Death Cases

  • Three Practitioners from Yunnan, Liaoning, and Jilin Provinces Die after being Persecuted

    When Jiang Zemin’s regime started to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Chen Wei, 58, went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. The police ransacked his home and he was sentenced to one year of forced labour education. He was imprisoned in Longshan Rehabilitation Centre in Shenyang City, and both his physical and mental health were greatly harmed. The local police and the neighbourhood association harassed him after his release, which caused his health to deteriorate. He developed cancer and died on July 2nd, 2006.
  • Mr. Dai Xianming from Hubei Province Died due to Persecution

    62-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dai Xianming started practising Falun Dafa in 1996 and all of his illnesses disappeared. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal and was brutally beaten by police. In March 2002, he was arrested and cruelly tortured. He was near-death when his family bailed him out. In the ensuing years, Mr. Dai Xianming was arrested four times and forced to leave home once to avoid being arrested. Due to this long term harassment by the police he died on June 16th, 2006.
  • The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province

    71-year-old Mr. Zhang Wannian went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in February 2000. He was arrested. The police forced him to stand up and "reform," after which they savagely tortured him for 13 days. The police saw that he would not give up his belief, so they extorted 7,500 yuan from him, then sent him to a detention centre and tortured him there for one month and then sent him to the mental hospital, where they abused him for 45 days. Mr. Zhang Wannian was sentenced to one year of forced labour. He went on a hunger strike in mid September 2000 to protest the persecution and was extremely weak after seven days. The police feared taking responsibility should he pass away in their custody, so they hastily carried him home. Mr. Zhang Wannian died one day later.
  • Older Practitioner, Ms Zhou Liru From Inner Mongolia, Suffered Atrocious Persecution Before Her Death

    Ms. Zhou Liru, 50, went to Beijing to appeal. The police detained her in Zhalandun Nantou Prison. A prison guard beat Ms. Zhou with the "longest death stick" because she refused to wear a prison uniform. He handcuffed Zhou Liru and Wang Chunyan together for fifteen days. One of Wang Chunyan's arms was tied to the death stick, which was tied to Zhou Liru's feet. This caused severe pain in Ms. Zhou Liru's back, hips, legs and breasts. Later, Zhou Liru was sent to Tumuji Forced Labour Camp for two years of forced labour. The camp released her early due to her deteriorating health condition. Zhou Liru died in March 2005.
  • More Details on the Persecution Death of Mr. Liu Shuchun at Lechang Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Shuchun was very weak when he was sent to the Lechang Labour Education Centre. During his incarceration Mr. Liu refused to be "transformed," so the guards stripped him of his clothes and drenched him with cold water. Mr. Liu felt like he was being stabbed with thousands of knives. After an hour of this torture he was shivering violently and unable to speak. He felt as if his internal organs were under pressure and he could hardly stand the pain. Guards punched and kicked him, yelling, "Tell us, do you want to practise or not?" Mr. Liu Shuchun stopped breathing, but the punching and kicking continued. In less than six hours inmates had beaten Mr. Liu Shuchun to death.
  • Two Practitioners from Hebei and Heilongjiang Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Hongyan, 56, went to Beijing to appeal at the end of November 2001. She was sent to Wanjia Labour Camp for two years. Because she refused to give up her faith, she had to endure all sorts of cruel tortures, such as the "big hang up", electric baton shocks, being locked in a small cell. These tortures caused severe damage to her mental and physical health. After she was released, she was constantly harassed and threatened by local 610 Office agents. She was not allowed to practise and lived in fear. She died on August 14th or 15th, 2006, at home.
  • Lawless Officials Hide Gao Rongrong's Body; Her Parents Cannot Commemorate their Daughter at First Anniversary of Her Murder (Photos)

    Following the murder of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong from Shenyang City, her family appealed to various government agencies. Her murderers have not yet been brought to justice. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials hid Gao Rongrong's body and said that officials from the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau must be present when her parents view the body. In the end, her elderly parents did not get to see the body and could not commemorate their beloved daughter on the one-year anniversary of her death.
  • The Miserable Experience of Three-Year-Old Tianxing (Photos)

    My name is Tianxing Wang. I'm three years old. It's been a long time since I last saw mummy. They told me that my mummy left on "June 1st, Children's Day" and went to "a place which is far far away." I miss her very much. My daddy hasn't come to see me for a very long time either. When can they come to see me and play with me again? On June 1st, 2004, Tianxing's mother, Xiaomin Feng died as a result of brutal persecution, at the age of 34.
  • Mr. Zhang Jieping, 56, Dies as a Result of Persecution at the Baihelin Detention Centre in Chongqing City

    On the morning of August 29th, Mr. Zhang's son was called into the detention centre and saw his father at the facility clinic. A nearly unrecognisable Zhang Jieping, all skin and bones, was unable to speak and needed constant infusions. Blood was visible in his urine led out through a tube. On the same day, while wearing shackles around his ankles, he was first sent to the No.1 People's Hospital in Shapingba District for emergency treatment and then transferred to Shapingba District Hospital. Zhang died on the morning of September 5th.
  • Middle School Teacher Died Under Persecution After Spreading "Nine Commentaries"

    Ms. Huang Boazhen, 61, suffered from hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, and other illnesses before she started practising Falun Dafa. After she began the practice in 1996, all of her diseases went away. Ms. Huang continued cultivating in Falun Dafa even after the vile CCP began to wildly persecute Falun Gong on July 20th 1999. At the beginning of 2005, Ms. Huang gave copies of the Nine Commentaries to students, and was reported by security guards. She had to leave home to avoid being arrested. Due to the long-term pressure of the persecution, her former diseases returned, and Ms. Huang died on February 1st 2005.
  • Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Due to Persecution in Liaoning, Gansu, and Jilin Provinces

    62-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cao Fengying went to Beijing twice to appeal, was detained twice in the Jinchang City Drug Rehabilitation Centre, and was later transferred to the Jinchang City Detention Centre. She went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. Her family paid two thousand yuan to bail her out, but police often came to her door to harass and threaten her. She had been forced to put her fingerprint on a guarantee statement promising to stop Falun Gong practice. She died six months later on January 28th, 2004.
  • Deaths of Four Elderly practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan as a Result of the Persecution

    72-year-old Mr. Jiang Fengshan was spotted while carrying Falun Dafa materials on a train. He was arrested confined in the Tonghua Nanshan Labour Camp for three years. While he was imprisoned, Jiang Fengshan's health deteriorated because of mistreatment at the hands of the guards. He started hemorrhaging from the digestive tract, and suffered from a duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis and prostatitis. In April 2001, he was released on bail for medical treatment. After he went home, a police officer often harassed him and tried to force him to sign the "five statements" (statements renouncing Falun Dafa, similar to the three statements). Jiang Fengshan passed away on January 9th, 2006.
  • 33-Year-Old Mr. Xin Minduo Tortured to Death in Nanshan Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Xin Minduo was sentenced to a 13-year prison term on February 21st, 2006. Because he knew he was innocent, he refused to follow any prison rules. He refused to wear the prison uniform, refused to do forced labour, and demanded to be released as he was not guilty of any crime. For these actions, he was put into a small cell by the police, force-fed, and subjected to torture. On September 1st, 2006, Xin Minduo was persecuted to death in Nanshan Prison.
  • Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hunan and Heilongjiang Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution

    On December 28th, 2000, the Shaoyang City Public Safety Bureau arrested Ms. Yan Fengcui, 58, and took her to the Shaoyang City Mental Hospital to persecute her. In October 2002, she was sentenced to two years at the Zhuzhou City Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. She was brutally tortured there and renounced Falun Dafa under tremendous pressure. In April 2005, with help from other practitioners, she returned to cultivation in Falun Dafa. However, due to the Communist Party's constant harassment, she didn't have an environment in which to practise. She suffered from lung cancer and died on August 13th, 2006.
  • Whether Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. An Qiumei Detained in Baotou Detention Centre Is Alive Remains Unclear

    On June 12th, 2006, police from the Donghe District Police Branch, Baotou City, arrested 49-year-old Ms An Qiumei and her husband, Xiong Chenyi, when they were posting leaflets exposing the persecution. They were detained in Baotou Detention Centre. During more than a month's detention, Ms. An went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. It was reported that An Qiumei died in late July in the detention centre due to the persecution, but details are still being investigated.