, the policemen seized Yu Huiqin and dragged her away. Nobody knows where she was taken.
Retired Lady Abducted for Practising Falun Gong; Her Daughter and Son-in-law Unjustly Arrested for Attempting to Protect Her
2003-09-06Together, three or four police dragged her out. Ms.Cao was very strong and brave. She kept clarifying the truth to more than a hundred people who were standing nearby. Her daughter could no longer tolerate the police illegally arresting her mother, so she went to the police car to prevent the police from putting her mother in the car. The police, with total disregard for the law or human decency, immediately arrested her daughter. When her son-in-law tried to protect his wife, the police arrested him as well. Neither her daughter nor son-in-law are Falun Gong practitioners.
Report from the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" Reveals Chinese Government Lies -- Official Government Media Seriously Violate Basic Reporting Principles and Professi
2003-09-06A group called the "Tiananmen Self-immolation Investigation Committee" under the auspices of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) made an important discovery through their publicly reported analysis and investigation of the Tiananmen self-immolation incident. They have published the second part of this investigative report regarding this incident. The complete report can be found on The report reveals at least 14 contradictory and blatantly bogus plots and fake witness accounts cited in the government report.