Death Cases

  • Jinzhou City Falun Gong Practitioner Huang Cheng Dies from Brutal Torture and Relentless Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Cheng was brutally tortured by officials from Panjin Prison and Taihe Public Security Bureau in Jinzhou. Police tortured him by puncturing his fingers with large needles. He was tortured with various brutal methods, which resulted in his being in critical condition. On February 24th, 2011, he died at the age of 56.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Dai Jun from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Dai Jun was released from Mudanjiang Prison on April 26th, 2008 after having served a six-year prison term. He was almost blind as a result of the abuse he suffered. Guards deprived him of sleep and food. They cuffed his hands and feet together, lifted his feet up behind his neck, and then pushed him on the ground back and forth, scraping his back and spine against the ground. It was so painful that he almost lost consciousness. They used the "tiger bench" torture on him, covered his head with a heavy and hard hat, force-fed him with spicy mustard extract, exposed him to cold air, stabbed and burned his feet, cuffed his hands behind his back, and kicked and beat him with batons. Mr. Dai passed away on December 7th, 2010.
  • Not Long After Her Release, Practitioner Ms. Li Fengbo Dies

    On September 22nd, 2009, police arrested Ms. Li Fengbo. They ransacked her home, and took a computer, printer, and her Falun Gong books. On the afternoon of that same day, police also arrested five other practitioners. The police detained Ms. Li at the Qitaihe City First Detention Centre. After thirty days, she passed out many times, and was taken to the hospital for a check up. The doctor found she had late stage lung cancer. The centre authorities instructed her family to pick her up for fear of being held responsible for her death. On April 20th, 2010, the court sentenced her to three years in prison with probation. Ms. Li could not walk, had difficulty breathing, and died on October 16th.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ji Baoshan Dies Four Months After Release

    On January 11th, 2009, police arrested Mr. Ji Baoshan at home. They put handcuffs and shackles on him, ransacked his home, took his computer, other items and Falun Gong books. After months of suffering and torture, the dying Mr. Ji was finally released on medical parole on October 14th, 2010. Mr. Ji's family was, by this time, penniless. Upon returning home, Mr. Ji, his wife and young child had to live on family and friends' help. He could not recover from his severe health condition and died on March 16th, 2011.
  • Persecution Mr. Huang Cheng Suffered Before He Died

    After years of severe torture suffered in Panjin Prison in Liaoning Province, Taihe Police Department, and Nu'erhe Police Station, Mr. Huang Cheng had bleeding in his brain, cerebral thrombosis, oedema in half of his body, and also lost the ability to take care of himself. Guards used eight high-voltage electric batons to shock Mr. Huang simultaneously. They hung him up for three days, without letting him eat or drink. After letting him down, guard Guan Fengchun stripped Mr. Huang, cuffed him into the iron chair and shocked him with an electric baton. On February 24th, 2011, at the age of 55, Mr. Huang passed away due to the brutal persecution.
  • Mother Detained for Practising Falun Gong; Mentally Ill Daughter Dies in Custody

    On September 17th, 2010, police from Zhangwu County Police Department, Fuxin and the Zhangwu County Crime Investigation Team broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Suxiang's home. They arrested Ms. Zhang and took her mentally ill daughter Miss Yu Meiling away and put her in a welfare centre. Ms. Zhang Suxiang was taken to the Zhangwu County Crime Investigation Team. She was beaten there. Sixty-five days later, Miss Yu died in custody.
  • Retired Engineer Dies after Long-term Harassment

    Retired engineer Mr. Zhou Yinhe enjoyed good health after beginning to practise Falun Gong. However, he was frequently harassed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after the persecution started in 1999. On September 30th, 2009, several policemen drove to his home to threaten him again. A few days later, Mr. Zhou fell on the ground; he couldn't concentrate after being threatened. He remained bedridden since that episode. Mr. Zhou passed away on May 19th, 2010.
  • Ophthalmologist Li Lijuan from Qiqihar City Imprisoned

    O n May 11th, 2010, when Ms. Li Lijuan, 46, was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution to people near Qiqihar City Third Middle School, she was reported to the authorities. Ms. Li was sentenced to three years in prison in January 2011. Ms. Li had been living with her mother. After her arrest, her mother's health deteriorated badly and Ms. Li's mother passed away in October.
  • Ms. Zhu Ying, National Model Worker, Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Zhu Ying, 53, was awarded the title “National Model Worker,” and officiated at the Xinxiang City Workers’ Union in Henan Province. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and underwent surgery in 2004. After Ms. Zhu began practising Falun Gong in 2005, she soon became very healthy. That was until she was taken into custody in 2010. Police took Ms. Zhu to a detention centre on September 27th, 2010. She was later sentenced to eight years in prison and transferred to Xinxiang Women’s Prison. She died on November 30th.
  • Ms. Li Youyun Passes Away After Years of Persecution

    As a result of severe persecution in the brainwashing centre, Ms. Li Youyun suffered hypertension and other illnesses. Even after being released and allowed to go back home, she was often harassed by the district 610 office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). On February 20th, 2011, Ms. Li passed away at the age of 65.
  • Mr. Li Jiabin Died in 2005 Due to Physical Abuse and Forced Drug Administration in Detention

    After the persecution started in 1999, Mr. Li Jiabin went to Beijing to call for justice for Falun Gong. However, because he spoke out for Falun Gong, he was arrested and detained eight times. In May 2004, police ransacked Mr. Li's home and confiscated his Falun Gong books. The guards forced him to watch brainwashing videos daily and ordered other prisoners to torture him. The detention centre doctor injected Mr. Li with unidentified drugs every day. Due to these drugs, Mr. Li's entire body developed painful lesions that seeped blood and fluids, causing his clothes to stick to his skin. He could not sleep or eat due to the extreme pain. Unfortunately, Mr. Li could not recover from the abuse he suffered in detention, and he died on May 16th, 2005.
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Uses its Annual “Two Congress” Get-Together as an Excuse to Intensify Persecuting Falun Gong

    The biggest annual Chinese Communist Party meetings come on the day when the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are held. This year, they were held on March 3rd. In the days running up to the meetings, mass arrests of people labelled as “dissidents” were carried out throughout China. In order to distract public focus on major social problems, the police and 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) issued orders to intensify the monitoring and persecution of Falun Gong. According to information from the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, from the beginning of January to March 7th, 2011, at least 470 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. Many more were followed, surveilled, and harassed by the authorities.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Liao Yuanmei from Huaihua, Hunan Province Passes Away--Cause of Death Under Investigation

    Falun Gong practitioner Liao Yuanmei was arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) many times since the persecution started. Her family had hatred towards her because they believed the CCP propaganda that slandered Falun Gong. In January 2011, Liao Yuanmei’s bloody body was found near her apartment. Liao Yuanmei’s relatives and her fellow practitioners are looking for the cause of her death.
  • Persecution Suffered by Ms. Yuan Xiangfan Before Her Death in 2003

    Ms. Yuan Xiangfan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was sent to a detention centre and brainwashing centre by police. Policemen and inmates tortured her severely. She was forced to kneel or stand on one leg for long periods of time. She also had her hands and feet shackled to a chair for five days. In the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shibalihe, Ms. Yuan was severely beaten by drug addicts. When she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, she was force-fed by over half a dozen people numerous times. Ms. Yuan Xiangfan died on August 9th, 2003, after being severely tortured for two years.
  • Older Practitioner Mr. Liu Chuanjiang the Third Practitioner to Die within Two Weeks in Jiamusi Prison

    Mr. Liu Chuanjiang died in Jiamusi Prison on March 8th, 2011, shortly after Mr. Qin Yueming died on February 26th and Mr. Yu Yungang on March 5th. All three practitioners had been held since February 21st in the “Strict Management Ward” before their deaths. Mr. Liu Chuanjiang was sentenced for practising Falun Gong by Wuyiling Intermediate Court on November 5th, 2008. First held in the ninth ward in Jiamusi Prison, he was put in the “Strict Management Ward” on February 21st, 2011. It is highly likely that he was severely tortured and left in critical condition.