Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Mr. Xu Xiangzhi and Mr. Zhao Yunlong from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Sentenced to Forced Labour
2011-07-01Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Xu Xiangzhi and Mr. Zhao Yunlong were arrested and sentenced to forced labour by police. Both of them were previously arrested in April 2007. They were sent to Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp for two years of forced labour. In the labour camp, closely monitored, inhumanely tortured for over three months, and forced to do slave labour. When Mr. Xu was released 17 months later, his hair had turned white and he had become thin and scrawny. He looked as if he had aged 20 years.
Ms. Wang Hongxia and Two Other Practitioners Arrested in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2011-07-01Ms. Wang Hongxia and two other Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 9th at their home. The authorities lied to the public about the reason behind their arrest, and took a large number of their personal belongings. The three practitioners' whereabouts are still unknown. Since the onset of the persecution in 1999, Ms. Wang has been subjected to two forced labour terms. She was forced to sit in the cross-legged position for 17 hours, and tortured on a "tiger bench" for more than twenty days. Her family was also implicated, and under severe harassment and pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, her husband divorced her.
A Young Couple's Journey: Zhou Xiangyang's Fiancee Appeals Seven Years for His Release
2011-06-30I submitted my love story to Zhiyin magazine for publication. Initially the magazine was interested in my story, but then quickly changed their mind after they learned why my fiance was being persecuted. I met with my fiance Zhou Xiangyang only three times before he was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment. Over that time I have waited and appealed for him for seven years amidst much pressure from both society and our families. Soon I too was arrested and sentenced to a forced labour camp for fifteen months for appealing for my husband. My fiance was tortured in many heinous ways over a period of four months. His feet were shackled to a metal ring, his hands were cuffed to shackles on the concrete floor, and he was shocked with electric batons continually for days.
Shijiazhuang Practitioner Mr. Geng Xiangfeng Arrested By Beijing Police
2011-06-30Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Geng Xiangfeng was arrested on May 26th, 2011 by police. The police confiscated Mr. Geng’s computer, a CD and several Falun Gong books in his house. They never informed Mr. Geng’s family about his arrest. Mr. Geng’s relatives in Beijing were unable to reach him by phone. They did not know that he had been missing for several days. His relatives looked for him in different places and finally found out that he has been held in Daxing Detention Centre.
Ms. Liu Ruanping from Henan Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2011-06-30Despite the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Liu Ruanping persevered in her belief and kept talking to people about facts of the persecution. At the beginning of June 2006, agents from the Boai 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) ransacked her home. Ms. Liu was not present at the time. However, Li Yinghao, Sun Lujun and other police officers kept returning to her home to find her. Ms. Liu had little choice but to leave home to avoid being arrested. however she was arrested in 2007 and sentenced to seven years in Xinxiang Women’s Prison.
Song Zhiyu Arrested and Taken to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; His Wife and Friend Detained for Helping Him
2011-06-29Mr. Song Zhiyu, a Falun Gong practitioner, was detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for two years. He had only been released for three months when he was arrested again in December 2010 while staying in a hotel in Beijing on a business trip. Then he was taken to Hailar in Inner Mongolia. He was tried on April 14th and again in mid-May 2011. Song Zhiyu's wife is Zhang Hong. Just after the couple registered to be married, he was arrested and their wedding ceremony had to be cancelled. Zhang Hong was also arrested and is in the Hailar Detention Station.
Assistant Professor at Hunan Finance Institute Detained for Over 50 Days, Eight Others Arrested
2011-06-29On April 28th, police broke into over 60-year-old Ms. Xiong Xiaolan's home. Xiong was taken away, along with her eight guests. The nine were arrested because they practise Falun Gong. Although no legal procedures were followed, Gao Desi, Xiong Xiaolan, and the rest were sent to a brainwashing centre run by the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Each practitioner was confined in a small room about 10 sq. metres. The practitioners lost their personal freedom. Meals had to be sent in by their monitors. They were not allowed to leave their rooms or do the Falun Gong exercises in the room.
Two Practitioners Detained and Sentenced for Putting Up Posters
2011-06-29On June 14th, the court held a trial in which Mr. Zhang Jianping and Mr. Wei Xiang, were prosecuted for putting up several Falun Gong posters in the West Lake District on November 28th, 2010. When the practitioners were detained they were not allowed to meet with their families. Their homes were ransacked, and their Falun Gong books were confiscated. They were also detained because they accessed the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom), and downloaded and printed materials for distribution that detailed the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
A Mother's Cry for Justice
2011-06-28My son Zhou Xiangyang was sentenced to nine years in prison because he believes in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and wants to be a good person. He is imprisoned at Gangbei Prison in Tianjin, where he was tortured with electric batons, beaten, had poured cold water over him, endured a torture method called “Solitary Room and Ground Anchor," and more. He was in critical condition several times. On July 28th, 2009, officials from Gangbei Prison told me to pick him up from prison, because he was released on medical parole. Before he could completely recover, they arrested him again at home and took him back to Gangbei Prison on March 5th, 2011. Currently, he is extremely weak, has lumps in his abdomen, chest pain, hematuria, and other ailments.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Chunzi Arrested, Her Whereabouts Unknown
2011-06-27Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Chunzi returned to Nanjing on May 5th after visiting her parents in Jiangning. Right around this time, she was arrested by police officer Xiao Ningjian from Nanjing National Security Team. Xiao Ningjian called Ms. Zhou's family, claiming to need help from Zhou Chunzi in investigating a case, and promising that she would be back in a few days. He asked the family to keep it a secret. Over a month has passed and Zhou has still not returned home, and her family doesn't know her whereabouts.
Practitioner Ms. Liu Yujing Arrested by Officers from Shixhong District Branch of Jinan Police Department
2011-06-27On November 16th, 2010, officers from the Shizhong District branch of the Jinan City Police Department in Shandong Province arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yujing at home. She was detained and put on trial at the Shizhong District Court on May 6th. Her husband and her daughter, Ms. Tian Guangqing, were not allowed inside the courtroom. When Ms. Tian attempted to file a letter of complaint about the arrest, detention, and trial of her mother, Zhang Jisheng, chief of the Accusation Appeals Office of the Procuratorate, refused to accept it, saying that an “internal document” prohibited the office from accepting cases related to Falun Gong practitioners.
After Being Arrested Over Thirty Times for Practising Falun Gong Exercises Publicly, Ms. Zhu Xiyu Is Persecuted Again
2011-06-25Ms. Zhu Xiyu is a Falun Gong practitioner from Yanji City, Jilin Province. She has persisted in publicly practising Falun Gong exercises in the morning at Jindalai Square for many years, and she has been persecuted by the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) over and over again. Ms. Zhu has been arrested about 30 times for publicly practising the exercises at Jindalai Square during the past 12 years, since the communist regime started its persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. Ms. Zhu received a written indictment on May 25th from the Yanji City Procuratorate.
Mr. Han Yu in Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province Arrested
2011-06-25On June 13th, a dozen of so police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Han Yu after forcing their way into his home. The officers dragged Mr. Han out of bed, handcuffed him, and took him away without letting him put on a jacket or shoes. His wife and daughter tried to reason with the officers. The officers pushed them around and threatened to arrest the daughter. The police took Mr. Han to the Liaozhong County Police Department then to the Liaozhong County Detention Centre. They went to the detention centre to ask for his release. The guards at the gate refused to admit them.
Jiaozhou City Prosecutor Kept Lawyers from Seeing Their Clients
2011-06-23On March 23rd, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Li Yuzhen, Mr. Song Yongzhan, and Ms. Song Guilan, all from Jiaozhou City, and Mr. Yong Zongquan from Wendeng City were arrested and detained. Mr. Li and Mr. Song's families hired lawyers Li and Dong to defend them, but the prosecutor's office gave the lawyers a tough time when they tried to interview their clients.
Ms. Cui Ling, a Teacher from Yunnan Province Sentenced to Imprisonment
2011-06-23Recently, officers from criminal court of Honghe Intermediate Court sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Ling to three years in prison. Ms. Cui commissioned her family to appeal and Yunnan Provincial High Court filed the case for the second time on May 16th. Police arrested Ms. Cui on July 3rd, 2010, when she visited a practitioner in hospital. Police ransacked her home and removed Falun Gong books and leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Ms. Cui was detained in Kaiyuan City Detention Centre.