Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Atrocities Committed in Wuhan City
2002-08-30Qiaokou Brainwahing Class: The living standard of the practitioners in the brainwashing class was even lower than that of the other prisoners. Despite this, the brainwashing workers forced each practitioner's work unit or family to pay very high living expenses of 5,000 to 6,000 Yuan per practitioner. This amount is equivalent to one year's salary for a middle-class worker.
Widespread Persecution in Jiacun Township
2002-08-30When they could not find a Dafa practitioner, they arrested their families or even relatives and detained them in the police station. Seeing such brutal behavior, some neighbors said a few words of justice, but were also arrested, taken to the police station of the township and beaten up.
First Hand Account: Torture of Women of All Ages, from Seventeen to Sixty-Three
2002-08-29Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp: When we were tied up, we were forced to maintain a half-squat position. The abusers added wooden sticks and bricks to the area in the back of our knees. We had to bend at the waist and lower our head. The arms were tied tightly with ropes, so tightly that they dug into our flesh. Some even had their neck and ankles connected with ropes.
Multiple Kidnappings of Dafa Practitioners by Police
2002-08-29Police in Shulan City, Jilin Province kidnap and incarcerate Falun Gong practitioners, whilst ransacking their homes and steal their personal property.
Truth-Clarification Programs Broadcast on Cable TV Stations are Enthusiastically Received by the People
2002-08-28After one older lady watched it, she told Dafa practitioners: "Your Falun Gong is now accepted as a righteous way. The Central Television station has broadcast positive news about it. I will watch it again tomorrow." Other residents complained about the tyranny of Jiang Zemin's government and at the same time they admired what Dafa practitioners did.
Wife Wang Xiulan Tortured to Death, Husband Pei Jilin Sent to Labour Camp
2002-08-28Such a happy family was broken by Jiang's regime. Wang Xiulan and Pei Jilin's son, who is a college student, is now left with no one to take care of him. In China, there are many more families who have similar experiences.
Practitioner Mo Xiaoyan Brutally Persecuted in the Hunan Women's Prison
2002-08-28Policewoman Han Lihua dutifully persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. She openly ordered the prisoners to "beat Mo Xiaoyan if she is not obedient." Therefore, prisoners often beat and assaulted her. They did not give her any food, and even grabbed her head and hit it against the wall. They kicked her legs severely for twenty minutes, by which time both of Mo's legs became numb.
Police Repeatedly Kidnap, Imprison and Torture Beijing Practitioner
2002-08-28He was sent to the Tuanhe Labour Camp for a year. During that time he was brutally tortured. Because he refused to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, the authorities decided to illegally prolong his detention for another six months.
The Intense Suffering of Dafa Practitioners At the Hands of Guards and Criminals in Tumuji Labour Camp
2002-08-27Due to the severe torture, Wang Zhichen was not in a healthy mental condition, and his whole body was in terrible pain. He fell unconscious several times. However, the guards still did not let up, continuing the torture for several months.
Cable TV Stations in Qinghai Province Broadcast the Truth About Falun Dafa
2002-08-27The interception of the cable TV station's broadcast lasted for a long time. Police cars were running all over town but could not find where the interception of the programs was taking place.
Two Women in Their Fifties Tortured to Death by Local Police
2002-08-27Ms Wu Jingfang had suffered from various diseases, including kidney stones, before she learned Falun Gong. After she began to practice, her good health returned and the diseases disappeared. Because she practiced Falun Gong she was abducted and put through brainwashing classes and torture. In the end, she was tortured to death by Police. On April 11, her body was secretly cremated.
Vicious Torture by Guard in Labour Camp
2002-08-26Jiang Yongfeng of the 2nd unit told the criminal inmates to seal all the windows and doors with newspaper. During the night Jiang told about 20 criminals to start brutally torturing the practitioners. First he told them to put the television set in the hallway and set its volume to its highest (so that others couldn't hear the torturing). They forbid anyone else from leaving their cell, while 6 of them tortured one practitioner.
"No Need to Follow Laws When Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners."
2002-08-26To meet arrest quotas, the local police stations in Yingkou arrested practitioners at will without following any legal procedure. The police were not even lenient with practitioners who are disabled or pregnant.
Natural Disasters Hit China
2002-08-26Ancient Chinese people held a belief that "Heaven and man are inter-connected" and that large-scale, natural disasters often result from a ruler's corruption and tyranny...
Practitioners Mercilessly Tortured With Electric Batons in Labour Camp
2002-08-26They used electric batons to shock these practitioners on their sensitive areas such as their faces, arches of their feet, necks, and armpits. The practitioners' conditions after this abuse were too ghastly to look at.