Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Eyewitness Account: Police Shoot at and Violently Arrest Older Practitioner Guo Yumin
2010-04-18I am a good friend of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Yumin. On July 9th, 2009, I personally witnessed Mr. Guo Yumin being arrested and shot at by officers from the Tiefeng District Police Department. They forced open the door of Guo's home and beat him savagely. They also beat his wife. Guo escaped the grasp of the police. One officer aimed his gun at him. Guo's daughter jumped on this policeman, disregarding the danger, and cried, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" The gunshot was fired but missed the target. Everyone considers Guo a good person. But because of his belief in Falun Gong, he was arrested, shot at, savagely beaten, cruelly tortured, and detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
Yinchuan City: Wife Sentenced to Four Years in Prison, Husband Serving Eight Year Sentence for Practising Falun Gong
2010-04-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shan Jining was recently sentenced to four years in prison. Her husband, Mr. Wang Desheng, was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2005. On October 17th, 2009, Ms. Shan was reported to the authorities while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. After being held at the Yinchuan City Detention Centre for several months, she was secretly sentenced to four years in prison. She is currently detained at Yinchuan City Women's Prison.
Ms. Zhang Yuzhen Disabled as a Result of Nine Years of Torture and Imprisonment
2010-04-17Ms. Zhang Yuzhen was imprisoned for six years and tortured in the Jiangxi Province Women's Prison. As a result, her arms and hands were disabled and deformed. She is unable to completely extend her arms, make a fist, or extend her fingers. Ms. Zhang suffers from wrist drop, also known as radial nerve palsy or Saturday night palsy, a condition where a person cannot extend their wrist and it hangs limply. Her upper limbs hurt all the time, her hands quiver constantly, and she has occasional sharp pains in her chest, neck, and shoulders.
Shenyang City: Business Executive Mr. Yu Yang Returned Home after Eight Months of Imprisonment; Six Other Practitioners Successfully Defended in Court by a Team of Ten Lawyers Standing Up for What is Right
2010-04-17Officials from Tiexi District Domestic Security Division in Shenyang City arrested Mr. Yu Yang on July 14th, 2009. He was subjected to 21 months of forced labour and was covertly taken to Shenxin Forced Labour Camp, where he remained for more than eight months. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was recently released due to extreme weakness and has returned home. As a result of Mr. Yu's hunger strike in the labour camp, he became so emaciated that he was unrecognisable. Recently he developed severe swelling in his face and legs.
Mr. Pan Benyu, Who Saved Six Lives, Tortured and Imprisoned
2010-04-17Mr. Pan has been repeatedly persecuted because he has refused to give up his Falun Gong practice. Shortly after the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, he was sent to a brainwashing centre for two months and then sentenced to one year of forced labour. He was detained in the Nianzishan Forced Labour Camp in Qiqihar City, where he was beaten almost every day. He was also whipped with a plastic hose, hosed with cold water, burned with cigarettes, and beaten severely, among other tortures.
The Persecution of Mr. Li Jingyi, a Falun Gong Practitioner in Dalian City
2010-04-17Mr. Li Jingyi from Dalian City was sentenced to forced labour in 2000 after he went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. Mr. Li was taken to a Dalian forced labour camp. On August 14th, 2003, he was arrested by Zhongshan Division of Dalian Public Security Bureau officials and persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. At the time of his release, he was emaciated and on the verge of death. He was arrested again on September 12th, 2007. The Shanghai Community of Qingni Neighbourhood in the Zhongshan Region helped the Zhongshan Division to arrest him, but their attempt to return him to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp failed.
Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
2010-04-16After Mr. Zhang Yumin began practising Falun Gong, his health problems disappeared. In 1999, after Mr. Zhang's wife went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials ransacked their apartment. Because the officers found Falun Gong books in the apartment, Mr. Zhang was arrested and sentenced to a forced labour camp for three years. His store was forced to close. His child was also forbidden to go to school and life became extremely difficult. After he was released from the forced labour camp, Mr. Zhang remained under surveillance for a very long time, which caused his family a great deal of anxiety. He began to manifest symptoms of severe illness. Mr. Zhang left passed away on July 2nd, 2007, at the age of only 41.
Three Older Women Die as a Result of Persecution
2010-04-16Ms. Sun Xianfen, 65 years old, was a retired teacher. Practising Falun Gong had restored her to health. After the persecution began, her home was ransacked twice in 2001 and 2002. On May 23rd, 2003 Ms. Sun was arrested by police. She was detained in a detention centre in Anlu City. During her detention she was given food infested with worms. She went on a hunger strike for three days and a guard slapped her face to punish her for her hunger strike. Because she would not write statements to denounce Falun Gong, she was not allowed to sleep. She was taken home on June 23rd, 2003. In 2005 police went to her home and forced her to write statements denouncing Falun Gong. On November 23rd, 2009, she passed away in despair.
Lawyers Plead Not Guilty on Behalf of Seven Falun Gong Practitioners in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province
2010-04-16Bayuquan District Court in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, brought seven Falun Gong practitioners to trial on March 23rd, 2010. Their lawyers pleaded not guilty on their behalf. Over the next several days the families asked the court to release their detained relatives. The judges said that, although the lawyers had entered a plea of not guilty for each practitioner, the courts had to do things their way and had to press charges. They also said that they had no intention of releasing any Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr. Zhao Shuaiqing, Scheduled to Be Released from Prison Two Years Ago, Is Missing
2010-04-16Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhao Shuaiqing was a former office director at the Zhuzhou City Financial and Political Bureau, Hunan Province. After graduating college with honours, he began his career at the Zhuzhou City Financial and Political Bureau. He was arrested and beaten multiple times. He was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in May 2001. Currently, his whereabouts are unknown. He was supposed to be released in March 2008. However, it is now March 30th, 2010 and his family and friends still have not heard from him.
Mr. Wang Zhi Sentenced, Mother Continues To Appeal
2010-04-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhi is a Falun Gong in Heilongjiang Province. After being sentenced to 7 years by a Jidong County Court, he has been sent to Mudanjiang City Prison. His mother has been consistently appealing for him. On June 3rd, 2008, police arrested Mr. Wang. Police officers used plastic bottles to beat Mr. Wang on the face, neck and head. They also used electric batons to shock sensitive parts of his body, tying him up with ropes. Mr. Wang Zhi's mother went to the Jixi Domestic Security Division many times requesting to see her son, but was refused.
Ms. Shang Xiaoli and Her Son Xie Yu from Dalian City Given Prison Terms
2010-04-15Mr. Xie Yu and his mother, Ms. Shang Xiaoli were given three-year prison terms. Shahekou District Court officials covertly announced the verdict on March 31st, 2010, with no one present observing the court proceedings. Court officials didn't inform the two practitioners' families of the upcoming proceedings until that same morning, so their family members were unable to arrive at the court in time to attend the court session. Ms. Shang strongly protested, asserting she had done nothing wrong. The judge surnamed Li responded that she could appeal her case to the intermediate court in ten days.
Villager from Hebei Province: "It's Hard to Be a Good Person Under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "
2010-04-15Wang Cuiyan served one year and one month in a forced labour camp because she practised Falun Gong and conducted herself based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. After her release from the forced labour camp, her family did not allow her to stay at home, for fear that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would harass them again. Wang Cuiyan had to live elsewhere. Under such circumstances, she could not help but lament, "Why is it so hard to be a good person living in a society governed by the CCP?"
Practitioner Ms. Sun Li Arrested; Her Family Detained When Looking for Her
2010-04-15Local police arrested Ms. Sun Li from a hotel room. The arrest took place while she was running errands in the Nancha District, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province. Her family went to look for her but was detained and had funds extorted from them. During the arrest several police officers dragged her downstairs to a waiting police car. She shouted, "Falun Gong is good" and she began explaining Falun Gong and exposing the Communist Party's crimes to the passersby. Ms. Sun held onto the car door, and they shoved her to the ground. Officer Zhao Yuanxin knelt on her chest and almost suffocated her. Another officer arrived, and the two carried her into the car. They kept kneeling on her chest so she could not move.
Ms. Feng Lianxia Endures Ten Years of Persecution
2010-04-14Ms. Feng Lianxia, 50, was subjected to ten years of abuse under the persecution. In 2003, police arrested her again and sent her to Daqing City Detention Centre. Ms. Feng refused to tell police her name and began a persecution protest hunger strike. Guards ordered prisoners to brutally beat her. They handcuffed her hands behind her back, beat her face, pulled her hair, and snapped her face with a towel. They tortured her like that for more than four hours, beating her face black and blue, and making her hurt everywhere. She was detained there for almost a month and was then sent to Harbin City Women's Rehabilitation Centre (a forced labour camp), where officials refused to accept her due to her poor health. She was taken back to the detention centre, where she was held for over ten days, and then released.