Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office

  • Ms. Zhang Meilan and Ms. Peng Sufen File Appeal to the Supreme Procuratorate

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Meilan and Ms. Peng Sufen filed a complaint with the Supreme Procuratorate regarding the Yunnan High Court, which sentenced them. The practitioners made banners bearing the following inscriptions, “Falun Gong is Good. Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is Good.” “The World Needs Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.” On the night of October 16th, 2009, they hung the banners on the Kaitong Road New Bridge overpass and near the railroad exit in the Dongchuan District, Kunming. Police subsequently searched their homes before releasing them on bail. The Kunming Middle Court tried them on May 13th, 2010.
  • Eyewitness Account of Abuse and Mistreatment of Professor Zhang Fengqian at a Brainwashing Facility

    Professor Zhang Fengqian from the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University in Guangzhou City lost his ability to think coherently as a result of physical abuse and brainwashing at the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre. A practitioner who was incarcerated at the same facility between May and August 2010, witnessed how Professor Zhang was persecuted, including more than twenty people taking turns monitoring him, tying his limbs to the four corner of a bed for the entire night, and placing him under intensified brainwashing all day long.
  • Mr. Yang Jianpo Seriously Ill Due to Abuse at Jidong Prison--Wife Appeals for His Release

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo was arrested on December 28th, 2010, by police. He was taken to the Jidong Prison that same day. He is extremely emaciated. His wife made an appeal for her husband's release: "My husband had been persecuted numerous times [for his belief in Falun Gong]. He was subjected to forced labour in the Wanzhuang Forced Labour Camp in Langfang City in September 1999. He was then arrested in Tangshan City on the evening of March 30th, 2003, by police. He was tortured to the point of near-death during 38 days of detention. The police eventually told us, his family members, to take him home. "
  • Terminally Ill Practitioner Ms. Yang Guixia Tried by Gaoxin District Daqing City Procuratorate

    Ms. Yang Guixia was arrested by police while she was giving out Falun Gong materials on March 2nd, 2011. Her home was ransacked, and she was tortured during interrogation and detained for nearly two months. Her physical condition deteriorated as a result of the persecution. Ms. Yang's life is in danger. Her family unsuccessfully sought help for her release for two months and are now physically and mentally drained. On April 28th, the Gaoxin District Court went so far as to put her on trial her despite her critical physical condition.
  • Practitioner Ms. Zhu Jinzhong from Shunyi District, Beijing Arrested and Persecuted

    On April 26th, several police and officials broke into the home of practitioner Zhu Jinzhong. They ransacked her home and arrested her. Ms. Zhu was taken to the Tongzhou District Detention Station. In March 2008 (prior to the Beijing Olympics), she was arrested by police and her home was ransacked. She was taken to the Daxing Womens' Labour Camp for two years of forced labour “re-education.” Ms. Zhu refused to give up her Falun Gong practice, so she was taken to the Tumuji Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia to undergo brutal persecution. She was subjected to various torture methods there, including: Hung up, "death bed", electric shock, violent force-feedings, overexposure to the sun, handcuffed, beaten with rubber batons, kicked in sensitive body parts and deprived of the use of the toilet.
  • A Family Under Persecution: Three Brothers from Shandong Province Arrested Again

    On May 13th, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Guo Jiahong, Mr. Guo Jiafu and Mr. Guo Jiasheng, three brothers were taken away from home by officers from the Domestic Security Team. The youngest of the three brothers, Mr. Guo Jiasheng had been previously arrested and detained on October 28th, 2002. Not knowing his son's whereabouts, father Mr. Guo Huiming died from grief and stress on February 11th, 2003. Mr. Guo Jiasheng was later sentenced to ten years in prison in August 2003. His mother Ms. Cui Zhimin could not bear the severe mental anguish and died on December 14th, 2004. The other two brothers were sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour in 2007.
  • Pan Lingyun of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    Practitioner Ms. Pan Lingyun, in her thirties, from Zunyi City in Guizhou Province, was sentenced to three years in prison on March 18th. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel have sent her to a labour camp and a brainwashing centre. Police arrested Ms. Pan Lingyun on November 1st, 2010 on her way home from work. They took her house keys from her bag, barged into her house and confiscated informational materials about Falun Gong and a computer, and then arrested her. They recorded that she had more than 10,000 Falun Gong related items. They took her mother, Ms. Zhao Zhenshu, into custody at the same time. Both mother and daughter were detained in the “learning class,” where they were made to undergo brainwashing and were further persecuted in Banshanshuiku, Zunyi City.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City

    Practitioner Ms. Bai Yun, 61, was taken to the labour camp on February 25th, 2011. Liu Ying and four other guards tortured her on February 28th. They beat her, swore at her, slapped her in the face, kicked her in the abdomen, and electrically shocked her naked body. As a result, Ms. Bai had severe pain in her abdomen and her back was severely injured. She also had a lump on her forehead the size of an egg. After Ms. Bai screamed in pain, guards sealed her mouth with tape and tied her onto the so-called "death bed". She was put on the death bed again on March 9th, and her limbs were stretched out. Because of this torture, Ms. Bai had severe pain in her abdomen and back and could not stand up straight.
  • An Account of the Persecution Suffered by Ms. Zhang Lianying and Her Family, Now in the U.S., and Her Letter to Mr. Scott-McMillan and the European Parliament

    The Communist Party arrested about 10,000 practitioners before the 2008 Olympics Games. More than 20 people died in custody during that time. My husband was sent to the Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Division on May 13th, 2008, where 12 police officers shocked him with ten electric batons. After he lost consciousness they doused him with cold water and resumed the brutality when he came to. I was taken to taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. My mouth was repeatedly cut with the edge of a large spoon; there was blood all over the tile floor. A guard then abraded my bleeding mouth with a coarse rope and clawed my face numerous times. They also force-fed me drugs.
  • Ms. Dong Shulan, 62, from Jilin City Persecuted Multiple Times and Forced to Leave Home

    I have been detained in forced labour camps by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) three times for practising Falun Gong, for over five years in all. In 2006, I was tortured on a "tiger bench" at the police station. Then police handcuffed me and hung me up by my left hand, leaving my feet barely touching the floor. I don't know how much time passed when they came back to get fingerprints from my right hand, and then they hung me up by my right hand and took fingerprints from my left hand. After that they left me hanging by my handcuffs for a long time, then switched to the tiger bench again.
  • Several Practitioners from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province Secretly Imprisoned

    Zhaoyuan City 610 Office officials (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shandong Province, together with other local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, sent five practitioners to Jinan Women’s Prison on April 12th. Zhaoyuan officials held two secret court hearings for the practitioners on December 5th and December 21st, 2010. They prohibited defence attorneys from attending the hearings and did not allow family members to come, either. The practitioners were sentenced to imprisonment with terms ranging from four to eight years.
  • Liao Peimin, In Her Fifties, Arrested and Held at Chengdu City's Jinhua Brainwashing Centre

    Police monitored Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liao Peimin and her daughter over a 24-hour period on April 26th. They also cut off water and electricity to her apartment. The next day, police tricked Ms. Liao into opening the door. A dozen policemen forced their way into her home, grabbed her and dragged her to a waiting vehicle. During the commotion, her daughter yelled: “Help! We're being kidnapped!” A heavy-set policeman wearing glasses slapped her face hard and threatened her. Ms. Liao is currently held at the Chengdu City Jinhua Brainwashing Centre. Since the Chinese communist regime began to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in July 1999, Ms. Liao has been arrested and subjected to brainwashing many times.
  • Zichuan District Court Secretly Sentences Ms. Ma Xifang

    The Zichuan District Court in Zibo City, Shandong Province secretly convened and tried Falun Gong practitioner Ma Xifang on April 12th. During the hearing, Ma Xifang fainted when she heard that her elderly mother had collapsed and was bedridden because she wasn't allowed to see her daughter for such a long time. The hearing was immediately terminated. Police officers arrested Ma Xifang when she was explaining facts about Falun Gong on December 6th, 2010. She was later detained at the Zibo Detention Centre. Her family has not yet been allowed to visit her.
  • Several Falun Gong Practitioners Given Harsh Sentences by the Wuling District Court in Changde City, Hunan Province

    Several Falun Gong practitioners were sentenced for practising Falun Gong by the Wuling District Court in Changde City,on November 4th, 2010. They were Ms. Liu Xianju, sentence of 10 years; Ms. Li Fangyun, 9.5 years; Mr. Wang Xiaohui, 9 years; Mr. Li Haijun, 8.5 years; Mr. Liu Huiping, 7.5 years; Ms. Zeng Lihua, 7 years; Mr. Man Sanqing, 5 years; Ms. Chen Lingci, 3 years. The court didn't even bother to get signatures from those who were sentenced, and the "verdicts" were casually handed out when the trial ended. The practitioners asked that their cases be retried. The Wuling District Court set the new trial date for March 30th, 2011.
  • The 610 Office in Linyi City, Shandong Province Arrests Three Practitioners

    Three practitioners were recently arrested in April by perpetrators from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Linyi City. They are Ms. Li Hua, Mr. Zhang Fengjun and Mr. Ji Zhongsheng. They are currently being held at the Linyi Brainwashing Centre. Meanwhile, practitioner Xu Zengheng’s family was harassed. A total of eight practitioners have been detained at the Linyi Brainwashing Centre.