Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Wang Hongwei in Critical Condition from Maltreatment in Police Custody, Elderly Parents Appealing for Help
2011-07-11Mr. Wang Hongwei and his wife Ms. Wang Lili are Falun Gong practitioners from Zhucheng City, Shandong Province. In 2009, both of them were arrested after being homeless for 5 years in their own hometown in order to avoid persecution. In July 2010, Mr. Wang Hongwei was sentenced to 10 years in prison and Ms. Wang Lili was sentenced to 6 years prison. Mr. Wang Hongwei's health has declined severely as a result of the cruel persecution. Because of his poor health, he was rejected twice by Jinan Prison. Mr. Wang is currently being held in Zhucheng City's detention centre.
Ms. Guo Min from Xishui County, Hubei Province Incarcerated in a Mental Hospital for Over Ten Years
2011-07-11Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Guo Min was put in the Kangtai Mental Hospital in Huanggang City in 2000. It has been over ten years since she was transferred to the Xishui County Mental Hospital, in 2002. She was being treated as a patient, even though was menatlly sound, given unnecessary medication, and has become severely damaged mentally. She has also been diagnosed with cancer. For over ten years, a young, innocent woman in her prime has been locked up in a mental hospital and has spent the best part of her life there, a victim of the Chinese Communist Party’s despotic power.
Yushu City 610 Office Agents and Domestic Security Division Officers in Jilin Province Persecute Practitioners to Earn 100,000-Yuan Bonus
2011-07-11Yushu City 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and Domestic Security Division officers have persecuted Falun Gong practitioners since June to receive a huge bonus of 100,000 yuan. These agents colluded with officers from neighbourhood committees and some individual township governments to harass and arrest practitioners. Yushu City Domestic Security Division officers arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Fengbao on June 20th, and held him in the Yushu City Detention Centre. Mr. Liu is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Zhejiang Women's Prison Uses Mind Altering Drugs to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2011-07-11Zhejiang Province Women's Prison administered psychotropic drugs to persecute Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiulian until her mental state deteriorated. She was persecuted and guarded with a high degree of security, and put in solitary confinement because she was unwilling to compromise and give up her beliefs. Ms. Zhang told everyone that the hospital forced her to take drugs and injected her with drugs that destroy the central nervous system because she refused to stop practising Falun Gong.
The Persecution Suffered by Retired Teacher Ms. Tian Sufang Before She Died
2011-07-10Ms. Tian Sufang, a seventy-four-year old retired teacher, lived in Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia. She started practising Falun Gong in 1996 and after several months of practice, the illnesses she previously sought treatment for and that doctors could not cure, disappeared. After Falun Gong was suppressed by the Chinese Communist regime in July 1999, Ms. Tian was arrested and tortured countless times. Finally she was sentenced to five years in prison. She passed away on March 15th, 2011.
Thirty Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Arrested in Dalian City
2011-07-10Thirty Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by police at Mr. Shen’s home in Dalian City on June 25th, 2011. The police rushed into the house without showing any legal documents, and they were not wearing police uniforms. After taking pictures and videos, they forcibly dragged practitioners into the police vehicles. Some practitioners shouted “Falun Gong is good” to protest the unjust arrest. The police shoved two practitioners surnamed Shi and Feng down to the ground and stomped on their heads. Due to the abuse, Shi’s eyes were blackened and Feng’s chin was badly bruised. Practitioners were sent to detention centres.
Older Practitioner Ms. Li Wenjuan Subjected to Intense Persecution and Suffers a Bone Fracture
2011-07-10Agents from Putuo District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shanghai arrested 63-year-old practitioner Ms. Liu Wenjuan in 2009. They sentenced her to a four-year prison term and detained her in Shanghai Women’s Prison. She was put in the intensified unit from February to June 2011. As a result she became extremely weak and fell while taking a shower, fracturing her thigh bone.
Elderly Mr. Hu Shangxue Tortured in Jiuquan Prison
2011-07-10Mr. Hu Shangxue, 72, was detained four times between 2000 and 2002. During his fourth detention, he was sentenced to a 12-year term by the Yongchang County Court. In Jiuquan Prison officials adopted a policy of forced “transformation” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. They burned practitioners with cigarettes, beat them, burned them with pokers, kept them in solitary confinement, and tied them up and then stuffed a hare into the crotch of their trousers. They also used the torture method “splitting the body” (or the "beng torture") as well as forced sitting on a small stool for hours at a time (this torture is known as “stewing the eagle”). Mr. Hu eventually left Jiuquan Prison on May 26th, 2010. However, he is still being persecuted financially.
Children Seeking Help Online Regarding Mother's Trial
2011-07-09Ms. Wang Fuling has been detained in the Haidian Detention Centre since being arrested on June 25th, 2010. Representing herself, she pleaded “not guilty” in the Haidian Court on March 21st, 2011. The judge claimed that my mother put seven self-adhesive notes on light poles in a neighbourhood in Beijing on June 25th, 2010. Each note was two centimetres long and five millimetres wide. The notes read, “Falun Gong is good. Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good.” Because her defence lawyer was prohibited from making a not guilty plea on her behalf, she pleaded “not guilty” for herself.
Ms. Cai Daofeng Repeatedly Detained and Beaten
2011-07-09Ms. Cai Daofeng has been repeatedly detained, beaten, and suffered other forms of torture because she refuses to give up practising Falun Gong. She was detained in Zizhong City Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2000. She recounts: "A guard, shocked my face, nose, and mouth with electric batons until my nose and mouth bled. The guard instigated two criminals to beat me every day and used all sorts of torture on me. They tied me up with a rope and burned my forehead, face, and jaw with cigarettes. I had scars all over me."
How Did Li Xianwen Die?
2011-07-09Mr. Li Xianwen and his wife, Ms. Yu Guiying were arrested in Chengdu on May 29th or 30th, 2001. Sadly, Mr. Li, 54, died sometime between then and May 31st, 2001. What happened in those two days, and what caused Mr. Li's death? The answers to these questions remain unknown. When the family saw his body they noticed an obvious bruise on Mr. Li's neck but no other noticeable wounds when they were dressing his body. The wife and son thus suspected that Mr. Li had been strangled, although the police claimed Mr. Li died by jumping from a building.
Inside Story of the Nanchong City Brainwashing Centre of Sichuan Province
2011-07-09The “Nanchong Law Education Centre” is a secret brainwashing facility that targets Falun Gong practitioners. The "assistants" brainwash and deceive practitioners into giving up their belief; force practitioners to write so-called guarantee statements to give up the practice; force practitioners to hand copy articles and books that slander Falun Gong, and to watch slanderous video programmes; punish practitioners if they refuse to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] by depriving them of sleep, forcing them to sit on the floor without moving, torture and weakening the practitioners' will, or threatening them with forced labour.
Husband Imprisoned, Wife Sentenced to Forced Labour
2011-07-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Hongxia was arrested by agents from the Qinghe District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the Qinghe Domestic Security Division in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, on May 12th. After being detained for a month, she was sentenced to one year of forced labour and taken to the Jiangsu Women's Forced Labour Camp on June 12th. Her husband, also a practitioner, has been imprisoned since 2009.
An Upstanding Person Faces an Unjust Trial
2011-07-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Zhichen received a phone call on March 4th, 2011, from the director of the Wangqi Town Police Station, requesting to meet him at Mr. Liu's home. Although no family members were at home and the door was locked, Mr. Liu found the police sitting inside his home when he came back. Obviously the police broke the lock to forcibly gain entry, but they denied it. Upon ransacking Mr. Liu's home, the police found printing equipment. They took away Mr. Liu's personal belongings and Falun Gong DVDs. Mr. Liu has since been detained at the Jilin Detention Centre. Mr. Liu is well known in his village for helping his fellow villagers for years. Mr. Liu faced a trial on June 25th.
Li Xiwang Detained for More Than Six Months
2011-07-08Mr. Li Xiwang, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been detained in the Hexi District Detention Centre for more than 6 months due to his steadfast belief in Falun Gong. In his absence, his business has been forced to shut down and his employees lost their jobs. His family also lost their source of income and is experiencing financial hardship. Neither his teenage son nor his elderly mother have anyone to take care of them.