Death Cases

  • Persistant Persecution Leads to Death of Practitioner Ms. Dong Yanping from Hebei Province

    Ms. Dong Yangping, 56 years old. After July 20, 1999, when the practice was banned, she refused to give up Falun Gong practice. Consequently, police searched her home several times. In 2001 the police arrested her husband, daughter and her and took them to the police station. She was beaten and locked in a metal cage, doing her immense spiritual and bodily harm. During the daytime she was absentminded, and at night she could not sleep. In April 2004, her work unit stopped paying her salary, so her financial resources were cut off. On September 28, 2004 she died tragically.
  • Details About the Death of 55 Year Old Henan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Liu Gai

    Fifty-five year old Ms. Liu Gai was a resident of Henan Province. Since she was a firm believer in Falun Dafa, police arrested her and her daughter-in-law. Ms. Liu's daughter-in-law went to use the toilet, and when she came out, she found Ms. Liu unconscious, and her complexion was very pale. Police rushed her to the hospital but she died soon after. Upon seeing their mother's condition, the two sons were shocked. She had bruises all over her body, her clothes were torn apart, and stab wounds covered her arms.
  • Practitioner Ms Liang Qizhen from Liaoning Province Abducted and Taken to Masanjia - Father Passes Away in Anguish

    Ms Liang Qizhen, 48, was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp due to explaining the facts about Falun Gong. On the ninth day after she was arrested, Liang Qizhen's father could not endure the blow caused by the news of his daughter's imprisonment, and he passed away in despair. Liang Qizhen's sister is heartbroken. Her elder sister is unlawfully imprisoned, her father is dead, her young nephew still needs nurturing, and her elderly mother needs to be looked after.
  • Persecuted to Death, Dafa Practitioner Li Jingdong's Leaves Two Teenage Children Orphaned

    Li Jingdong, 41 years old, began to practise Falun Gong in 1998. In 2001, Mr. Li was arrested after appealing in Beijing. He was sent back to the local police station in Shandong Province and handcuffed to a tree and left there for over 10 days, enduring insults, beatings and being kicked. He was persecuted to death, leaving behind two children, one 16 year old daughter, a 19 year old son and a 79-year-old mother.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Minqiu Tortured to Death in Beijing

    Ms. Zhang Minqiu was a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing, around 60 years old. She died in the autumn of 2002 from being subjected to torture in Beijing Labour Camp Distribution Centre (details unknown). On August 22, 2002, I saw Ms. Zhang Minqiu. Her mind had become unstable because of the torture she endured in the labour camp. She was transferred to Tiantanghe Hospital in September, 2002. Drug addicted prisoner Gao Lei (female) tells how Zhang was tortured in the hospital.
  • Practitioners Liu Ping and Guo Jianxuan Tortured to Death at Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp

    Liu Ping and Guo Jinxuan were both incarcerated in Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp and forced to pick out plastics of certain colours from the rubbish. Under such harsh working condition, Liu Ping collapsed. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis. In the winter of 2001, Liu Ping's condition suddenly worsened one night. As soon as he was sent to the hospital, he died. Guo Jianxuan developed scabies all over his body. He was also beaten very often. He was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away not long after.
  • Suspicious Death of High School Teacher Mr Xiao Guobin from Jilin Province

    Mr. Xiao Guobin, 31, was a chemistry teacher. Because he was resolute in practising Falun Dafa, he was subjected to detention and torture. On May 26, 2004, Xiao Guobin was arrested on the street by police. The police then took Xiao back to his home to watch them ransack it. During the search, Xiao "fell" out of a window in his home located on the sixth floor. The details of his fall are yet to be investigated. Xiao passed away despite an emergency rescue. The police guarded the hospital and did not allow other people to come see him. Later someone overheard police chatting with each other, "If Xiao's family members were resolved to find out the reason of his death, we would have to pay lots of money to them."
  • Luo Zhixiang's Husband Talks About How Authorities Killed His Pregnant Wife for Practising Falun Gong

    "The police said that my wife, Luo Zhixiang, had attempted suicide. It is well known that Falun Gong prohibits killing life, including your own. Besides, she was pregnant. Luo Zhixiang had even called her mother-in-law in Shandong Province to tell her about her pregnancy. With one female and two male guards in the room and her sister Luo Zhifen in a deep sleep, how was it possible for this deathly ill person who had been on a hunger strike for 11 days to jump from the window of the toilet the on third floor for no reason. In addition the two sisters had been under surveillance by the "610 Office" 24 hours a day including visits to the toilet."
  • Falun Dafa Practitioners Ms Wu Shujie and Ms Wang Fang from Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    Heilongjiang Province practitioner Ms. Wu Shujie, 47, was tortured while detained in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre for two years. Her health deteriorated due to the torture and later she was found to suffer from lung cancer. She was sent home on January 2, 2004 and died on September 8, 2004. Ms. Wang Fang lived in Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province. She was first tortured in Harbin City Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, and the labour camp only released her when she was close to death. Less than two months after returning home, on September 24, 2004, she passed away.
  • 55 Year Old Practitioner Ms Xu Wanxiang from Shanxi Province Dies from Persecution

    Ms. Xu Wanxiang lived in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. She used to suffer from cancer and other diseases, but her health improved greatly after she started practising Falun Dafa. Since the Chinese government started persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, however, the police often harassed Xu Wanxiang. Since her sister, also a practitioner, was sent to a labour camp Xu Wanxiang had to look after her sister's children, and she collapsed under the strain. Under this persecution and great pressure she died on July 25, 2004.
  • After Overcoming Cancer by Practising Falun Dafa, 67 Year Old Ms. Sun Hongfei Dies from Persecution

    On February 10, 2002, several policemen broke into the home of 67 year old Ms. Sun Hongfei for the sixth time to confiscate her personal belongs and abduct her husband. As a result, her physical condition worsened, especially after she learned that her husband was sentenced to a year and half of "re-education through forced labour" based on the excuse of "disturbing social order and public security." She was full of grief and anger, and on April 10, 2002, exactly two months after her husband was abducted, Ms. Sun passed away. Her husband, Mr. Wang Sili suffered extreme tortures in the labour camp, and the officials in the camp did not mention a word to him about his wife passing away.
  • The Difficult Circumstances of the Family of Liu Dejun, a Falun Dafa Practitioner Who Was Tortured to Death

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Dejun, 51 years old, was a retiree from Xinglongtai Oil Refinery in Panjin City, Liaoning Province. He lefthome to avoid arrest by police for practising Falun Dafa. However, police found him and detained him in a detention centre. He conducted a hunger strike to protest his unjust incarceration. Liu Dejun was force-fed brutally, which led to his death on July 11, 2003. He left behind his wife, Ji Hong, 30 years old, their 5-year-old son Liu Xinyu, and a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Liu Minghui.
  • 55-Year-Old Hebei Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Gong Xiuling Passes Away as a Result of the Persecution

    Ms. Gong Xiuling was a 55-year-old Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Hebei Province. Because she persisted in leading her life according to Truth, Compassion, Tolerance, she was abducted several times, large sums of money were extorted from her family and she was put in a detention centre and cruelly beaten. her husband was also incarcerated in a labour camp for one year. She and her husband went into exile to escape the persecutors. Her health declined and she passed away in May 2004.
  • How Practitioner Ms Yang Jingying, In Her Fifties, Was Persecuted to Death

    53 year old Ms. Yang Jingying, a Falun Gong practitioner from Anhui Province, was abducted by police in April 2002 and detained for one year and eight months. She was subjected to all kinds of tortures. She was subjected to so much torture that she became paralyzed and could no long control her bodily functions. Several days after her release, she died from the persecution.
  • More Facts about the Torture which Led to the Death of Mr. Tang Jian

    Mr. Tang Jianwas a Falun Gong practitioner. Since he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong, he was tortured until injuries covered every part of his body. He died at home after telling his family about the tortures he suffered at the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp. Tang Jian died on July 9, 2004, from the brutal torture he received at the camp. A strong and excellent teacher died of torture at the age of 39 just because he firmly followed the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance!".