Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Teenager Brutally Tortured at Liaoyuan Labor Camp, Jilin Province
2001-11-17Instructor Fan gave Meng a bout of whipping with a very thick cable wire. Meng was whipped on the shoulders and the back. Fan also choked him by lashing his throat a number of times, causing the throat to bleed and nearly suffocating him.
Overcoming Torture and Walking Out of Changlinzi Labour Camp with Dignity After 83 days on Hunger Strike
2001-11-16My hands were cuffed and hung up to the cell door. I could not stand upright, sit down, or squat down. I was just hanging there in this position for 6 days and nights. At that time I had scabies all over my body (The hygienic conditions were very poor in the labour camp and we were not allowed to take baths.). The blood and pus dripped from my legs to the ground. My pants were drenched and stuck to my legs, which became more swollen due to the 50 days of standing and the torture in the compartment.
Rapists are Given Official Posts in Government Policy of Rape and Sexual Persecution
2001-11-16[Kan] boasted that he would "rape her to death."
Father of Practitioner who was Persecuted to Death Has Been Forced to Become A Prisoner in His Own Home
2001-11-16 -
Violent Suppression Can Only Make Practitioners More Resolute: Report from Baimao Labour Camp
2001-11-16 -
Practitioners in Gaoyang Labour Camp Refuse to Comply with the Persecutors' Demands Despite Torture and Abuse
2001-11-16After two days and three nights' of continuous torture, director Yang of the Brigade said wickedly to his staff regarding those determined practitioners who had refused to write the "pledges": "Shock them with higher-voltage batons. Do it every half hour."
Partial List of People Responsible for the Death of Practitioner Lu Hongfeng, Tortured to Death in a Mental Hospital, and Related Phone Numbers
2001-11-16 -
People Who Side With The Evil to Persecute Practitioners
2001-11-16 -
Anshan City Labour Camp Perpetrates a Fraud to Achieve Recognition
2001-11-16 -
Practitioners and Their Families Kidnapped in the Street Before APEC Conference
2001-11-16 -
Police Station Officials Use "Psychotropic Drugs" to Try and Weaken the Will of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2001-11-16 -
Shenyang Police Beat A Widow and Take Her Hard Earned Savings
2001-11-16Liu and her daughter had to live in the shed to save money. Liu worked hard everyday, but her mind was focused on cultivating in Falun Dafa. However, the police arrested Ms. Liu, as an attempt to warn other practitioners. The police beat her, and confiscated 1,600 Yuan RMB [about 8 months average income for a farmer], which she saved for her son's college tuition from selling vegetables.
The Crimes of Policewoman Wang Jing in Changchun Labour Camp
2001-11-16 -
Practitioner Zhao Guifeng Never Yields to the Brutal Torture
2001-11-16 -
Torture Does Not Break Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Tiebei Detention House
2001-11-16Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Guangyou was bruised and lacerated from beatings; his flesh was torn and bone was exposed. Tian Zhonglin personally instructed the thugs to beat him. After that, they further tortured him on the Tiger Bench.