Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Exposing the Persecution at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2009-02-04After extensive investigation, we have learned of the following incidents of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp: Mr. Li Gang was hung by his handcuffed wrists in a toilet for seven consecutive days. The guards didn't allow him to close his eyes during this period. Mr. Gao Hong was forced to sit on a narrow bench, and not allowed to blink for six days. On the seventh day, the guards turned the bench upside down and forced him to sit on the tips of the bench legs. Mr. Xue Cunlin was handcuffed and hung up for several days. During this period, guards used sticks to forcefully jab into his rib cage for two hours.
National Security Agents in Shuangcheng City Arrest Mr. Jia Shuangyou and His Wife, Ms. Jiang Xiuzhen
2009-02-04Since the Chinese Communist Party began its persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Jia Shuangyou and his wife, Jiang Xiuzhen, have been arrested and detained several times. Once Ms. Jiang was jailed in Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp and Mr. Jia in Changlinzi Men's Forced Labour Camp at the same time, leaving their teenage daughter on her own. Missing her parents, along with all the terror she faced, she developed chronic depression, became very sickly, and suffered from many illnesses. She passed away on December 11th, 2004, at the age of 22. On January 16th, 2009, the couple were arrested again because they practise Falun Gong.
Falun Gong Practitioners Abused in Mental Hospital in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
2009-02-04The No. 5 People's Hospital in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is a mental hospital in Jiujiang City. It has continued to play a direct role in the persecution of practitioners Ms. Jiang Xiaoying, who is a nurse at the No. 5 Hospital, and Ms. Wang Ying. The two have been detained at the hospital for long periods, and treated as mental patients by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel. Ms. Jiang was tied down and injected against her will with drugs that damage the nervous system. Both of them have been forced to divorce their spouses. On January 21st, 2009, Ms. Wang's ex-husband went to the hospital to request her release. The head of the health safety department turned him down.
Mrs. Zhu Yifang Severely Tortured in Chuanxi Prison
2009-02-03On April 25th, 2006, Ms. Zhu Yifang from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, was forcibly taken from work by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents. She was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment at Chuanxi Prison. After being subjected to constant torture at the prison, Ms. Zhu developed oedema and kidney failure in November 2008. Her back and legs were so swollen that she was unable to get out of bed. Her abdomen was also severely swollen. At one point, the prison sent Ms. Zhu to the Police General Hospital of the Pubic Security Bureau. She was in critical condition and was sent back to the prison because the hospital did not want to take responsibility for her death.
Professor at Sichuan University Sentenced to Prison, His 94-Year-Old Father Seeks Help for His Release
2009-02-03Mr. Ding Zeyang, a professor of the Macromolecule Chemistry Faculty of Sichuan University in Sichuan Province, was sentenced on August 10th, 2008 to 4 years of imprisonment by the Wuhou District Court, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Mr. Ding's case has entered the next stage in the court, but his lawyer was not allowed to make any photocopies of the court documents. The court required that the lawyer hand in his defence for Mr. Ding as soon as possible, so that they could conclude the case soon. Since Mr. Ding was arrested on September 13th, 2007, his 94-year-old father has attempted to see him over 10 times.
A Mother Appeals for Her Daughter in Jail
2009-02-03I am the mother of a Falun Gong practitioner. My daughter has been detained for six months. I call out her name in my dreams and awaken in tears again and again. From 1999 to 2009, my daughter, Jiao Xuemei, was arrested and detained four times. During the past 10 years, she has been persecuted again and again. Our family has suffered great loss financially and has suffered tremendous mental pressure. On June 16th, 2008, on the eve of the Olympic Games, officers from Xishandao Police Station again detained Jiao Xuemei and took her to the Tangshan No.1 Detention Centre. The Lubei Court put her on trial on September 19th and sentenced her without evidence of any wrongdoing.
Former Tsinghua University Doctoral Student Mr. Wang Xin's Oesophagus Injured During Force-feeding at Nanguanling Prison
2009-02-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xin was a Tsinghua University doctoral student who was sentenced to nine years in prison in 2001. Mr. Wang has been imprisoned for eight years and subjected to inhumane tortures at different places, including Beijing Prison, Dabei Prison, Huazi Prison and Nanguanling Prison. In late 2008 he held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. In response, the prison guards conducted a forced-feeding, and forcibly inserted a feeding tube down his throat which severely injured his oesophagus.
Mr. Wang Jinglun, 76, Sentenced to Seven Years of Imprisonment in Heilongjiang Province
2009-02-02Mr. Wang Jinglun, 76, is a retired teacher. He had helped develop the talent of many students and is highly respected in the educational community of Bing County. This well-respected educator was recently sentenced to seven years of imprisonment because he practises Falun Gong. The trumped-up charge was "undermining the implementation of law." The government prosecutor charged the practitioners on the evidence that they had gathered at Mr. Wang's home on the evening of August 12th, 2008. There, the police found Falun Gong books, Falun Gong informational materials that detailed the persecution of Falun Gong, and a printer to make the materials. Regarding this charge, Mr. Wang and the other practitioners all proclaimed to the court that they were innocent of any wrongdoing.
610 Office Refuses to Release Falun Gong Practitioner in Critical Condition
2009-02-02Qiqihar City officials in Heilongjiang Province refuse to release imprisoned Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pan Benyu, despite his critical condition. Mr. Pan Benyu was arrested by police on December 12th, 2006. His arrest was part of an ongoing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) activity that established a quota for arresting a certain number of practitioners before the end of the year. Prison guards tried to force Mr. Pan into making a false confession using torture that resulted in internal and external bleeding and bruising. He was taken to hospital. Back in prison, Mr. Pan was again subjected to several torture sessions and was again taken to hospital. At present, Mr. Pan's severe injuries have caused a loss of liver function.
Additional Information on the Persecution and Deaths of Mr. Han Liguo and Mr. Sun Qian in Shenyang Prison
2009-02-02Guards at Shenyang City No. 2 Prison in Liaoning Province routinely torture Falun Gong practitioners very brutally. Practitioner Mr. Han Liguo was tortured to death, followed by the death of practitioner Mr. Sun Qian. Guards have also tortured practitioner Sun Yongsheng. One Saturday morning in early July 2004, somebody in the No. 20 Ward called out for Han Liguo and said that the prison head, Li Jianguo, wanted to see him. Nobody has seen Mr. Han since. After a long time, other prisoners heard that he had already passed away. But just how did he die? No one knows what really happened.
Police in Renqiu City, Hebei Province, Sued for Persecuting Practitioner Mr. Ma Kaihua
2009-02-02Around midnight on August 7th, 2008, police arrived in five police cars at the home of practitioner Mr. Ma Kaihua and surrounded it. They broke into Mr. Ma's home and beat him ruthlessly with nightsticks and batons until he lost consciousness. They didn't stop beating him even after he lost consciousness; they took him downstairs to beat him some more. As a result, Mr. Ma fell into a dead faint, but the police still tightly handcuffed him. Mr. Ma was examined at hospital. He had fractured bones and severe injuries. Mr. Ma is urgently in need of medical care but the police have refused to provide it. Mr. Ma has therefore turned to lawyers and sought a solution via legal means.
Lawyers for Three Practitioners Turn the Tables in the Courtroom and Announce a List of the Misdeeds Conducted by Law-enforcement Officials in Persecuting Their Clients in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2009-02-01On January 4th and 5th, 2009, Mr. He Yixing, his wife Zhang Yueqin and their son-in-law Sun Fengli were tried in two trials at the Lubei District Court. Their defence lawyers enumerated the crimes which the public security personnel, prosecutors, and the law-enforcement officials committed in the persecution of He Yixing and his family. The prosecutor and the judge gave no reply during the entire trial procedures. The four defence lawyers sternly and eloquently listed the various crimes that public security personnel, prosecutors and the law-enforcement officials committed. The trial turned into a trial of the Chinese Communist Party, and the judge had to adjourn the trial four times.
Mr. Jin Dezhu Dies as Result of Persecution in Jilin Province
2009-02-01School teacher Mr. Jin Dezhu, in his 40s, was fired by the principal in 2002 for refusing to give up Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Under enormous pressure, his wife divorced him. He was detained several times for practising Falun Gong. He was sent for 18 months of forced labour at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province. Mr. Jin was tortured and spent a long time on the sitting board. After seven months, Mr. Jin became emaciated and developed severe tuberculosis. His life was in danger and he passed out many times. The labour camp had doctors take him back home to avoid responsibility for his condition. Mr. Jin was hospitalized twice, but died on December 31st, 2008.
Mr. Zhong Kai Dies in the Beiye Prison in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
2009-02-01Mr. Zhong Kai, 32, experienced multiple periods of persecution by police for refusing to give up his belief in Falun Gong. In 2007, he was transferred to the Beiye Prison. Mr. Zhong was tortured with sleep derivation and the guards only allowed him to have a half of a bun per meal. He was starved for long periods of time. In November 2008, guards forced Mr. Zhong to go from ward to ward where he was humiliated, criticized, and beaten by the prisoners. On the morning of December 26th, 2008, Mr. Zhong died after falling from the top of the ward building. The ward never issued a statement explaining the cause of his death. Instead, they declared his death.
Woman Imprisoned for Four Years a Second Time Because She Refuses to Recant Her Belief in Falun Gong in Hebei Province
2009-02-0160-year old countrywoman Lu Shu'e was sentenced to four years in prison for her insistence on practising Falun Gong. She has been held in Hebei Province Women's Jail since January 4th, 2009. This is the second time Ms. Lu has been imprisoned. Ms. Lu and her family appealed the county court's decision to the city court, but the city court upheld the ruling. Ms. Lu protested the persecution with a hunger strike for more than half of a month. She is extremely weak right now and very thin.