Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Tortured to Death at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-27During her detention, the camp officials brutally tortured her until her body became very weak, then she was released on bail for medical treatment. She was still monitored while serving the remainder of her sentence as she underwent treatment. She died after 3 months.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Imprisoned for One Week: Dead One Month Later
2003-04-27Ms. Zhou was cooking at home when some policemen from Guankou Police Station came in and, claiming that she had "attacked the police," beat her savagely. After ransacking her home, the police took her to the city detention centre. One week later, the police called her family members at midnight and told them to take her home.
Dabei Prison Cause Fatal Injuries to Two Female Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-27Although they made up her face, there were still very visible marks caused from the electric baton shocks and bruises from the beatings. Her family members were threatened not to reveal any information to the public, and the prison attempted to prevent any information about the death from becoming public knowledge.
Following Female Practitioner Dies from Brutal Persecution after More than 1000 Days in Prison
2003-04-27In China, upon a senior citizen's 66th birthday, relatives and close friends gather together to celebrate and wish them a peaceful and happy life. However, Zhang Cuizhen can no longer enjoy the happy life she was supposed to have. Inside a gloomy and damp prison cell in detention centre, with no fresh flowers and no kind blessings, she had only handcuffs, foot shackles, iron bars, and the prison's electric fence with her, as well as the relentless and brutal persecution.
Elderly Woman Dafa Practitioner Received Relentless Torture in Detention Centre and Subsequently Died
2003-04-27At that time, Zhao Baolan could not take care of herself. However, the Petroleum Exploration Field "610 Office" still did not leave her alone, and made the staff of the brainwashing class watch over her at her home. Her husband was so traumatised by these events that he became ill and had to be hospitalised. Her son was still wrongfully detained in the brainwashing class.
Disgusting Deeds Against Female Dafa Practitioners in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Force-Feeding Faeces!
2003-04-27In order to win the distinction of being "Number 1 in Transfer Rates" and thereby earning huge bonuses (as much as 8,000 Yuan reward for successfully breaking one Falun Dafa practitioner), the police stop at nothing. They electric shock, beat, twist, and pinch. They force practitioners to do the "Sitting Squat," use hot chili peppers, and mercilessly degrade them, hoping that they will give up their cultivation.
Electric Shock Batons used Inhumanely on Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-04-26Afterwards, the amoral police tied her up with rope, hung a sign saying "Falun Gong Fanatic Cao Xianghui" around her neck, and paraded her through the Qianhu Street in Yueyang City. Then they threw her in the Hubin Detention Centre, where she was kept for half a month before she was transferred to the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province.
Tragic Account of Suffering of Family of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-26During three years' persecution, my relatives have also suffered from the pain of separation, and from continued fear and worry. My grandmother, who is in her 80's developed senile dementia after her daughter and son-in-law were sent to a forced labour camp.
Practitioners Zhang Jian and Hong Weisheng in Great Danger Due to Repeated Torture
2003-04-26At the same time, the "610 Office" said to the practitioners already in prison, "Based on orders from our superiors, there are only two choices for Falun Gong practitioners. They can either renounce their beliefs or die. Not only will we not be held responsible for their deaths, but we will also claim rewards and benefits for having Falun Gong practitioners give up their practise."
Female Falun Gong Practitioner Suffers Mental Collapse from Extreme Physical and Mental Torture
2003-04-26Two nights later, Xinmin was called in again. She came back at midnight with black and blue marks all over her whole body from an electric baton. On top of that, they took turns attacking her. Xinmin started to show abnormal behaviour, sometimes crying and sometimes smiling. Even under such conditions, they still said she was pretending and continued to beat her and torture her.
Fuyang City "Law Training Class" - a Place for Torture
2003-04-26In January 2000, there was a heavy snow. The temperature was below 10 F. Practitioner Liu was detained for 17 days. He had no cotton blanket. He was stripped all his clothes and the thugs forced his head into the Cess pit [in China, simple toilets are made of walls around a pit in the ground. Urine and faeces are collected in the pit]. The thugs then poured cold water on him.
AFP: Chinese SARS measures too late to prevent nationwide crisis: analysts
2003-04-26So far, 14 of China's 31 municipalities and provinces have reported SARS cases...The government has reported more than 1,800 confirmed cases nationwide, and at least 80 deaths, but few believe the statistics are complete.
Women Practitioners Suffer Ferocious Persecution in Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-04-25Cruel officer Li Qi covered their mouths with three layers of wide bandages and then handcuffed Peng Shiqiong to a tree beside the front door, with only her toes touching the ground. Under Li Qi's instruction, all the common prisoners rushed over and kicked and beat her. Officer Li Qi said while beating her, "If I beat you to death, the worst thing that can happen to me is that I will no longer be a police officer."
Daqing City Forced Labour Camp Enact Abominations Against Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-25The policemen in the labour camp stripped off Dafa practitioner Ren Liang's clothes, forced him into a steel chair and then poured cold water onto the chair, making it unbearably cold. This lasted for several hours. After that the disgusting policemen even forced human excrement and urine into his mouth twice! Ren could not walk for a whole week as a result of the beating and the torture.
Stiff Sentence Handed Out to Innocent Female Practitioner in Jiaozhou City
2003-04-25As soon as she walked into the brainwashing centre, the police beat her violently, resulting in a broken leg. To protest the illegal and cruel treatment, Ji Xiuling started a hunger strike. Her peaceful and righteous action did not stop police atrocity. They even intensified their brutality by force-feeding her with alcohol.