Individual Accounts
The Police Robbed Me on the Street and Hit Me on the Head with A Shovel, Almost Blinding Me
2006-01-26"I was born in Hebei Province. Because of my belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, the local officials and the police have persecuted me over the past few years. I was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp many times. I was beaten so severely that I almost lost my eyesight. The police stole eight thousand yuan from me in broad daylight. The village head poured petrol on me and threatened, "We will burn you with petrol and call it self-immolation."
Another Witness Steps Forward to Expose the Raping of Falun Gong Women by the Chinese Communist Party's Police
2006-01-21On November 24th, 2005 police stormed into my house and forcibly took me to the police station. There, police officer He Xuejian called practitioner Ms Liu Jizhi to his room. About thirty minutes later Liu Jizhi came out. She fell into my arms, cried and shouted, "Aunt [in China, a courteous way to address women of older age], I don't want to live!" I asked, "What happened?" She said, "He Xuejian raped me." I couldn't believe my ears. I asked her once more, "Really? He did this do you?" She said, "Yes it's true!" She again held me and cried.
Rape Victim Liu Jizhi: The Criminals Have Not Received Punishment, Please Do not Let the Voices of Justice Subside
2006-01-19I am Liu Jizhi, over 50 years old and one of the victims raped by police in Hebei Province. The incident has completely changed my life. As a woman, the experience of being raped was devastating. During 6 years of the persecution, many female practitioners have suffered and are still suffering the same torture and abuse.
My Experience of Being Persecuted with "The Same Song"
2006-01-16On December 31st, 2003, I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and unfurled a banner that read, "Falun Dafa is Good." I was then sent to a Detention Centre where I was sentenced to one year of forced labour. I was then detained in the Chatou Forced Labour Camp, where I suffered from various types of torture such as physical punishment, humiliation, and psychological persecution. Among the tricks used to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners, they forced Falun Gong practitioners to sing, "The Same Song." If you refused to sing this song, it would be construed as being confrontational. Those who were "transformed" by force had to sing this very song.
Persecution Records from Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp and Beijing Women's Prison (Part 2)
2006-01-16After the Chinese New Year, a new official came to my prison team. She told me her thoughts when she monitored me, "All these years, the higher authorities asked us to 'reform' practitioners. After many years, I realized that we should educate and save people, yet we are persecuting you. You are actually very outstanding. We found that once you give up the practice, it is as if your spirit is destroyed. Therefore, some kind police officers on our team do not want to 'transform' you. But because they did not cooperate with the requests from officials, they were transferred to other teams without Falun Gong practitioners. Those who remained are all vicious."
I Was Persecuted for Six Years
2006-01-11Ms. Wei Jianyu was a lecturer at the Fujian University of Technology. Since July 20th 1999, Ms. Wei has had her home ransacked on many occasions and has suffered brutal persecution. In April of 2000, she was arrested and detained for her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." She was sentenced to four years in prison at the Fujian Province Women's Prison. In November 2003, Ms. Wei became very skinny and emaciated due to the torture at the prison. In November of 2004, after she had been home for about half a year, Ms. Wei was once again taken from her home, simply because she practised the Falun Gong exercises outside. She was detained in the Fuzhou Forced Labour Camp for a year.
A Non-Practitioner Eyewitness Account of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Yaojia Forced Labour Camp in Dalian City
2005-12-25I met a woman who had been released from Yaojia Forced Labour Camp. She was a convicted criminal, and she told me about the persecution of Dafa practitioners in Yaojia Labour Camp that she had witnessed when she was there. The guards tie Dafa practitioners with iron chains onto a bed. They don't allow practitioners to use the toilet, leaving them no choice but to relieve themselves on the bed. Then they order the criminals to clean it up. The police make the criminals force-feed practitioners. She also witnessed a guard using needles to pierce each finger of a practitioner.
My Experiences of Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-22"The heavy workload in Masanjia caused me severe arm pain, and my fingers became deformed. In February 2004, I was poisoned as a result of working with some kind of rubber material and experienced many symptoms including headache, dizziness, ear problems, vertigo, nose bleeds, mouth numbness, coughing, stomachache, vomiting blood, swelling and weakness. Sometimes I was so weak that I could not even move my hands. I had itchy blisters on my head, face and all over my body. My hair fell out, and I was nearly bald until recently."
I Was Tortured with Injection of Unknown Substances
2005-12-17"I used to be a long-distance running champion in college, with a very healthy body. In 2003, the local police officers illegally arrested me, and took me to a detention centre. Later, in a prison hospital, I was injected with unknown substances. My lower body was bleeding, and I went into a coma. When my heart stopped beating, I was rescued by emergency medical means, but remained in a coma. The second time I was injected with the unknown substances, the same thing happened, and later they rescued me again. Afterwards, the bottoms of my feet bled and oozed pus, and it took over a year to heal."
A Five-Year-Old Child Repeats Over and Over: "I Want My Father and Mother to Come Home"
2005-12-16"I received your photo today. When I saw it, tears kept running down my face, and my heart was bleeding for you, for your old ailing grandmother, for your uncle Bai Xiaojun, who was cruelly killed by unlawful policemen, and for your parents, who are suffering the brutal persecution because they are kind-hearted Falun Dafa practitioners. Your parents have been absurdly arrested by the insane Chinese Communist Party."
A Practitioner in Germany Recalls the Persecution He Endured at the Shanghai Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-15"My name is Wang Zhen and I am from Shanghai. After the persecution began in July 1999, I refused to give up Falun Gong and was detained in detention centres and forced labour camps. I was forced to do hard labour at these camps, such as carrying baskets of animal manure, cutting grass, sewing stuffed toys such as bears and monkeys, and making beaded purses, Christmas gifts and electric connectors, among other things. Many of these products were exported. I worked from 7:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. daily without any salary. In addition, Falun Gong practitioners were treated worse than the common inmates. We were subjected to brainwashing as well as physical torture."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinfeng Recounts Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-08My name is Wang Jinfeng. I am 40 years old and live in Liaoning Province. On May 23rd, 2002, I was sentenced to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two-and-a-half years. During this period I witnessed the guards beating and torturing Dafa practitioners. They tied the practitioners' legs, shocked them with electric batons, slapped their mouths, forced them to squat, didn't allow them to sleep for days on end, forced them to stand on a small brick and detained them in solitary confinement, among other methods.
The Torture and Persecution I Experienced at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-07"I was arrested while distributing materials about the truth of Falun Gong in December 2002. On January 6th, 2003, the public security sub-bureau of Jiamusi suburb sent me and nine other practitioners to the local labour camp without any legal procedure. We were led into dorms on the first floor, in which there were "collaborators" awaiting us. These people surrounded me and persuaded me to write statements to betray Dafa, but I told them I would never do such a thing. Then some of them pressed me on the bed, and wrested one of my arms under the side of bed to my back and the other arm up from my shoulder. Then they kept me in this position and handcuffed the wrists tightly. The handcuff cut into my muscle and I suffered painfully."
Rape Victim Ms. Liu Jizhi: "I Want to Expose the Evil Persecution"
2005-12-06"Why is it so hard to be a good person in China? They dared to do such violence to me, a good lady in her fifties. I hereby call on all people with conscience to pay attention to the evil crimes that happened to me. If the persecution of Falun Gong does not stop, these tragedies will continue. Right now, I am suffering after the shock of being raped, I feel blurry minded, and my lower body is in constant pain. If I did not know from Falun Dafa that suicide is a sin, I probably would have already left this world. I lost the courage to live, and the confidence to face the world. I only hope the world's people will wake up. I wish this persecution will end soon, and wish these kinds of crimes will end soon!"
58-Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Ms Yang Zhilan Recounts Her Six Years of Suffering Persecution
2005-12-04"The police at the Plaza Precinct of Hengyang City arrested me on a tip while I was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, and kept me in custody for 15 days. At the precinct, a young officer beat me savagely, grabbing me by the hair and repeatedly throwing me against the wall. He kicked me ferociously, and I was not allowed even to sit for the whole night. The pain in my head lasted for a year. Fifteen days after I was in detention, my husband got me out, spending over 4000 yuan as "asking-for-favour fees"."