Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Fuzhi Village
2001-11-11 -
Lequn Village
2001-11-11 -
Yuejin County
2001-11-11 -
The perpetrators of persecution in Shuiquan County Subdivision
2001-11-11 -
Eye Witness Report From a Labor Camp In Guangdong Province
2001-11-11While in detention, we lived an inhuman life. Everyday, we had to do more than 10 hours' labor. We were not allowed to do the exercises or study the Fa [principles of Falun gong]even for half an hour. One day, we woke up early and immediately began our exercises. The guards found out and called the drug addicts to drag, pull, and beat us. We disobeyed them and still kept doing our exercises. To stop us, they then fixed our arms and legs with handcuffs. Sometimes, we did our exercises when the guards were not paying attention. Even so, sometimes we were beaten and cursed by the drug addicts.
Tuanjie County
2001-11-11 -
Kaiping Labor Camp Brutalities: Additional Detailed Information about the Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2001-11-11They shocked practitioners with electric batons. The tragic cries heard from practitioners was heart-breaking. On that day, when thug Wang Xueli led other male policemen to shock practitioner Fu Weiping, they were so brutal that the electric baton didn't leave her face and mouth and they continuously shocked her. They pulled off her cotton gloves and shocked her fingers, one by one. After they shocked her on the exercise yard, they dragged her to the meeting room and forced her to kneel down. Wang Xueli shocked her face, head, and neck for a long time. Vicious thug Wang Xueli was in a murderous looking state and shouted vicious words, like a demon. Until they dragged in another practitioner, Xu Youlan, Wang Xueli shouted to other two policemen, "Drag Fu Weiping outside." Then they made her stay outside in the freezing weather.
Kidnapping, brutally beating, and humiliating practitioners
2001-11-11Xiaoji Town police station hired some local ruffians to humiliate female practitioners "for fun" every evening [Note: it is believed they were victims of attempted rape or sexual harassment]. People in the other counties and towns are just as evil!
Female Dafa practitioner Ren Tingling was tortured to death; she died in the brainwashing class
2001-11-11People in the Dongcun Detention Center used extremely cruel and inhuman methods to persecute Dafa practitioners. One day (cannot remember the exact date), the other practitioners from room 209 found that Ren Tingling was in extreme discomfort. She was holding her body, clutching her own shoulders with her arms and her whole body was shaking. She was in critical condition. The other practitioners immediately told the guard, but the guard did not care. Shortly after that, the guard forced the practitioners to go watch a brainwashing video. Some practitioners wanted to stay and take care of Ren but the guard prohibited them. That morning, between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., Ren Tingling died. The police lied to the public, saying that Ren Tingling died from a cerebral hemorrhage.
Practitioner Fang Xianzhi Tortured to Death in Chengdu City
2001-11-10In early February, Fang Xianzhi went on a hunger strike to protest his illegal detention. Just a few days into his hunger strike, the detention center began to force-feed him. After the force-feeding, he vomited and had difficulty breathing. Later, his health began to fail. When he appeared to be dying, they sent him to a hospital, but he died on the way. The detention center falsely reported that he died of kidney failure.
Wife Witnesses Husband Shackled to Iron Bed Five Days Before His Death in a Labor Camp
2001-11-10On June 17th, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lan Hongyu, a 35-year-old resident from Hebei province in western China, died after 10 days of torture by police.
Falun Gong Practitioner Dies after Labor Camp Warden Injects Him with an Unknown Substance
2001-11-10 -
The Facts about Yang Mei's Death
2001-11-10 -
Doctors Torture Female Practitioners
2001-11-10 -
The Persecution That I Have Suffered