Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Feared for His Life in Brutal Interrogation at Hailun City Police Station
2003-02-15They made many threats to the practitioner's life, and claimed nobody would know anything even if they killed him. "Nobody in Hailun City knows you are here, and we asked about you at your work place and your family. Already, the police station, the linen factory and Department of Economics are looking for you." Chen Jingming also said to him, "You have never seen people thrown into a smelting pit, right?"
Falun Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Unjust 18 Years
2003-02-15In December 2002, he was put on trial and sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment. Such an unjust sentence! His act was most courageous and selfless. His wish was to broadcast the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution to the Chinese people and to break through the propaganda that has shamefully deceived them for almost four years.
Practitioner Forced to Divorce by "610" Office
2003-02-15Not wanting to get implicated, she brought her three-year-old daughter with her to initiate divorces papers. The "610 Office" in the Gangcheng District and the court visited Junsheng in detention centre in order to compel him to sign the divorce papers, but he refused. Nonetheless the court still went through with the divorce procedures without his consent.
Kailuan City Mine Instigate Ruthless Torture of Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-15With the instigation of the guards, several inmates wrapped him up with thick blankets and forced their weight down on him simultaneously. The inmates took turns beating him and used thick needles to stab his body because he refused to write the "repentance letter." He has more than one hundred excruciating needle punctures marks on his body from the torture. The prison guards didn't give him any food and didn't allow him to sleep for days.
The Call of "Falun Dafa is Good!" Shocks and Restrains the Police in Daqing City Detention Centre
2003-02-15In the end, the police told the prisoners, "None of you could change them, so from now on, you should not beat them any more." As time passed by, the prisoners in the cell were all touched by their great compassion and tolerance and never again restrained them from practising the exercises anymore. Just like this, Aunties Liu and Wang practised the exercises every day with dignity.
Practitioner Chen Ruichang Is Released After A Global Rescue Effort
2003-02-15With the collective efforts of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners and all Dafa practitioners around the world, Dafa practitioner Chen Ruichang in China, the former Deputy Chief of the Editor-in-Chief's Office at Guangdong Province TV Station, was released on January 15, 2003 after being illegally detained for two years.
Respectable Doctor Passed Away in Fuzhou City Due to Relentless Persecution (Photo)
2003-02-14Mr. Zhang Yunyi was formerly a medical doctor in the Beijing Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital. In summer 2000, he was wrongfully sentenced to one year of forced labour because he distributed Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He was imprisoned in Beijing's notorious Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp and suffered various tortures. After he was released, to avoid further persecution, he was forced to leave home
More information About the Death of Pregnant Practitioner Luo Zhixiang
2003-02-14There are so many tall buildings in the city, why did she not jump down to kill herself before, but commit the so-called "suicide" only after being kidnapped to the brainwashing centre? She was pregnant and told her mother-in-law that she wanted to give birth to the baby. How could she possibly to kill herself?
Police at the Fushun City Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Savagely Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-14A practitioner named Yao Yan became paralysed in his lower body after being forced to sit on the tiger bench for extended periods of time. Another gentleman, named Yao Shengdong, was tortured to the point of becoming mentally ill. There was also a family of three in which both the husband and wife practise Falun Gong. Their daughter does not practise, but because she tried to prevent the bad people from taking her parents away, she was also arrested.
Woman Dragged off to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp: Young Child Left Motherless
2003-02-14The cold-hearted police pushed the mother and daughter-in-law out of the door amidst the crying of the young boy, and then forced them into the police car They did not know how to cook. In the beginning, kind-hearted neighbours brought some meals to the young boy, but he always thought about his mother, and often cried himself to sleep. The effect on his little heart was detrimental.
A Journalist and a Manager's Just Words About Falun Gong
2003-02-14The manager added, "Falun Gong must be amazing, otherwise why is Jiang trying like crazy to beat it? They are just practising exercises. Just let them go all out to do the exercises, what would be wrong with that? After thousands years of advocating the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, why is it banned now? I really can't understand it!"
In Memory of Practitioner Ms. Yu Xiulan
2003-02-13A 60-year-old woman without the slightest bit of malice was deprived of her life just because she remained persistent in her belief and spoke the truth. Where is justice? People, please remember that there will indeed be a day when those who persecute Falun Dafa are punished by the heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil.
Outrageous Ill-Treatment of Dafa Practitioners at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Burying Them Alive
2003-02-13Police often pull practitioners out at midnight for this treatment. A pit is dug, the practitioner thrown into it, and then filled up to the practitioner's neck. Only the head remains unburied, sticking up above the soil. The heavy weight of the soil pressing down makes breathing very difficult. But the police do not stop there. They cover the practitioner's head with pieces of cloth so that passers-by cannot see that a human being is buried there.
Corrupt Police Traffic in Drugs and Torture Dafa Practitioners in Shanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-13Within a few days after I was taken there, I found that drug addicts in the camp were buying and selling drugs. When meeting with visitors, the addicts are separated from the visitors by a glass plate. They talk to each other via telephone, under strict control. How could they obtain those drugs? Some practitioners reported the drug pushers to the police, but the police prohibited the practitioners from speaking out. Why? The police were involved.
Savage Torture Against Practitioners in Qinhuangdao City
2003-02-13In the first detention centre of Qinhuangdao, insane police drove a nail into his thigh and tortured him in other ways... He was later transferred to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where police used three electric batons to hit him simultaneously and beat him with boards with nails in them, causing unimaginable pain. His body was full of scars, but he has steadfastly refused to renounce his belief in any shape or form.