Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Chongqing City Police Chief Illegally Detains and Extorts Money from Over a Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-04Zhang and his accomplices continuously extort substantial amounts of money from practitioners. Zhang pries out the financial status of arrested practitioners, and threatens to send them to labour camps. In his original words: "I can send a person to hell (meaning 'sending to a labour camp') or to heaven (meaning 'not sending to a labour camp.')" By doing this, Zhang and his accomplices have illegally extorted over 350,000 Yuan from practitioners and families via bonds, fines, confiscations, etc. In a county like Tongnan that is known for its poverty, Zhang uses persecuting Falun Gong to help obtain promotions and make a fortune out of it.
The Crimes of National Security Brigade Captain Gong Chuanxing against Dafa Practitioners in Chifeng City
2004-02-01Policemen from the National Security Brigade left nothing in the Suns' home untouched, and the floor was strewn with objects the police had thrown around. These policemen kept cursing and uttering nothing but profanities while they ransacked the Sun's house, and they then knocked down the wardrobe. Finally, the police abducted Mr. and Mrs. Sun, and left their 13-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son alone at home with no one to care for them.
Cheng Rulin is Tortured and Sentenced to 14 Years; His Family is Financially Devastated by Police Extortion
2004-01-24Mr. Cheng Rulin, 41, is a resident of Luqiao Town. Since Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, officials from the "610 Office" in Luqiao Town, constantly paid him visits and harassed him, day and night, for no reason. Even the neighbours were not able to rest well because of this. In the two years from July 1999 to 2000, Cheng Rulin and his wife were illegally detained many times and paid a total of more than ten thousand Yuan in fines.
The Crimes Committed by Wang Shuchun from the Taian City "610 Office"
2004-01-14Over the past four years, out of loyalty to Jiang Zemin's Regime, Wang Shuchun has carried out Jiang's genocidal policy of "ruin Falun Gong practitioners' reputations, devastate them financially and destroy them physically." Under Wang's plotting and conniving, with his instructions and direct participation, hundreds of practitioners were monitored, abducted and detained. Over a dozen Dafa practitioners were sent to labour camps, two were sentenced, numerous practitioners were fined and their homes were searched.
Investigation Report (II) of the Zhejiang Beggar Murder Case -- Family and Local People Confirm Chen Fuzhao's Psychosis
2004-01-13On June 26 2003, there was a series of murder cases of beggars using poison in Cangnan Town, Wenzhou, Zhejiang. After media reported high-ranking officials including the Public Security Minister Zhou Yongkang and the Provincial Officials in Zhejiang gave instructions to these cases, on July 2, Xinhua News Agency carried an article by Lu Jin in which this case was said to be "done with an investigation" and it was "suspected that it was a Falun Gong follower." Our findings showed that this case may well be another excuse made up at the order of high ranking officials in the Public Security Ministry to try to justify the persecution of Falun Gong.
How Many More Families Like Ours Are Being Persecuted?
2004-01-12My family then paid the money to the labour camp in exchange for my mum's release. However, the labour camp officials didn't release my mother as they promised. Two weeks later, the local police notified us that my mum was at the police station and could be released to us for an additional amount of 3,000 yuan. My family was really angry at their blatant corruption, yet had no choice but to pay them the money in hopes of reuniting my mother with the family. Those local officials! They don't help or serve the local people but instead take every opportunity to extort money from good people for their personal gain.
Names of Officials Responsible for the Torture and Extortion of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Nanyang City
2004-01-11Staff members from Nanyang City Political and Legal Committee "610 Office" have held many brainwashing sessions to persecute and extort money from practitioners. Every time a brainwashing session was held, the executive officers would appropriate large amounts of public money for the operation of such sessions. These funds are hard-earned money paid by the people of the district. However, on top of these extensive funds the brainwashing facility staff members force practitioners to pay 30 yuan in the name of room and board even though they are detained against their wishes and do not volunteer for these classes.
Despicable Acts Towards Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xu Junshan
2004-01-06On the morning of April 27, 2001, the Xingtai Public Security Bureau and the Special Case Investigation Group again came to Junshan's home. This time they did not find him at home. Not satisfied, they abducted his daughter as a hostage, even though neither Junshan's son nor daughter practised Falun Gong. Junshan's wife had to ask people who had connections with the police to secure the release of their daughter after more than two days of detention and another 1,000 yuan in extortion fees. But the harassment did not end there.
The Persecution of Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Chen Guoyou's Family (Part 2)
2004-01-05Chen Ji was released from the camp in April 2002. He asked his work unit to return his ID card and asked to be returned to his former post. The director, Tian De, pushed the responsibility to the "610 Office" and would only allow Chen Ji to return to his post if he would sign statements promising not to practise Falun Gong and expressing regret over practising in the past. Faced with no other choice, Chen Ji had to take an outside job.
Facts about Daqing City Brainwashing Centre: Two Million Yuan Used to Persecute the Innocent
2004-01-05Shocking facts: As of December 2003, at least 24 Dafa practitioners whose names can be verified through civil channels were tortured to death in Daqing City. That is 18% of all torture deaths or deaths as a result of torture in Heilongjiang Province, and ranks only behind Harbin City, in which 27 practitioners were tortured to death or died as a result of torture. That makes Daqing City one of the areas with the most severe Falun Dafa persecution in China. Daqing City's government and the Party secretary are exclusively responsible for this persecution.
Running Brainwashing Classes - A Way to Make Money for the Party in Fujian Province
2004-01-04Although they have the finances in hand, they still force Falun Gong practitioners' workplaces to pay anywhere from one to two thousand yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. The surplus funds go into the committee officials' own pockets as "bonuses." Once someone in the brainwashing classes yields, these officials demand that his or her employer hold all kinds of conferences for the purpose of getting credit from higher-level officials.
Jinan City Brainwashing Centre's Actions Reveal the Senselessness of the Persecution
2003-12-23The security guard went to talk to the officer in charge. He came back seething with anger and said: "It's too absurd! I told them that I did not commit any crime and they have no reason to hold me here. My mother's life is in imminent danger. I have to take care of her. But they refuse to let me go. I told them that I will sue them. They said 'You go ahead to sue us if you dare.' They told me that I have to find another person from my factory to substitute for me if I want to get out of here, and that otherwise I have to be detained here with the Falun Gong practitioners."
Dafa Practitioner and Her Brother Abducted While Visiting Their Mother in Zhengzhou City Prison
2003-12-22Under the pressure of all the threats, no relatives dared to accommodate Yanli. Yanli lost her residence after the school expelled her; and she could not gain residence at home because the Dongsan Road Police Station refused to accept her application because she practised Dafa. Yanli's ailing father was unable to suffer any more hardship and coercion; he passed away on December 2, 2002 at only 54, leaving his 13-year-old son who was being cared for by Yanli's uncle. A good family was destroyed.
Twenty Practitioners Arrested by the "610 Office" in Shiyan City
2003-12-18In late August 2003, following large-scale efforts by practitioners to expose the persecution, the authorities established a 'Law Education Base' (brainwashing centre) to be headed by the deputy secretary of the City Political and Judiciary Committee and the "610 Office" director, Lu Jinchang. They had the City Criminal Police Branch leader and the assistant director of the "610 Office," Zhu Bangyi, lead policemen to convert hotels and motels into bases for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Police arrested dozens of practitioners, sent them to a labour camp, detained, or forced them to go to a brainwashing centre.
Heilongjiang Province: Corrupt Police Frame and Arrest a Woman then Send Her Son to a Nursing Home
2003-12-16On October 28, 2003, Ju Qingsong, together with another policeman name Fu, broke into the house of practitioner Li Xiuqin when she was not there. Li's neighbour witnessed the break-in. They did not find anything in her home, so they planted a bag of materials in her room. When Li came back home, the police arrested her. A policeman went into her room and took out the bag of Dafa flyers. The police told people that she was arrested when she was distributing flyers outside. The police then sent her 11-year-old child to the local nursing home. The child did not want to go there and cried nonstop. The local Director of the Residential Committee also shed tears. However, the policemen, who were only interested in making money by catching Falun Gong practitioners, and had no sympathy at all.