Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Poisoning Suspected in Death of Mr. Yue Liangzhen
2015-01-03It is believed that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yue Liangzhen was poisoned in a brainwashing centre with drugs that damage the central nervous system. After being released from the brainwashing centre, he suffered from amnesia, had problems with coordination, and became incontinent. He passed away on December 16th, 2014, at the age of 68.
A Father's Cry: Can Our Daughter Come Out of Prison Alive?
2015-01-03Simply for practising Falun Gong, Ms. He Lianchun was sentenced to 10 years in 2009 and is now serving time at Yunnan Province Second Women's Prison. Because she insisted on her constitutional right to believe in Falun Gong, she has been subjected to abuse since the day of her prison admission. With five years remaining on her term, her 73-year-old father Mr. He Chengyun is quite worried, wondering if his daughter will come out of prison alive.
Ms. Liu Fengyun Passes Away after Repeated Persecution
2015-01-03Like many Falun Gong practitioners in China, Ms. Liu Fengyun's family has been subjected to intense persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the past 15 years. Ms. Liu was detained a number of times, and sentenced to three years in prison. Her husband, Mr. Bai Ruisong, had also been sentenced to forced labour a number of times, and was subjected to many tortures at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp and the local detention centre. Unable to take any more, Ms. Liu passed away on December 6th, 2014, at the age of 60.
With Mother Dead and Father in Prison, a Daughter Seeks Justice
2014-12-23Falun Gong practitioner Ma Jiang was tried and sentenced to three years in prison by the Dadong District Court on December 4th, 2014. During the trial, the prosecutor presented interrogation transcripts and a “confession” by Mr. Ma that were forged by the police. The charge was “using a cult organization to sabotage the enforcement of law.” Mr. Ma plans an appeal of the verdict and sentence. His wife, Ms. Wu Shuyan, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was persecuted to death a year ago.
Brutal Force-Feeding in Liaoning Women's Prison
2014-12-23Ms. Liu was transferred to Liaoning Women's Prison on October 11th, 2001. She was held down on the bed by guards and inmates to prevent her from doing the Falun Gong exercises. Ms. Liu went on a hunger strike in protest. She was taken to the prison hospital and tied in a spread-eagle position to the special bed for force-feeding. A strap was fastened across her chest so that she could not move. Several officers immobilized her head, and the head of the prison hospital, Wang Nina, in her 50s, inserted a meter-long plastic tube 5 mm in diameter into her nostril, down her throat, and into her stomach. She then connected a thick syringe to the tubing and forced corn porridge into Ms. Liu's stomach. She was force-fed once or twice a day, 3000 ml of corn porridge each time. It was excruciatingly painful. Ms. Liu was tortured this way for eight days, until she agreed to eat.
Belated News: Urumqi Environmental Engineer Dies after Years of Persecution
2014-12-23It was learned recently that a senior environmental engineer in Urumqi, Mr. Gu Youquan, passed away in July 2013, after being persecuted for years for practising Falun Gong. He died at the age of 73. Mr. Gu was seized from his home on January 13th, 2007, and taken to a detention centre. The authorities handed him a three-year sentence with four-year suspension for “inciting subversion of state power” 11 months later.
Sister Repeatedly Arrested, Brother Tortured to Death
2014-12-23Ms. Ma Jumei, who is in her fifties, was arrested on December 9th, 2014, at the nursing home she has managed since her release from detention in 2011. Ms. Ma has been repeatedly arrested and detained in the past because she is a Falun Gong practitioner. Ms. Ma's younger brother, Mr. Ma Jujun, was tortured to death in the Urumqi City Mental Hospital in 2004. Ms. Ma was being held at the Xinjiang Women's Prison at the time, and was not allowed to attend her brother's funeral.
Wuhan Police Arrest, Beat Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Studying at Home
2014-12-23Eight Wuhan residents were reading Falun Gong books in a private home when police broke into the apartment through a bathroom window and arrested them. Police also assaulted the practitioners while ransacking the apartment. Officers tortured the Falun Gong practitioners at the police station in an attempt to force them to renounce their beliefs. Three of the practitioners are now hospitalized; the others are held in two detention centres.
Families Suspect Missing Falun Gong Practitioners Targets of Organ Harvesting
2014-12-23Ms. Li never returned home after she left her aunt's house on a summer day in August 2003. Seeking help from the police certainly wouldn't have helped: Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li had just returned home a year ago after serving a two-year-sentence for petitioning the central government in Beijing to stop the violent persecution. When the horrendous practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners was brought to light in March 2006, Ms. Li's family was shocked and in great fear. Knowing that she underwent a comprehensive physical exam while detained in the labour camp, they kept wondering whether their loved one was murdered for her organs.
Three Women Sentenced to Prison for Reading a Book Together; Defence Lawyer Demands Acquittal
2014-12-23Three Falun Gong practitioners, Liu Rong, Guo Youzhi and Jiang Hai, were tried for a second time at the Dongchuan District Court in Kunming on December 4th, 2014. Their “crime” was reading the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun together. The practitioners were charged with “using a cult organization to sabotage law enforcement,” a trumped-up accusation commonly used by China's legal system to persecute Falun Gong. Eight days later, the court sentenced Liu Rong to three years in prison. The other two practitioners were also given three years, with a five-year probation.
83-Year-Old Woman to Face Trial for Using Bank Note Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong
2014-12-23Eighty-three-year-old Ms. Kang Yinzhi was arrested on February 14th this year for paying for groceries with a bank note printed with messages exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. She exhibited symptoms of a stroke and passed out during interrogation the night of her arrest at the Neijiang City Detention Centre. The Zhongqu Court informed Ms. Kang of her upcoming trial on December 25th. Ms. Kang was indicted with a charge of “using a cult organization to sabotage law enforcement,” a pretext commonly used by the Chinese Communist Party to frame and sentence Falun Gong practitioners.
Ms. Xu Chunxia Dies, Family Threatened to Keep Silent
2014-12-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Chunxia, 58, passed away on December 2nd, 2014, after a one-year detention. She had been arrested for distributing calendars containing information about Falun Gong. Prison authorities demanded that her family not publish the news of her death. They also threatened them in attempt to get the name of the person who wrote the article about her situation, which was published on the Minghui website. They claimed that they would detain family members if they didn't cooperate.
Ms. Liu Luxiang Dies in Prison with No Credible Explanation
2014-12-20Ms. Liu Luxiang, 49, from Anshan passed away on September 3rd, 2014, while serving a three-year prison sentence in Liaoning Women's Prison. She was sentenced for telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong. When her family were notified of her death they rushed to the prison. Ms. Liu was skin and bones, with one eye slightly open. All of her exposed skin was completely white. The guards claimed that Ms. Liu had died of illness. Ms. Liu's family demanded to see a medical report, especially since she was healthy before being admitted to the prison. The guards couldn't back up their claim.
Liaoning Women's Prison: A Place for Torture, Death of Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-12-08In addition to the torture and brainwashing, Falun Gong practitioners have also become the Liaoning Women's Prison's forced labourers—making clothes, textiles, and handcrafts for both domestic consumption and export. Each person has to work long hours—sometimes more than 14 hours a day, including weekends. If one refuses to do this kind of labour or is unable to fill their quota, the guards will shock them with electric batons, expose them to freezing temperatures, or subject them to other forms of torture.
Woman in Critical Condition after Being Sent to Hospital from Prison
2014-12-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Chunxia was taken to Shenyang No. 739 Hospital in critical condition on November 27th, 2014, from Liaoning Women's Prison. The prison is one of the most notorious in China for torturing Falun Gong practitioners to death. She is still handcuffed and her feet shackled at the hospital. Several Falun Gong practitioners have died at Shenyang No. 739 Hospital after being sent there from Liaoning Women's Prison.