Death Cases
Persecuted for Being Good - Two Family Members Pass Away As a Result of Persecution
2006-08-02The police director came to harass my family quite a few times. My older parents and my 13-year-old son were greatly disturbed. Later they sent me to the Longshan Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City and I was sentenced to two years of forced labour camp. When practitioners first arrive, they are strip searched, everything to do with Falun Gong is confiscated, and their money is confiscated as well. No one is told where the money goes. Policeman Tang Yubao abused Falun Gong practitioners either by swearing at them or beating them. They shocked Falun Gong practitioners often to the extent that their hands and feet were full of blisters and bleeding. Within these several years I have lost two family members. This was caused by Jiang Zemin's criminal regime persecuting Falun Gong.
Heilongjiang Middle School Teacher Mr. Sun Peichen Dies Soon After Repeated Cruel Torture at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-0147-year-old Mr. Sun Peichen, was a teacher who firmly believed in Falun Dafa. So he was repeatedly persecuted by the Communist party members. He was tortured in many cruel ways, including having his private parts crushed by police in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. He was tortured until he was near death. On June 7th, 2006 he was sent home. Mr. Sun died soon after, on July 3rd, 2006.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Yongzhong Died from the Beatings He Received at Beijiang Prison (Photos)
2006-08-01Mr. Huang Yongzhong from Guangdong Province, passed away on the afternoon of July 21st, 2006, more than 10 days after his parents brought him home from Beijiang Prison, where he was beaten and persecuted until he was in critical condition. On July 2nd, 2006 Mr. Huang’s parents received two phone calls asking them to hurry to the prison. Prison officials told them Mr. Huang was in the hospital, so they went there in a hurry. When they finally found him he was shackled with handcuffs and leg irons to the hospital bed. His mother looked under the blanket and saw wounds from beatings all over his body.
Practitioner Ms. Chen Guoxiu from Hunan Province, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-08-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Guoxiu was repeatedly detained and tortured by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel. In detention police forced her to kneel on the ground and beat her for more than two hours. Her home was repeatedly ransacked. She was forced to become homeless and destitute in order to avoid being arrested at home. On July 14th, 2006, Chen Guoxiu died as a result of persecution.
The Persecution Suffered by Wei Xiaodong Before his Death (Photo)
2006-08-01Mr. Wei Xiaodong, 34 years old, was a lecturer in Heilongjiang Province. He was detained at Jixi No. 1 Detention Centre for eighteen months. According to his personal testimony, his family paid at least 600-700 yuan each month to cover his daily expenses. His family paid over 10,000 yuan, which did not include medical expenses of over 3,000 yuan. In December 2003, Jixi Detention Centre sent Wei Xiaodong to Jianshanzi Prison for further persecution. After repeated beatings and ongoing sleep deprivation, Wei Xiaodong’s illness became serious. On March 20th, 2005, Wei Xiaodong was dying. The police still tried to force him to give up Falun Dafa. He firmly said the last word of his life, "Practise!" On March 21st, Wei Xiaodong died from the persecution.
Wang Xianguo from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2006-07-31Wang Xianguo had been persecuted by the police several times since 2000. On March 2nd, 2006, over ten people from the national security brigade arrived at Wang Xianguo’s residential area in three cars. They intended to arrest him and ransack his home. They surrounded the whole building, with one car parked on the west side of the building, one car on the east side and a third car right in front of the building. Policemen were stationed in front of and in the back of the building. They pounded on the door of Wang’s apartment madly, trying to get the door open. During the more than two hours of frenzied actions by the police, many residents came out to watch. People were terrorised by this incident. Wang suffered both physically and mentally. He passed away on May 24th, 2006.
Ms. Li Chunzhi Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-07-31Ms. Li Chunzhi, 41, was repeatedly arrested and detained because she practised Falun Dafa. In August 2001, Ms. Li was again arrested. Four male officers stripped her, shocked her with an electric baton when she had only her underwear on, verbally abused her, and beat her. She was released after she stopped eating for four days. In 2003 she was sentenced to three years of forced labour and released after she went on a hunger strike for 47 days. Over the past several years, due to the police's constant harassment, threats, arrests, and detention, Ms. Li Chunzhi had no stable life, and that greatly damaged her physical and mental health. She died on June 19th, 2006.
The Death of Dafa Practitioner Yang Hailing at the Hands of the Police (Photos)
2006-07-30Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Hailing was from Heilongjiang Province. Since being arrested on April 25th, 2002 in Mishan City, she suffered tortures such as pricking needles into her head, arms and hands, smearing mustard into her eyes and handcuffing her hands behind her back. Ms. Yang passed away on April 12th, 2003, after suffering inhuman tortures at the hands of detention centre guard Ma Baosheng in the Mishan City No. 1 Detention Centre.
Baotou City Practitioner Ms. Liu Wenli Arrested, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-07-29On June 19th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Wenli from Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, was arrested by the police from the Donghe Police Department and the Guanqu Police Station in Baotou City. She was sent to the Baotou Detention Centre, and died about ten days later as a result of persecution. The details are under investigation.
More Information on Mr. Wang Xiangshang’s Death
2006-07-29In the beginning of June 2006, in Henan Province, Yuzhou City State Security Division Head Xia Yuxiao (male) threatened Mr. Wang Xiangshang's nephew and told him to look for his uncle Mr. Wang Xiangshang. Xia Yuxiao said that otherwise, he would be forced into early retirement. On June 19th, 2006, after being forced to leave home for six years to avoid being arrested, Mr. Wang Xiangshang collapsed in front of his door after not having any contact with home the past six years. He died without a word.
Remembering Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Hongbin -- Before the Persecution Began
2006-07-28Wang Hongbin was physically tortured and mentally tormented at the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp. The guards ordered the inmates to burn off his fingernails from the root. The inmates would receive sentence reductions by brutally torturing Falun Gong practitioners. The labour camp authorities didn't permit his release on medical parole and only released him when his life was in danger. He passed away from long-term persecution.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zou Yuantao from Hubei Province, Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-07-27Mr. Zou Yuantao, 34, went to appeal, practised Falun Gong and distributed materials exposing the persecution, all in accordance with the law. However, he was repeatedly persecuted by Jiang Zemin's regime, unjustly detained, and brutally tortured in detention centres, mental hospitals, and labour camps. Prisoners took turns beating him. They kicked him, pulled out his hair and hit his chest with their knees. They also held his arms up like an "airplane," whipped his back with a rubber tube several inches in diameter, burned his toes with cigarettes, and smashed his hands and feet with stools. Mr. Zou Yuantao was brutally tortured in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp. After he was released in late 2005, his health did not improve and he became even weaker. He passed away on June 24th, 2006.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Destroying Murder Evidence Under New "Regulations"
2006-07-27On June 26th, 2006, the Yanzhao Metropolitan newspaper posted an announcement that says, according to the Shijiazhuang City Funeral Management Regulations, "The listed bodies have been stored in the funeral home for too long. Families and employers of these bodies are asked to arrange to have these bodies cremated within sixty days, otherwise the funeral home will cremate these bodies and save the ashes for six months." Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zuo Zhigang, who was tortured to death, is among the thirty. His family did not receive any notice from the funeral home or the Weiming Street Police Station.
Persecution and Death of Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Cao Fengying from Gansu Province
2006-07-27Ms. Cao Fengying, 62, was terrorised by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials during a 3-year period. She was detained in a detention centre and tortured. After Ms. Cao went home, officers from Guangzhou Road Police Station in Jinchang City frequently went to harass and threaten her. Her husband soon passed away. Her son, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to nine years in prison at the Jinchuan District Court for making materials exposing the persecution. Her daughter-in-law was also sent to a labour camp. Ms. Cao Fengying passed away on January 8th, 2003 due to the persecution.
Mr. Li Zongming Dies after Being Tortured in Yushan Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin City
2006-07-27Mr. Li Zongming, 37, was sentenced to three years in Yushan Forced Labour Camp. He was released after suffering horrific torture in 2004, and died in March 2006. The means of torture used in Yushan Forced Labour Camp are very cruel. Practitioners are deprived of sleep for long periods of time. They are forced to sit straight on a small stool, and they are jabbed with needles, punched, and shocked with electric batons whenever they move. Guards use long needles, screwdrivers, electric batons, and wooden sticks on practitioners' heads, private parts, and other sensitive places. They beat practitioners who hold hunger strikes very brutally, shove toilet brushes into practitioners' mouths, force-feed them with faeces and chilli powder, and burn their fingernails and toenails with cigarette butts.