Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Fushun City Police Kidnap, Beat Practitioners, Loot Their Homes
2003-03-30In order to cover up their illegal act, they fabricated and told several lies to Mr. Ding's workplace, saying that he had hidden a photocopier, and even that he had beaten them up, and they thus asked his workplace to take deductions from his wages to compensate them. By this deceptive means, Nie wrongfully extorted Mr. Ding's work wages. In order to provide incentive for the public security officers to arrest more Falun Dafa practitioners, the politics and law department used an 'award' of 500 Yuan for the arrest of each practitioner. The greedy policemen gave up their own humanity in order to get more money.
Illegally Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison, Changchun Female Practitioner Suffers from Torture Induced Heart Condition
2003-03-30Because of the dramatic impact of the Chinese "305" case regarding clarifying the truth through television broadcasts, Zhou Runjun, a female Dafa practitioner from Changchun, Jinlin province, was unjustly sentenced to twenty years in the Jilin Women's Prison in Changchun. Where is there justice, when a lady who has selflessly risked her life to tell the Chinese people that they have been poisoned by lies about Falun Gong, is given such a sentence?
Case of News Fabrication: 30-Yuan Reward for Playing a Dafa Practitioner in Handcuffs
2003-03-30One day a journalist came to their work site to make a news film. The journalist asked the workers, "Can you help to make the news film? If you play Falun Gong practitioners and say that Falun Gong is not good, you will get paid 30 Yuan if you put on handcuffs and 20 Yuan without handcuffs." A few of them worked for the journalist to earn the money. The others refused and said, "We should not make money without conscience. Money can't bribe us to slander Falun Gong."
Alarming News: Nine More Practitioners in Three Provinces in China are Persecuted to Death
2003-03-29It was told that after the four practitioners were tortured to death, the families of three of them were forced to pay between 8000 to 10000 Yuan each to "buy" the corpse back! Such flagrant disrespect is inconceivable. The fourth family was also blackmailed, but the amount they were forced to pay is not known. A reporter contacted the Huairen County office to inquire about the incident. A person there said that this "might have happened,"
Some Details Surrounding the Death of Practitioner Ms. Zou Guirong in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-29One time in a meeting, Wang Chuying, who beat up people the most brutally, gave false testimony by saying that nobody was ever beaten at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Then Zou Guirong stood up and said: "This is not true." Even before she finished her words a bunch of hired roughnecks came running at her. They pushed her down on the floor and stuffed her mouth. Liaoning TV station and Chinese Central Television station (CCTV) videotaped the scene. Zou was taken away by the police, who then beat her up. They took out a knife and were trying to get her to commit suicide.
As the Night Falls -- The Terror in the Harbin Female Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-29The humid air from the basement mixed with the smell of burned rubber from electric batons permeates the atmosphere. "Practise Falun Gong or not?" Accompanied by the crackling noise from the electric baton and the terrible scream from a woman, secretly, under the cover of night, an inhuman crime was taking place in Harbin City Female Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp.
University Student Tells His Own Story: Dismissed from School for Persisting in His Belief
2003-03-29The practitioner was kicked from one policeman toward another, and then that policeman started to kick him. I felt extremely saddened. All the people in the room saw this atrocious scene. One person shouted to the police who were doing the beating, "It is forbidden to beat people!" She tried to rush out of the room after saying this but as a result, she was shackled to an iron column by the police.
Germany: Overseas Chinese Come to Know the Truth
2003-03-29I picked out two articles from Essentials for Further Advancement by Master Li which I had with me and read them to him. He listened very carefully, and became more and more excited, and then he took the book and read it by himself, saying: My Goodness, I didnt know it before. This book is so great that it should be translated into every language in the world, to let people all over the world know it. Have you started to do the translation?
More Information About the Deaths by Torture of Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang Province
2003-03-28In June 2002, the vicious policemen told Mr. Zhang, "We will detain you for an extended period of time although you have finished your term. Falun Gong practitioners have no place to appeal." Mr. Zhang went on a hunger strike, demanding to be freed as he was innocent to begin with. On June 29, 2002, he was killed due to force-feeding by authorities at the Fuyu Detention Centre
Tragic Consequences of Unjust Persecution-At Least 24 Dafa Practitioners Die in Jilin City
2003-03-28Since Jiang's regime began its vicious suppression of Falun Gong in July 1999, at least 24 Dafa practitioners from Jilin City and its neighbouring counties and cities in Jilin Province have been persecuted to death. Some of these practitioners died of torture while others died as a result of various kinds of persecution. We shall always remember those that have died being steadfast to their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolearance.
Dengta City Court Officials Sentence Four Innocent Falun Dafa Practitioners to Harsh Prison Terms
2003-03-28A policeman, who completely lost his sense of decency, struck Liu in the face with the sole of his boot, kicking and punching him at the same time, causing Liu's face to swell. He also fractured two of Liu's ribs on his left side. Guan Wenjiang was also beaten until he was black and blue over his body. The eardrum of his left ear was punctured and injured by the torture.
Ruthless Torture Results in Whole-Body Paralysis
2003-03-28During the past four days the "610 Office" assigned police from Jianshe North Street Police Station to Li Huiqi's elder sister's store to coerce her into handing over Li Huiqi, otherwise the police threatened to close down the shop. The shop is the only source of income for the five family members and it would be a great burden to them if it were shut down. The police's evil doings kindle kind people's indignation towards them.
Neighbours and Relatives Protect Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City, China
2003-03-28On February 20, 2003, local police and government officials broke into Falun Dafa practitioners Zhang's and Zhu's houses to force them to attend a brainwashing session. Both practitioners and their families resisted the illegal arrests. After finding out about the situation, neighbours and relatives came over to support the practitioners. They told the police, "Why on earth do you want to reform these good people?" The police had to retreat because of the righteous thoughts and actions from the neighbours and relatives.
A Party Secretary and a Veteran Policeman Learn the Truth About Falun Gong
2003-03-28A veteran police officer at my work unit received a truth clarifying CD about the Tiananmen Self-Immolation. He watched it attentively from start to finish. After he had finished watching it, he thought the analysis contained in the CD was reasonable and had grounds. He said to the other people: "In the CD there is truth and evidence. The Falun Gong practitioners truly 'solved the case'
Four More Dafa Practitioners Die from Torture -Shocking Death Toll Reaches 636
2003-03-27On August 28 2001, less than 20 minutes after Yin Ling and her son came back from a holiday, seven to eight policemen broke into their home and forcibly took Yin away without any reason. Her 9-year-old son cried, "Mum, where are they taking you? I'm scared." Mother and son were thus separated; her son has had no one to care for him since.