Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
After brainwashing Qin Airong's mental disorder resurfaced: who is responsible for her death?
2001-12-10Qin Airong suffered mental health problems until she found and started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Since that time her view of life changed, and her physical and mental health improved dramatically. However, after being locked in a detention centre for 50 days starting in August 2001 her mental disorder went to the extreme. She threw herself into a well and committed suicide.
My Tribulation of Being Violently Brainwashed in Prison
2001-12-10The reason I can still write to you today as a Dafa practitioner, is because I insisted on practising Falun Dafa after I was sent home from detention. Thus, my mind quickly recovered from the muddle-headedness caused by the torture in prison.
College Principal Guides His Teachers and Students to see Through the Propaganda
2001-12-10"Because we haven't read the books of Falun Gong before and we don't understand everything that happened during the 4.25 collective appeal, how could we declare where we stand?"
Elderly Practitioner Arrested While Shopping
2001-12-10The Southeast Street Police Station suspended her retirement pension starting on October 200, cutting off her only source of income. On October 24, 2001, she went to the Southeast Street Police Station to ask for her retirement pension. However, police chief Wang Bin refused to pay her any money.
Longquanyi Police Torture Dafa Practitioners
2001-12-10Another practitioner's jaw was beaten and sustained a more than one-inch-long, bleeding cut. Her undergarments were soaked with blood, and she had to wear these bloody clothes for 35 days. After receiving brutal beatings, the four female practitioners were handcuffed behind their backs and forced to put on 50 Jin (about 56 LB) shackles for 35 days. Although they suffered these cruel tortures, their determination never wavered.
Labour Camp Rewards Criminals With Reduced Sentences for Torturing Practitioners
2001-12-10According to an internal document, the criminals would not be held responsible if they beat Falun Gong practitioners to death. Two criminals are usually in charge of torturing one practitioner. Given these incentives, the drug user and repeat offender inmates often madly beat up practitioners.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Murdered in Zhucheng City
2001-12-09After this atrocity, the police immediately blocked all the news, imposed a curfew on the village where Yang Guizhen had lived, and closely monitored and watched her family members. They detained Dafa practitioners who had associated with her and who were trying to get information on this case.
Dafa Practitioner Liu Shuqin's Life is in Great Peril after 26 Days on a Hunger Strike
2001-12-09Liu Shuqin faced the detention with a fortitude that commanded admiration and respect. She refused to report her name or to cooperate with any orders, instructions, or requirements. She has been on a hunger and water strike ever since. It has been 26 days, and her life is in great danger. However, the police still won't release her, but continue to torture her weak body and force-feed her with salt water.
The Persecution I Suffered
2001-12-09He also kicked my legs and hips and howled, "I don't believe I can not control you! I don't need you to speak any more! I will break your legs! ..." The wicked policeman Shao Chongchun got tired from beating me, he took off his shirt, pulled up his sleeves, and continued trying to get a confession through torture. He frenziedly beat, kicked, and cursed at me and he pulled my hair. Later, he hung me up on the heating pipes, my body was suspended with only the tips of my toes touching the ground. He beat me up and intentionally made my body swing to cause me further pain. Because of the long duration of the malicious persecution, the handcuffs cut deeply into my wrists.
The "610" Office of State Terrorism in Xiantao City is Still Committing Crimes
2001-12-09On many occasions, the "610" state terrorists, who are the corrupt police of the political security group, broke into the homes of residents and even took away kind-hearted Falun Gong practitioners in broad daylight, either throwing them into brainwashing classes for forced brainwashing or detaining them arbitrarily and without any charge, in a detention center. This caused the practitioners to suffer all kinds of inhuman mental and physical tortures.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured and Sentenced Without Cause in Mudanjiang City
2001-12-09When their hands began to hurt, they then slapped her face with books until her face turned dark purplish and became swollen. Sun could not even open her eyes. Despite the injuries, these brutal police officers did not stop. Instead, they became more brutal. The police bent one of her arms towards the back from above the shoulder, the other from under, and tied both her hands with tight ropes. To tighten the rope further, they changed ropes three times, and placing beer bottles behind her back to raise her lower arm. When she still refused to give in, the evil police force-fed her twice with chili and mustard powders.
Anther Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured and Illegally Sentenced in Xinjiang Region
2001-12-09According to sources, the prison terms for sentencing Falun Gong practitioners are predetermined internally. The court procedure is just a formality and is unconstitutional. Attorneys have revealed that the judicial authorities have issued orders that, in principle, Falun Gong practitioners cannot have attorneys to defend them. And defense by attorney has to be approved by the judicial authorities, and attorneys have to report their contacts and conversation with Falun Gong practitioners at any time when asked to.
Wujiabaozi Labor Camp Officials Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioner Shi Jinling
2001-12-09They poured cold water down her neck for two days completely soaking her. They also force-fed her. When she was force-fed the first time, Shi Jinling refused to cooperate with them, so her torturers forcibly pulled out one of her teeth. She was force-fed twice a day. After force-feeding her, they injected her with tranquilizers. During the daytime, they played high-volume disco music over loudspeakers to disorient her and not let her think clearly. Dafa practitioner Shi Jinling is still determined and unyielding.
A Dafa Practitioner Is Tortured to Near Death
2001-12-09In order to safeguard her own freedom of belief and citizen's rights, she began a hunger strike. Ignoring the safety of her life, Nanzhao police have increased her torture and persecution. They have force-fed her every week despite the possibility of her death. In the one month since the persecution began, Chen has been tortured until she has appeared as emaciated as a stick and is on the verge of death.
Reprehensible People at Lanzhou University Intensify the Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners
2001-12-09They forced 6 practitioners, including 3 teachers and 3 students to attend the brainwashing class. Now they place great hope on making the 3 students denounce Dafa in order to achieve the 50% "conversion" rate. Recently we have learned that 2 students were sent against their will to be brainwashed in an underground hostel of the Lanzhou University Youth League Committee. Another female student ran away from school to resist the brainwashing. Her current whereabouts are unknown.