Death Cases
64-Year-Old Ms. Liu Xizhen from Jilin Province Persecuted to Death
2006-10-10Ms. Liu Xizhen, a 64-year-old Dafa practitioner, went to Changchun City with several dozen practitioners to appeal to the local government for the release of all arrested Falun Gong volunteer coordinators in July 1999 and was arrested. She was sent to a brainwashing centre to try to force her to renounce Falun Dafa . Later she was detained in a detention centre tortured by criminals, who urinated on them and fed unhulled, rotten corn soaked in water. Ms. Liu suffered tremendous mental pressure and lived under constant stress. At home she suffered constant break-ins, threats and extortion. On August 30th, 2006, Liu Xizhen passed away during the night.
Information about Four Practitioners Who Died as a Result of the Persecution
2006-10-10Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gu Bengen, 59, quickly recovered from all of his illnesses since practising Falun Dafa. Mr. Gu was forcibly taken to a brainwashing centre for five months. During this five-month period, Mr. Gu's salary and bonus were withheld for six months, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials extorted 30,000 yuan from him. He was constantly harassed by officials. They either went to his home or called him on the phone, which severely interfered with his practising Falun Dafa. As a result of the relentless persecution, Gu Bengen died on September 1st, 2006.
Relentless Persecution Causes Countless Tragedies All Over China
2006-10-09Practitioner Ms. Wen Yingxin, 34 years old, was an accountant. She was posting Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, when police officers arrested her. She died nine days later, on August 16th, 2006, covered in bruises. Ms. Wen left behind a seven-year-old son. Her husband had already divorced her because of tremendous pressure. Her parents, both in their 60s, were devastated by her death. Her mother is now bedridden.
51-Year-Old Mr. Zhang Guibiao From Changchun City Persecuted to Death
2006-10-09Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Guibiao, 51, went to Beijing to appeal in 2000, he was arrested and sentenced to three years in Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. Later in 2004, Mr. Zhang was arrested while producing leaflets exposing the persecution. They put a face mask over his head and took him to an unknown place. They tortured him by cuffing his hands behind his back, forcing him to sit on a tiger bench, and exposing him to freezing conditions. He was later sent to Tiebei Detention Centre in Changchun City, where he was detained for 18 months. Mr. Jiang Yong was tortured to death in July 2004 inside the Detention Centre.
Ms. Wang Liqun from Heilongjiang Tortured to Death
2006-10-09On September 29th, 2006, Shuangcheng City State Security agents in Heilongjiang Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Sang Guizhen, Mr. Jia Junjie, Ms. Wang Liqun, and Ms. Wan Meijia (Ms. Wang Liqun's daughter) from Shuangcheng City. They also arrested practitioner Ms. Li Lan from Yilan County. On the evening of September 30th, 2006, Ms. Wang Liqun was tortured to death in the Second Detention Centre of Shuangcheng City during interrogation.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Cao Huashan from Shaanxi Province Persecuted to Death
2006-10-09Dafa practitioner couple Mr. Cao Huashan and Mrs. Li Shulian were teachers in Yan'an Middle School. They were persecuted numerous times and were forced to leave their home. In July 2006, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials arrested the couple, leaving their nineteen-year-old son home alone. The couple was once again sentenced to a forced labour camp. Mr. Cao was held in Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in Shannxi Province and passed away from being persecuted sometime around August or September 2006.
Prison Authorities: "We Won't Release Him Even If He Dies Here" -- Mr. Xin Minduo Died at 33
2006-10-07The prison authorities threatened his family, "We won't release him even if he dies. It doesn't matter, even if you appeal at the State Department!" Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xin Minduo, age 33, was tortured to death at the Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City on the evening of September 1st, 2006. He was brutally persecuted during the past seven years of the persecution. He died with his eyes wide open. His family could not close them, no matter how hard they tried.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Kills Innocent Lives by Forced Abortions
2006-10-05Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Ying unexpectedly became pregnant with her second baby. As a loving and caring mother, Ms. Wang kept her pregnancy hidden for seven months because of the CCP high-pressure one-child policy. The officials of the City Administration Bureau, led by Zhang Zengzhen, and using the justification of carrying out the CCP's policy, forced Ms. Wang to have an abortion. In the hospital, Ms. Wang was tortured for many days, causing her to become very nervous. Due to the fact that she was very weak both physically and mentally, Ms. Wang was forced to abort in great pain.
Fourteen Senior Citizen Practitioners Gained Health After Practising Falun Dafa, but Died After Being Forced to Giving It up
2006-10-05After the persecution began Ms. Cheng Shuangqin's husband went to appeal for Falun Gong and was detained at the county detention centre. Police and officials went to her home many times to harass the family and ransack their house. Her husband paid over ten thousand yuan before being released from custody. Under the intense pressures of harassment and extortion she stopped cultivating. Three months later her illness recurred. She suffered a stroke, which left her paralysed and unable to take care of herself. She suffered for three years and eventually died on May 12th, 2004.
Ms. Tian Ruiying, Older Practitioner in Shandong Province, Passed Away as a Result of Persecution
2006-10-04After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, 50-year-old Ms. Tian Ruiying went to Beijing twice to appeal, both in 1999 and in 2000. She was imprisoned and persecuted in a brainwashing centre. Afterwards, because of her persistence in her faith and speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa, she was harassed, monitored, threatened for an extended period, and her house was searched and property confiscated. Ms. Tian's husband was sentenced to forced labour for three years at the beginning of 2003 and was imprisoned and persecuted in Cangle Labour Camp. On August 20th, 2006, she died as a result of being persecuted by the CCP for a long time.
Husband Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison; His Parents Pass Away
2006-10-04From the time when the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, through to 2000, policemen frequently came to our house and harassed us. They confiscated two tape recorders, some Falun Dafa books. When my husband went out to deliver Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution, he was arrested by police. He was then sentenced to nine years in prison. My father-in-law and mother-in-law missed their son very much and suffered a lot. They incurred financial difficulties and developed chronic diseases when their son was in prison. My father-in-law committed suicide on January 19th, 2005; my mother-in-law could not handle the pressure and died on March 2nd, 2005.
Elderly Ms. Gu Yeming Died as a Result of Persecution in a Forced Labour Camp
2006-10-0369 year-old Ms. Gu Yeming refused to give up her belief and kept doing work to expose the persecution, her home was searched and she was arrested. In August 2001 she was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and was sent to labour camp. Ms. Gu was deprived of sleep and forced to do hard labour. At the same time, she was forced to attend brainwashing sessions and suffered from mental torture. She was sent to a hospital when she showed the symptoms of encephalitis. She passed away on August 6th, 2006.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Shoushan Dies as a Result of Persecution by the 610 Office in Shandong Province
2006-10-02Mr. Wang Shoushan was arrested by 610 Office on March 7th, 2006. They kept him at the Juxian Detention Centre, the Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp in Shandong where he had to perform forced labour and was subjected to brainwashing. Due to this persecution, Mr. Wang became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with liver cancer, and the Juxian 610 office released him in order to avoid responsibility. Mr. Wang passed away around September 6th, 2006.
More Details of the Brutal Persecution That Led to the Death of Practitioner Zhang Jieping
2006-10-02Zhang Jieping was arrested four times after Jiang Zemin's regime began the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. He was taken by force to the plant's brainwashing centre twice and detained at the county's detention centre twice. He was sent to the forced labour camp and detained there for 2 years. He endured frequent beatings by policemen and drug addict inmates, lengthy periods of forced standing and confinement in a small room. The prolonged persecution did great harm to his body and mind. He died from respiratory failure on September 5th, 2006, after over 4 months of torture by policemen from Baihelin Detention Centre.
Deaths of Another 18 Falun Gong Practitioners as a Result of Persecution Confirmed in August 2006 (Photos)
2006-10-01Sources confirmed in August 2006 that another 18 Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China died as a result of persecution. Ten of these practitioners were women, which accounts for 56% of the total deaths. Nine practitioners were above the age of 50, making up 50% of the total deaths. The youngest practitioner was 30-year-old Mr. Lei Ming, while the oldest was 72-year-old Ms. Liu Baorong. Falun Gong practitioners have endured more than seven years of genocidal persecution by the CCP in order to bring the wonders of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the world's people.