Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
56-Year-Old Ms. Hu Suhua Dies in Custody in the Hohhot City Police Department
2010-04-10Ms. Hu Suhua used to have many sicknesses, which made her miserable. All of her diseases were cured after she started practising Falun Gong. After the persecution began in 1999, she was arrested multiple times and sent to forced labour camps twice. Her husband divorced her under huge pressure. She had to leave her hometown to live in Hohhot City in order to avoid being arrested. Before her death, she was followed by the police, and her rental home was ransacked. She died in custody in the Hohhot City Police Department around March 4th, 2010.
Lawyer Defends Mr. Chen Jizhong and His Sister, Ms. Chen Jihuan
2010-04-10Mr. Chen Jizhong, 69, and his younger sister, Ms. Chen Jihuan, 56, both live in Heilongjiang Province. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Mr. Chen was arrested five times and sentenced to five years of imprisonment in Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City. On November 29th, 2009, Mr. Chen and his sister were arrested again. They were still detained in the Yilan County Detention Centre. On March 24th, 2010, Mr. Chen and Ms. Chen were brought to trial in the Yilan County Court. An attorney defended them despite much interference. The prosecutor had nothing to argue with.
In Memory of Practitioner Liu Xuguo
2010-04-10Mr. Liu Xuguo worked at an electrical repair shop for the Yishan Chemical Industry Company in Zoucheng City, Shandong Province. Ten years ago, he was tortured to death. I was saddened by the loss of a good practitioner. Liu Xuguo was sentenced to three years in the Jining City Forced Labour Camp. Liu Xuguo and other practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the maltreatment they were experiencing. Liu Xuguo was force-fed. As a result, he ended up with fluid in his lungs from injuries caused during insertion of the feeding tube. On February 4th, his family was notified that Liu Xuguo was in critical condition. On February 10th, he passed away. He was only 29 years old.
Ms. Tong Yaqin Taken to a Detention Centre for Requesting the Release of Another Practitioner in Heilongjiang Province
2010-04-10On March 17th, 2010, police broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Ma Chunli without a search warrant. They confiscated a computer, Falun Gong books, and informational material about Falun Gong. They took Ms. Ma to Jiadong Police Station. On March 18th, Ms. Tong Yaqin, also a Falun Gong practitioner, along with Ms. Ma's kindhearted neighbour and another sympathetic lady, visited Jiadong Police Station to request the release of Ma Chunli. Ms. Tong argued reasonably but infuriated the police chief, Feng Kaidong. As a result, he detained Ms. Tong and took her to Jiamusi Detention Centre.
Ms. Zhou Zhiying Dies in Custody in Jiangsu Province
2010-04-09Ms. Zhou Zhiying was a recipient of the "Excellent Teacher Award" in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. She was nonetheless arrested and sentenced to forced labour because she practised Falun Gong and followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was arrested in 2002 for the second time, then sentenced to four years of imprisonment. Ms. Zhou was arrested and imprisoned in the brainwashing centre again on September 30th, 2009. When she returned home on February 1st, 2010, her family found that she had suffered a massive mental collapse, and her body was covered with bruises and puncture marks from needles. The Jiangyin City 610 Office took Ms. Zhou to the Jiangyin City Qingshan Mental Hospital, where she remained until she died in late March.
Three Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners from Fuzhi Village, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, Have Died as a Result of Persecution
2010-04-09Ms. Gao Xiulan started to practise Falun Gong in 1996. Prior to that she used to suffer from numerous illnesses, including a bacterial infection of the trachea and emphysema. At the end of 2000, officers from a police station in Lequn Township arrested her because she practised Falun Gong and held her in Shuangcheng City No. 1 Detention Centre. Ms. Gao was later detained in a village factory for a month, where she was subjected to brainwashing to try to force her to renounce her belief. As a result of the incarceration and other forms of torture, Ms. Gao eventually passed away in April 2006, at the age of 66.
Mr. Liu Yong Has Been Detained and Persecuted at a Mental Hospital For Nine Years
2010-04-09A mentally and physically healthy person has been detained at the Baoding Mental Hospital (No. 6 People's Hospital of Hebei Province) for nine years. Falun Gong practitioner Liu Yong is still being forced to take drugs every day, and doctors still monitor him on the medication that he is forced to take. Mr. Liu Yong had gone to Beijing four times to appeal for Falun Gong since July 20th, 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong. He was detained in September 1999 and was later sent to a forced labour camp.
Mr. Mei Chuanjun Taken to Brainwashing Centre from Computer Science Institute, Hubei University of Technology
2010-04-09On March 15th, 2010, several officers led by Huang Shuiqing and Hu Jun of the Hubei University of Technology's Security Division broke into Mr. Mei Chuanjun's office in the university's Computer Science Institute. They forcibly took Mr. Mei, who had received an award of Young Teacher of Excellence, to the former Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre (also known as the Banqiao Legal Education Centre) in Hubei Province. They did so without cause and without following any legal procedure. In September 2006, officials of the university's Communist Party had taken Mr. Mei to the brainwashing centre for practising Falun Gong. He was subjected to brainwashing attempts there for over forty days.
Mr. Xiao Hongmo Dies in Custody in Sichuan Province
2010-04-08Mr. Xiao Hongmo went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in early 2001, and was arrested and sentenced to five years of imprisonment. Mr. Xiao was secretly sentenced to another five years in prison at the Deyang City Prison in 2008. On July 25th, 2009, he was injected with an unknown drug, which caused him to become unconscious and incontinent. He was taken to Deyang City People's Hospital for emergency treatment. Prison administrators lied to his family, saying that he developed a tumour in his brain. His mother and a friend went to visit him, but they were chased out and forbidden from visiting him. He was taken to the Sichuan Province General Police Hospital in Chengdu City on July 27th, 2009, and died there in mid-March 2010.
Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province
2010-04-08Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, officials in Gejiu City have been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Nearly 100 practitioners have been sent to brainwashing centres, and up to 40 practitioners have been arrested and sentenced to forced labour or imprisonment. Three of them, including Ms. Zhang Xiuying and Ms. Yang Sufen, died as a result of the persecution, and two were permanently disabled. One of the practitioners at the Yunnan No. 2 Women's Prison was given injections that damaged her central nervous system. Several others had to leave home to avoid being persecuted further.
56-Year-Old Ms. Yang Qin of Chongqing Arrested for the Fifth Time
2010-04-08On February 3rd, 2010, when Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Qin was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong at the food market, she was arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. The officials told her family members that she would be detained for fifteen days, however after Ms. Yang had a full physical examination, she was sent to the Women's Forced Labour Camp for further persecution. Ms. Yang went on a long-term hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was eventually sent to a hospital once her life was in danger. Ms. Yang has now been arrested five times.
Ms. Li Qing Sentenced to Six Years of Imprisonment
2010-04-08Ms. Li Qing was previously an employee of the Department of Supplies and Sales in the county government before she was dismissed from her job for refusing to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. On August 20th, 2009, Li Qing and three other female practitioners were arrested by police. They were detained at the county detention centre. The four practitioners were tortured during their detention period. They were forced to stand still for long periods of time, and deprived of sleep. A torture method called the "tiger bench" was used on them, too. Eventually, three of the practitioners were released while only Li Qing remained in custody. Her family members were not permitted to visit her. On January 12th, 2010, Li Qing was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and sent to the Shandong Women's Prison.
Persecution of a Ph.D. Student by Chinese Communist Party's "Unjust Rules"
2010-04-07Yu Yaou, a Ph.D. student from the South China Botanical Garden and Chinese Academy of Sciences, mentioned Falun Gong in the acknowledgment section of his PhD thesis. Soon after, Mr. Yu's PhD thesis defence, which was set to be held on February 4th, 2010, was cancelled. His graduation has also been cancelled until he removes the acknowledgement to Falun Gong in his thesis. The various persecutory methods used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] and personnel from the South China Botanical Garden and Chinese Academy of Sciences to threaten and harass him have been exposed on the Clearwisdom website.
Ms. Li Fengxiu and Mr. Wan Guohua from Nancheng County, Jiangxi Province, Held in Custody
2010-04-07Ms. Li Fengxiu and Mr. Wan Guohua from Nancheng County, Jiangxi Province, were arrested on the evening of January 9th, 2010. They are now in custody at the Linchuan Police Department. To help more people to learn the facts about Falun Gong, the two went together to Dongguan Town in the Linchuan District to distribute Falun Gong materials on the evening of January 9th, 2010. Dongguan Police Station patrol officers arrested and detained them at the Shangdundu Detention Centre in Fuzhou City. The Linchuan Police Department officials transferred their case to the Procuratorate, but prosecutors rejected the case and returned it to the police department. The police department officials refuse to release them.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Yuan Guoqing from Xinhua County, Hunan Province, Again Sentenced to Forced Labour
2010-04-07Mr. Yuan Guoqing, an employee of Xinhua County Meishan Technology Co. Ltd, Haili, Hunan Province, has been arrested and sentenced to forced labour again. On March 16th, 2010, two strangers approached Mr. Yuan at work. At around 3:00 p.m., police officers from Xinhua County Domestic Security Division forced their way into the plant area and arrested him. They ransacked his storage area at work and forcibly put him into a car without letting him put on his jacket. They took him straight to Fenglin Detention Centre.