Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
My Experience of Having Abnormal Physical Reactions in Wuhan City Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2011-07-04When I arrived at Wuhan Women’s Forced Labour Camp on September 30th, 2009 guards demanded that I write a guarantee statement to renounce my belief. I refused. Shortly after lunch on my third day there, I suddenly felt severe pains in my head, as if it was about to explode. I shivered from head to toe, as if my internal organs were shaking and my heart was about to drop out. I couldn’t stop vomiting and had difficulty urinating. I was unable to stand, sit or walk steadily, and there was an immediate increase in my blood pressure. My hands and feet became stiff. My vision became blurred and my responses were very slow. Very often I didn’t know where I was, what time it was or even if I had eaten. I lost my hearing and my hair quickly turned white. My family members are very worried about my condition, and suspect that I was poisoned.
Many Falun Gong Practitioners from Xichang, Sichuan Province, Persecuted
2011-07-04At least 11 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested by police in Xichang, Sichuan Province, since September 2009. Ms. Hu Yunhuai was tortured to death at the Xichang City Detention Centre. Nine practitioners were sentenced to prison terms. Ms. Zhao Jun and Ms. Wei Huirong were both put on trial. It has been almost four months since Ms. Wei's trial, but the municipal court still has not made a decision.
Ms. Wang Meiling Sentenced to Forced Labour and Brutally Treated
2011-07-03Ms. Wang Meiling has been persecuted many times since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. She was sentenced to a forced labour camp and her term was extended on a number of occasions. She was sentenced in 2002 to three years of forced labour in Yunnan Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Wang's term in Yunnan Women's Forced Labour Camp was extended for eight months, and she was severely tortured. She was finally released in 2006. On March 10th, 2011, Ms. Wang was reported to the authorities when she was seen talking to people about Falun Gong in a park. She was arrested by police. Chuxiong Court sentenced Ms. Wang to three years in prison on May 26th. She is now in the process of appeal.
Older Practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhongfen from Chongqing Dies as a Result of Persecution
2011-07-03After the persecution started, Ms. Zhang Zhongfen went to appeal for Falun Gong at Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 2002. She was arrested and police officers brutally abused and tortured her. Ms. Zhang was arrested again around August 2008 as she spoke with people about Falun Gong at a farmers' market. She was once again subjected to one year of forced labour, and held in the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labour Camp. Physical abuse and mistreatment caused Ms. Zhang's head to be seriously injured, and her leg was fractured. Due to her injuries resulting from extreme abuse, she lost the ability to take care of herself, and was once again in critical condition. After her release, police frequently harassed her at home, attempting to force her to write a guarantee statement to give up her beliefs. Ms. Zhang passed away on June 14th.
Family Files Lawsuit for Ms. Su Dan's Torture in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2011-07-03When Ms. Su Dan was home on February 20th, the neighbourhood administrator deceived her into opening the door by saying that she needed to check her residential permit. Three police officers stormed in and arrested her. Ms. Su told her lawyer that the guards at the Shunyu District Detention Centre had brutally beaten and severely injured her. Ms. Su was sentenced to forced labour and taken to the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was forced to sit up straight on a small chair 18 hours per day, with both hands in her lap and without moving. If she moved, three prisoners assigned to watch her would beat her. Ms. Su's husband complained to the Beijing Forced Labour Bureau about Ms. Sun being tortured. The labour camp authorities asserted that no torture or beatings of any kind took place.
Ms. Liu Yufang Seriously Ill after Being Tortured at Chaoyang City Detention Centre; Her Children Attacked
2011-07-03Detainees in Chaoyang City Detention Centre in Liaoning Province are tortured for long periods of time. They are not given enough food to eat and are forced to perform slave labour. Those who fail to finish the work demanded of them are reprimanded and beaten. Fifty-four-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yufang was arrested by police who broke into her home on October 12th, 2010. Currently, Ms. Liu has been detained in Chaoyang Detention Centre for more than eight months. She is forced to carry out slave labour for long periods of time and was not given enough food to eat. If she did not finish the jobs given to her, she would be reprimanded and beaten. When Ms. Liu's children went to see the head of the detention centre to ask for their mother's release, the head pushed them out of the room, grabbed the brother by the collar and bashed his head against the wall. went
Mr. Zhang Zenggui, from Changyi City, Shandong Province, Passes Away After Years of Persecution
2011-07-02Mr. Zhang Zenggui was persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime for his belief in Falun Gong for over 11 years, until his death. The police broke into Mr. Zhang's home in April 2010, and arrested him. They also confiscated his personal belongings and cash. The police subsequently extorted 3,000 yuan from his eldest son for his release. Upon returning home, Mr. Zhang was no longer able to bear the pressure of the persecution. He could not eat much, became very weak, and subsequently became bedridden. On April 13th, 2011, Mr. Zhang passed away at the age of 67.
77-Year-old Engineer Mr. Li Peigao of Kunming City Sentenced to a Three-year Prison Term
2011-07-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Peigao, 77, was seized by the police before the 2008 Olympics in China. On April 2nd, 2009, he was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. He had been incarcerated in the fifth prison ward of the Yunan Province No. 1 Prison. He was released in January 2011 before the Chinese New Year.
Police Officers from Ruichang City, Jiangxi Province Arrest and Beat Practitioners and Their Family Members
2011-07-02When Falun Gong practitioners Mr. He Shengxiang, Ms. Zhu Haixia, and Ms. Shi Liping were posting information about Falun Gong in Ruichang City on the evening of June 12th, Police arrested and beat them. The next day, practitioner Mr. Huang Xianfa went to the police station to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong to the officers, but they would not listen to him. Instead they detained him, dragged him upstairs, and ruthlessly beat him.
Wang Yu, a Teen from Beijing, Arrested Again
2011-07-02Young Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yu, 17, was arrested by the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in December of last year and taken to a brainwashing centre for 13 days, because he was talking about Falun Gong to his teacher and fellow students. After returning from the brainwashing centre he was monitored and harassed by the 610 Office, which demanded that the school expel him. He became homeless. On June 5th, Wang Yu was arrested again and his whereabouts are currently unknown.
Forced Labour and Brutal Mistreatment in Shandong Province No.1 Women's Forced Labour Camp
2011-07-01Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuzhen was put in solitary confinement because she refused to renounce her belief. She was also forced to stand or sit still on a small stool for long periods of time, and was sometimes forced to work long hours. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guangxia was tied to a "death bed" because she refused to renounce her belief. Her hands and feet were badly injured. She developed so many blisters that she had difficulty walking. Her prison term was also extended.
Mr. Xu Xiangzhi and Mr. Zhao Yunlong from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Sentenced to Forced Labour
2011-07-01Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Xu Xiangzhi and Mr. Zhao Yunlong were arrested and sentenced to forced labour by police. Both of them were previously arrested in April 2007. They were sent to Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp for two years of forced labour. In the labour camp, closely monitored, inhumanely tortured for over three months, and forced to do slave labour. When Mr. Xu was released 17 months later, his hair had turned white and he had become thin and scrawny. He looked as if he had aged 20 years.
Ms. Wang Hongxia and Two Other Practitioners Arrested in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2011-07-01Ms. Wang Hongxia and two other Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 9th at their home. The authorities lied to the public about the reason behind their arrest, and took a large number of their personal belongings. The three practitioners' whereabouts are still unknown. Since the onset of the persecution in 1999, Ms. Wang has been subjected to two forced labour terms. She was forced to sit in the cross-legged position for 17 hours, and tortured on a "tiger bench" for more than twenty days. Her family was also implicated, and under severe harassment and pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, her husband divorced her.
Ms. Liu Furong and Her Son Held in Jiujiang City Detention Centre
2011-07-01Sixty-five-year-old practitioner Ms. Liu Furong went with her husband and relatives to the Domestic Security Division of the Lushan Police Department, Jiujiang City, on June 13th, to request the release of her son, Mr. Wu Tengpeng. However, police arrested Ms. Liu and later took her to the detention centre. Ms. Liu and her son had gone to the Hehualong Community and put up posters exposing the persecution of Falun Gong on May 7th. After someone reported them to the police, four officers came and arrested her son, tying up his arms and legs.
A Young Couple's Journey: Zhou Xiangyang's Fiancee Appeals Seven Years for His Release
2011-06-30I submitted my love story to Zhiyin magazine for publication. Initially the magazine was interested in my story, but then quickly changed their mind after they learned why my fiance was being persecuted. I met with my fiance Zhou Xiangyang only three times before he was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment. Over that time I have waited and appealed for him for seven years amidst much pressure from both society and our families. Soon I too was arrested and sentenced to a forced labour camp for fifteen months for appealing for my husband. My fiance was tortured in many heinous ways over a period of four months. His feet were shackled to a metal ring, his hands were cuffed to shackles on the concrete floor, and he was shocked with electric batons continually for days.