Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
No One Buys, No One Signs, and No Forced Purchasing
2001-10-04 -
Falun Dafa Practitioners at Linyuan Refinery Are Kidnapped
2001-10-04 -
Falun Gong Practitioner Gao Mei from Yishui County, Shangdong Province Murdered in the County Detention Office
2001-10-04She was beaten and tortured brutally by local police officials because she persisted in her belief in Falun Gong. She was sent to the Yishui Detention Office and tortured to death on August 22, 2001.
Practitioner Wang Yongdong Killed in His Home by Police
2001-10-04On Sept. 21, 2001, police from the county broke into his home illegally and ransacked it. Wang questioned whether the police had any legal grounds for their action. He resisted the illegal ransacking. Consequently the police beat him severely and threw him out the window from the fourth floor of the building, causing his death. Later police lied by saying that he committed suicide.
Torture at Xiangfan City Labour Camp
2001-10-03The director of the labour camp, Shi said, "Torturing you to death is just like trampling an ant. You have to work even during the hunger strike. It will be considered suicide when you die!"
All the Means of Brainwashing and "Criticize and Denounce" Used During the Cultural Revolution Have Been Applied to Force Practitioners to Give Up Falun Dafa
2001-10-03 -
Suspicious Point in Falun Dafa Practitioner Deng Weinan's Death
2001-10-03 -
2001-10-02The "610 Office" specialises in political persecution and is particularly deadly because it has been given the authority to override any law. It is very similar in nature to a product of the Cultural Revolution -- the ubiquitous "Cultural Revolution Leading Committee" of the CCP Central Committee - which also derived its authority directly from the nation's top leader and chief architect of the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao.
Atrocities Committed by the "610 Office" of Jimo City, Shandong Province
2001-10-02 -
Cases of Police Battering Falun Dafa Practitioners in Shulan City, Jilin Province
2001-10-02 -
Criminal Record of policeman Xu Hongwei from the Dongfeng Police Station, Jincheng Police Sub-Department
2001-10-02He pulled her hair and slammed her head against the water pipe in the corridor. He beat the practitioner to the ground several times, hitting her with his fist and kicking her with his feet. The practitioner's hair was dishevelled, her face was swollen and bruised, and her hands were bleeding in different places from this abuse.
Police in Jilin Province Will More Strictly Monitor the Internet as a Means to Persecute Practitioners
2001-10-02 -
The Persecution I Encountered in Beijing
2001-10-01Not long after my arrival, four policemen started threatening me, saying lots of filthy words. One of them, who looked to be around 30 years of age, brought a loaded hunting rifle, pointed it at my chest and threatened: "If I shoot you, I get rewarded, and you have no place to complain. Another two policemen were extremely sadistic; they used their fingernails to dig in and cut through my nipple until my nipple fell off.
Falun Dafa Banner Seen On Qingchuan Bridge
2001-10-01How the brave Falun Dafa practitioners managed to hang up the banners in such a high and challenging spot still remains a mystery for the police.
The Tuanhe Labour Camp Tortures Practitioner Lu Changjun to the Point of Paralysis