Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Jilin Province: Songan City Police Kidnap and Sentence a Mentally Disabled Person to a Forced Labour Camp
2003-12-12Ms. Meng's daughter Li Li was not a Falun Gong practitioner, because she suffers from a mental disorder. However, without any mercy, the police sentenced Li Li to one year in a forced labour camp and Ms. Meng to two years. As a result, Li Li's mental condition has deteriorated, and it has brought tremendous suffering to the family. All the neighbours have denounced the police's brutality. In persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, Jiang Zemin's followers never consider the law, let alone humanitarian concerns.
Heilongjiang Province: Chinese Citizens Call the State Security Bureau in Daqing City "Shameless"
2003-12-10Around 5:00 a.m. on September 6, 2002, the Head of the State Security Bureau in Daqing City, Mr. Lin Shaojun, led a large squad of police officers to the outside of the apartment building where Dafa practitioners Mr. and Mrs. Guan Zhaoqi resided, attempting to abduct them from their home. Mr. Guan Zhaoqi refused to open the door of the apartment building, so Lin Shaojun called to Mr. Guan from the ground floor, "Open the door. We did not come to arrest you. We noticed that there was a water leak from the roof, so we want to help you repair the roof." Upon hearing such a ridiculous lie, many residents in the apartment building began to reproach Mr. Lin out loud, "Trust an idiot to run the State Security Bureau! It's nobody's business whether we need to repair our roof!"
Hubei Province: The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City
2003-12-07Recently, Jiang Zemin visited Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Thereafter, a new round of persecution against Dafa practitioners in the Xinzhou area of Wuhan City was initiated....The thugs then searched Mr. Guo's home and really made a mess. In this emergency situation, Mr. Guo's wife ran out of the house and shouted loudly for help. When people in the neighbourhood came, they found that eight men were trying to leave in a hurry. Mrs Zhang realised that something was wrong, rushed into the room and saw that Mr. Guo was lying on the floor and there was blood all over his body, face and the floor. The neighbours carried him to a bed, but when they couldn't stop his bleeding, the family rushed Mr. Guo to the emergency room of the People's Hospital of Xinzhou District. But his injuries were too severe and he was pronounced dead at 8:00 pm on October 31, 2003.
Taiwanese Resident Doing Business In China Forced to Sign a Guarantee Letter Because of a Sitting Meditation Photo in an Advertisement
2003-12-06However, because of this picture, several employees of the company were sent to the Public Security Bureau and were detained for a long time. In the end, under pressure from the Public Security Bureau, they were forced to sign a letter guaranteeing that they have nothing to do with Falun Gong before they could be released. There are no Falun Gong practitioners in the company. However, even this law abiding company was not able to escape from this type of harassment. These types of actions on the part of the Public Security Bureau in China, which violate people's human rights, have chilled the hearts of the Taiwanese doing business in China.
Senseless Violence Against Falun Dafa Practitioners in Hunan Province
2003-11-27After arresting Dafa practitioners, they tell their families, "Pay to get them out, otherwise, we will send them to the forced labour camp or to prison!" Oftentimes, about five or six Dafa practitioners are abducted at once, and their families are forced to pay for their release. The authorities never give the reason for these extortions or issue any receipts. Many Falun Dafa practitioners' families have had to suffer a great deal in order to scrape together or borrow the money, and they have travelled very long distances to pay the extortion fees to release their family members.
A Blind Man Says "Falun Dafa is Good!" And Receives A One Year Prison Sentence
2003-11-27In 2001 he went to City Hall to appeal his job situation. At that time there were many people appealing at City Hall. When he started talking about Falun Gong with the people around him, he said frankly, "Falun Gong is good. They (practitioners) are very kind. Even in the face of the persecution they have always been kind. If all the peasants practised Falun Gong, we wouldn't need any other regulations." When he was overheard making this statement, police put him in the detention centre for more than 10 days. They then ransacked his house and sentenced him to a ludicrous sentence of year and a half of prison.
Huludao City Police Round Up Practitioners For Brainwashing
2003-11-25On October 22, 50-year-old Mr. Zhang Dongxue was taken to the Xingcheng Brainwashing Centre by Lianshan Police Station officers. After a day and a night of torture, he was vomiting blood. The "610 Office" was afraid that he might die at the brainwashing centre so they took him home, demanding a deposit of 2,000 Yuan, which the Zhang's family refused to pay. Over a year ago, Mr. Zhang Wenxue was fined over 10,000 Yuan by the police. Ms. Ru Yuehong, from Lianshan District, along with several other practitioners, was taken to Xingcheng Brainwashing Centre. The local police are still furiously rounding up practitioners.
Policeman Separates a Mother From Her Newborn Baby
2003-11-25Policeman Song Jiancheng once intruded into a private residence by climbing over a barrier in the winter of 2000. He kidnapped a female Dafa practitioner and illegally sentenced her to one year of labour education. This female Dafa practitioner's child was very small and still being breast-fed at the time. Her husband was working away from home and her mother-in-law was in another province. Nobody was left at home to take care of the little baby.
Witness Reveals Mr. Li Rongxian's Death Resulting From Abuse in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-23To cover up their crime, the camp authorities sent Li's body to Jiutai City Hospital. When his wife and relatives came to make the funeral arrangements, the camp authorities publicly lied by claiming that Mr. Li had suffered a cardiac arrest and died in Jiutai Hospital. Mrs. Li and his relatives are still unaware of the real cause of his death.
Three Practitioners Abducted By Police in Shenzhen City
2003-11-20Li Wei, a Falun Dafa practitioner, worked for the Police Station of Shenzhen Airport and was once awarded as one of the "Ten Top Police Officers of the City." He had just been released after being jailed for over a year for not giving up Falun Dafa. On July 30, he was again abducted by the airport police station. His whereabouts is currently unknown.
Outstanding Teacher from Describes How She Has Been Persecuted
2003-11-10After the illegal labour reform forced on me since July 2000 ended, I went to the school and asked for my job back. I said to the principal: "I am a working teacher and the classroom is my work place. I did not do anything wrong by practicing truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. Why won't you let me come back to work?" The principal got very mad at me, "Even now you still think this way, how can you come back to work?!"...I found the secretary and asked him for my job back. The secretary told me the school does need a teacher like me, but I would have to write a guarantee letter saying that I will never practise Falun Gong again. I refused immediately
Dehui City Police Extort 10,000 Yuan from Practitioner and Sentence Him to 2 Years Forced Labour
2003-11-04They told her: "You just stay home and wait for the news from him." Several days later, she heard the outrageous news from her husband that he had been sentenced to two years of forced labour. This means that she had spent the money in vain, but she was never able to get it back. Such extortion manifests the policy of the "610 Office", "bankrupt them financially."
The Abduction and Shooting of Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Liu Chengjun
2003-11-03The police was afraid that if Liu Chengjun were burned to death, their superior would blame them, so they dragged him out of the pile. His face, buttocks, the back of his hands and feet were injured, especially the back of his hands. The police stripped off all of his clothes except his underpants. The police handcuffed and shackled him. One officer pulled out a gun and shot him twice in the thigh, shouting, "Now where are you going to hide?" Another police officer shouted hysterically, "Beat him to death!"
First Husband Tortured to Death, Now Wife Forcibly Abducted by Police in Shijiazhuang City
2003-11-02Within a year of her husband's unjust death, his wife was abducted. Now only the elderly parents and their children are left behind and without anyone to care for them. Not only have husband and wife suffered many torments. Many family members have been affected. The Jiang Zemin regime has destroyed another peaceful and loving family.
Dafa Practitioner Arrested, His Pregnant Wife Beaten by Chongqing City Police
2003-11-01When the police went to arrest him, his wife tried to stop them, but these heartless policemen beat her even though they knew she was pregnant. This aroused indignation among the local residents, but despite the people's appeal, the police carried Mr. Tian and his wife away.