Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Yuan Yicheng and Daughter Yuan Xiaolan in Detention Indefinitely
2010-01-26Practitioner Mr. Yuan Yicheng and his daughter Yuan Xiaolan from Guangdong Province were arrested by police in September 2009 and detained at the Jiedong Detention Centre. The father has been detained for over three months, and the police have refused to release either of them. When Yuan Xiaolan's husband asked the police to release his wife, they told him that she would be released if she identified all other practitioners involved in producing Falun Gong informational materials.
Ms. Sun Shuwen, 54, from Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2010-01-25Ms. Sun Shuwen's family of four are Falun Gong practitioners. They have been subjected to persecution numerous times for remaining steadfast in their belief. Due to pressure from Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime's policy "Ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially and destroy them physically," plus the persecution of her entire family, Ms. Sun suffered a brain haemorrhage, which resulted in paralysis. She was bedridden and not able to take care of herself. After being subjected to eight and a half years of physical torture and mental torment, Ms. Sun died on January 10th, 2010.
Doctor Ms. Zhang Hui's Plight in Guangdong Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-01-25Ms. Zhang Hui is a retired doctor and a Falun Gong practitioner. In September 2007, after she put up some Falun Gong flyers in a public area, she was arrested. One month later, she was sent to the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. During her labour camp term, the 60-year-old woman was subjected to a variety of tortures. She recounts: "Criminal inmates often tortured me. One day drug offender Zhang Hua grabbed my arms and bent them behind my back with all her strength. The pain was unbearable. After a while, I lost feeling in my arms, and my elbows swelled up and turned purple. I was later sent to Sanshui Hospital, where a CT scan revealed a head injury and a broken bone at my lower back."
An Innocent Person Imprisoned
2010-01-25Thirty-four-year-old Mr. Li Longji, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin Province, was arrested by police on September 17th, 2009. Mr. Li was interrogated under torture and is being held at the Yanji City Detention Centre. Officials finally notified Mr. Li Longji's elderly father and mother on December 10th, that their son had been arrested because he practised Falun Gong. Worried, they rushed to the Domestic Security Division in the Yanji City Police Department, to the city Procuratorate office, and the city detention centre in hopes of getting their son released. Their efforts were futile. In addition, they met with humiliation and persecution tactics at the hands of the police. Afterwards, Mr. Li's once-healthy father became ill, and his health progressively declined and died on January 2nd, 2010.
Mr. Li Zhengju Homeless, His Wife Held Hostage
2010-01-25Mr. Li Zhengju and his family have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since July 1999, when the CCP first began persecuting this group of people pursuing the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Because of the persecution, Mr. Li has become homeless and his wife, Xie Jingxiang, has been held hostage for over six months by the Domestic Security Division of the Police Department of Minquan County.
Mr. Lei Jingxiong Almost Cremated Alive, Then Arrested Again
2010-01-24During the past ten years of persecution, Mr. Lei Jingxiong has been constantly harassed and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2004, police officers from Tianxing Public Security Bureau in Changsha City, Hunan City, had seemingly beat Mr. Lei to death. As his body was about to be cremated in a funeral home, a female officer discovered life signs and stopped the cremation. Mr. Lei was taken to a hospital, where he was again beaten. His face was disfigured, his left eye popped out slightly, one of his ears had gone deaf, and his chin was shattered. Because of his appearance, the young college graduate couldn't find a job.
Ms. Pan Fen Recounts the Persecution She Suffered
2010-01-24Six police officers broke into my home on September 29th, 2006, and ransacked it, making everything a mess. They took away my personal belongings, such as Falun Gong books, a computer and a printer, and confiscated three thousand yuan. They took my non-practitioner husband and me to the Changsheng Police Station. I was then persecuted at a detention centre for more than 40 days and then sent to a forced labour camp. I couldn't study the Falun Gong teachings and practise Falun Gong exercises while in detention. My former illnesses returned. As I went to the toilet one morning I fainted and fell down. The police doctor there had no pity on me and kicked me with full strength, saying I was pretending to be ill. The guards still forced me to do heavy physical labour and I had a heart attack.
Jinchang District Court Rejected Mr. Lu Tong's Appeal
2010-01-24Mr. Lu Tong was sentenced to four years in prison by Jinchang District Court in Suzhou City on December 17th, 2008. His daughter, Lu Yan, and his attorneys appealed for him. The court held a hearing on December 10th, 2009, but refused to reverse the sentence and made things difficult for the attorneys. On July 4th, 2008, the 50-year-old Mr. Lu was arrested by officers from the Caixiang Police Station and put in Wuxi City Prison after the court sentenced him. Prior to this, he was once held in Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province and brutally tortured. His daughter, Lu Yan, was once jailed too, in trying to rescue him.
Persecution Suffered by Schoolteacher Ms. Jin Lida from Anhui Province
2010-01-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jin Lida went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in December 1999. She was arrested and held at the Huainan No. 2 Detention Centre for nearly nine months while the guards savagely tortured her. Detention centre head Tao, guard Wang and political head Hu were among the most vicious. They shackled and handcuffed Ms. Jin and hung her from the metal window railing, and also forced her to run in the snow. They once handcuffed her behind her back, dragged her into the yard and whipped her repeatedly.
Three Practitioners in Jixi City Receive Heavy Sentences
2010-01-23On November 10th, 2009, the Jiguan District Court tried Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Xinchun, Ms. Zhong Li, and Mr. Liu Xuegang. The court adjourned at 4 p.m. Four lawyers defended the case. The prosecuting attorney had difficulty responding because of the complete testimony by the defence. The evidence provided by the prosecuting attorney was incomplete. Although the case involved illegal issues such as forged records by the police, inconsistent evidence, extorting a confession by torture, and improper incitement of the law, the court circumvented the law and sentenced Mr. Wang to nine years of imprisonment, and Mr. Liu and Ms. Zhong to eight years.
Mr. Liu Cheng from Yi County, Liaoning Province Tortured During His Three Imprisonments
2010-01-23Mr. Liu Cheng is a practitioner who has been imprisoned as a forced labourer three times. During his three imprisonments, he suffered numerous tortures, such as brutal beatings, hung up by hand cuffs, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, iron chair, "buckle poking soft ribs", "scratching muscle seam", "gripping testicle", "five horses splitting a body", "lasting stretching", "hang thousand weight at waist".
Older Practitioner Chang Guiyun is Tortured at the Heizuizi Women's Prison
2010-01-23Falun Gong practitioner Chang Guiyun, aged 59, from Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, is being severely persecuted at the Heizuizi Women's Prison of Changchun City. She has lost all her teeth, lost a lot of weight, her facial features have become deformed and her hair has turned grey. She is unable to speak clearly or perform daily functions well. Ms. Chang is forcibly brainwashed and constantly watched by inmates who are assigned to monitor and torture practitioners. She is forced to sit on a small plastic stool for 15 hours a day. She is also forced to watch video programmes defaming Falun Gong, and then has to repeatedly write essays renouncing her belief in Falun Gong.
Ms. Wang Yuelan Arrested in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
2010-01-23On January 4th, 2010, when Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yuelan was posting posters exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, she was arrested by security patrol officers. Huang Liang, head of the police station, took her to the police station. Ms. Wang has been persecuted many times. On July 4th, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal. Police officers handcuffed and dragged her into the police van at Jiangxi Liaison Office in Beijing. There are still scars on her wrists from this incident. After bringing Ms. Wang from Beijing to Jiangxi, the police sent her to Jiujiang County Detention Centre. When Ms. Wang asked to have the confiscated Falun Gong books returned, she was force-fed a highly concentrated solution of salted water by Rao Hongyan, head of the detention centre.
Ma Pingan from the Police Department in Shanxi Province, Hanzhong City Conducts Countless Evil Deeds
2010-01-22On February 8th, 2000, six practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong to the authorities. In mid March Ma Pingan arrested ten practitioners, who had recently visited Beijing and promptly sent them to detention centres. He directed police officers to utilise criminals, such as drug addicts and prostitutes to assault and humiliate these detainees. Practitioner Wu Yali suffered from several broken ribs as a result of these beatings. Zhen Cuiping suffered a broken sternum and was unable to lie down for more than one month, and was only able to rest while leaning against a wall. Wang Xinlian was robbed of over 1700 yuan that she carried on her, received beatings so severe that her jacket was worn out, and was shackled for over two weeks.
Repeated Persecution Suffered by Ms. Dong Xiuqiong from Huili County, Sichuan Province
2010-01-22In March, 2007, a fellow practitioner and I went to a small town to distribute leaflets and tell people the facts about Falun Gong . We were reported by a villager and police tried to arrest me. I would not go with them. Yang Shaoliang dragged me on the ground for several metres. Later they detained me in the detention centre. On March 12th, Liu Jianping interrogated me. They handcuffed both of my hands. When they could not get answers for their questions, he took a book and slapped my face hard with it twice. At the detention centre, since I did not agree to give my fingerprints, the director of the detention centre ordered criminals to put shackles on my feet.