Death Cases

  • Additional Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yunjie from Dalian City Died as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Wang Yunjie, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province, was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she was severely tormented by prison officials, who used all kinds of brutal methods to torture Wang Yunjie in hopes of "transforming" her. This caused her to develop symptoms of end-stage breast cancer. After a while, her breast started to fester and was horrible to look at. She died in mid-July, 2006.
  • More Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Tan Xueli Was Tortured to Death

    On July 25th, 2005, Dafa practitioner Tan Xueli was arrested by police. Four to five police officers into Mr. Tan's home and sent him to the Hechuan Detention Centre. Tan's wife visited him but could only see him through a glass partition. She found that he could not speak, so she wondered if he had been injured. On June 13th, 2006, Tan Xueli was transferred to Yongchuan Jail. At around 2 p.m. on June 19th, he was tortured to death. Wounds were visible all over his body.
  • Six More Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Xing Shuyuan was from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. After the persecution began, her two daughters were both arrested and detained, one sent to Dalian Forced Labour Camp and the other to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During her daughters' detention, the local police and residential committee staff also went to her home to harass her, demanding that she write statements guaranteeing to stop the practice of Falun Gong. Ms. Xing was devastated by such pressure. She passed away on August 15th, 2003, at the age of 70.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Zuo Guoqing from Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    It has been verified that Zuo Guoqing died on October 27th 2003, as a result of a series of brutal persecutions in a forced labour camp. He was brutally tortured by Wang Yingzhou, who proclaimed himself as the reincarnation of a devil. In early October 2003, Zuo Guoqing overcame many difficulties to go back to his hometown. His lower limbs had oedema and his abdomen had dropsy. A hospital diagnosed that he had liver cirrhosis and liver ascites. He soon passed away.
  • Four Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Shandong and Hebei Provinces

    62-year-old Ms. Li Huilan was a Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. Because she spoke to people about the facts of Falun Dafa, she was arrested and taken to Botou Detention Centre. Since she was persistent in practising Falun Dafa, Meng Qingzhong, a policeman at the detention centre, persecuted her mercilessly. She was once handcuffed on a cross for over eight hours. Because she was injured both mentally and physically, she passed away in November 2003.
  • Four Falun Dafa Practitioners Die Due to Persecution in Liaoning, Hubei, Heilongjiang and Shandong Provinces

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunlan, 70, started practising Dafa in 1996 and benefited tremendously from it. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, her whole family including her two daughters, son and daughter-in-law, and grandsons went to the city government to appeal. Her daughters were sent to forced labour camps. The entire family, particularly Zhang Chunlan, was mentally traumatised. Zhang Chunlan and her daughter(s) left home to avoid further persecution and moved from place to place. Her daughter(s) lost their jobs as a result, and they were separated from their families. Zhang Chunlan lived under long-term pressure and passed away on February 28th, 2006.
  • Four Older Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Beijing and Shandong Die as a Result of the Persecution

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Huiqin from Heilongjiang was 56 years old. On December 30th, 2003, police confiscated her home and arrested her. They then detained her at Harbin No. 2 Detention Centre. She was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years and was transferred to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, but was rejected because of her high blood pressure. Later she came out to have medical treatment, and on October 22nd, 2005, she suddenly died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing Died from Persecution

    Wang Huilan, in her sixties, who had suffered high blood pressure and heart disease and could not take care of herself, had her health restored after practising Falun Gong. However, since July 20th, 1999, Li Chunyan, the deputy director of the Jinzhan Town 610 Office and Wang Shijiang, the head of the security office of West Village, frequently harassed her, threatened to cut off her financial resources, and confiscated her pension. As a consequence, the elderly lady was greatly hurt psychologically and physically which resulted in a relapse of her health problems. She died on the eve of the 2001 Chinese new year.
  • Ms. Wang Shujun Persecuted to Death, Her Husband Sentenced to Three Years' Imprisonment

    Ms. Wang Shujun was detained at Jiamusi Detention Centre, after which she was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in a forced labour camp. She had to live in a gloomy, dank room with a cold concrete floor. Ms. Wang was only given corn cakes to eat that looked black and tasted sour, and soup that was like salt water, but no drinking water. Once, she even ate icicles from her windows in the winter to quench her thirst. Due to the brutal conditions and persecution at the forced labour camp, Ms. Wang suffered uraemia and her entire body became swollen with oedema. Ms. Wang's husband, was detained at the detention centre. She missed her husband very much. Her husband was not permitted to see his wife until she passed away.
  • Zhou Huisheng Persecuted to Death at the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp, Anshan City

    In the Autumn of 2005, Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Huisheng was speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa when police arrested him. He was sent to the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp for a one year sentence. On July 26th, 2006, the forced labour camp notified his family members by phone to take Mr. Zhou home. By that time he was unconscious and on the verge of death. His head was bleeding internally and there were clots. He was discharged from the hospital only two days after he came in because the doctor refused to treat him. He passed away on July 30th, 2006.
  • Several Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei, Sichuan and Helongjiang Provinces are Persecuted to Death

    Ms. He Zhongxiu was 66 years old. On July 16th, 2001, Ms. He and a new practitioner posted Falun Gong flyers on walls. The new practitioner reported Ms. He to the police. Consequently, police, the 610 Office, and the National Security Group arrested Ms. He. On July 19th, after three days of intense interrogation, Ms. He and her son were released. On July 28th, Ms. He was arrested again and taken to a brainwashing centre. This brainwashing centre only functioned for three days. Police arrests, intimidation, and harassment put Ms. He under huge pressure. As a result, her health deteriorated rapidly, and Ms. He passed away on January 27th, 2005.
  • Deng Yufang in Her 60s Suffered Intense Persecution at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp Before Her Death

    Ms. Deng Yufang was around 60 years old. She was reported to police by someone while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Deng Yufang was sent to the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp and put into a "Miscellaneous Group," for elderly Falun Gong practitioners who did not have good eyesight, and who were unable to work efficiently. The major tasks for the Miscellaneous Group were to carry the food and water for the three meals daily for over one hundred people, and clean the yard, the toilet, etc. Reeling under both physical and mental torture, Deng Yufang became sick in March 2004. Her whole body became swollen, she developed a big lump in her stomach and she could not pass urine. Deng Yufang's critical condition was grounds for her release on bail for medical treatment. Deng Yufang passed away in June 2006.
  • Elderly Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying Dies an Unjust Death While Her Whole Family Suffers Long-term Persecution

    84-year-old Ms. Zhang Lianying from the Chaoyang District of Beijing, along with her whole family, practised Falun Gong. Because of this, they have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party for several years. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her daughters were all detained. Her son was sentenced to eight years in prison and is still incarcerated. Ms. Zhang passed away on May 31st, 2006, from the effects of the long-term harassment.
  • Organ Harvesting Suspected in the Murders of Ms. Fu Keshu and Mr. Xu Genli, Practitioners Visiting the Jinggang Mountain Area (Photos)

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Fu Keshu and Mr. Xu Genli arrived at the Jinggang Mountains on the evening of November 16th, 2005. On November 17th they left the hotel but never returned. On April 30th, 2006, the family got a phone call from the Jinggangshan City Police Department, "A male body was found at Jinggang Mountain wearing...clothes. It was Xu Genli's body. The head had been shaved; there was a large hole on the forehead that exposed the brain. Both eyeballs were missing; the flesh around the sockets had ulcerated; there were two black holes on the nose. The chest and abdomen had been cut open. Later they found Fu Keshu's body. It had suffered very similar treatment. Based on these findings, it is suspected that Fu Keshu and Xu Genli were murdered and their organs were harvested.
  • Practitioner Mr. Yang Qiansheng from Hunan Province Died from Repeated Blood Draws and Bone Marrow Removal

    We appeal to international human rights organisations to investigate the death of Mr. Yang Qiansheng, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hunan. Medical personnel from the 535 Military Hospital repeatedly drew his blood and removed his bone marrow over a ten-day period at the end of 2000. Seeing his suffering, his wife said to the doctor, "You drew his blood without his or his family’s consent. You should stop it. He has no disease. He will leave the hospital at once!" The doctor said, "He was sent here; consequently, the doctors should make the decision. You shouldn’t interfere! It is not up to you to decide." Mr. Yang died on February 11th, 2001, less than 20 days after he returned home.