Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Liu Daju Recounts Seven Years of Torture in Detention Centres and Prison
2009-09-13Before practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liu Daju, 56, was sentenced to seven years in prison. Ms. Liu Daju recounts the persecution she endured: "I talked about the goodness of Falun Gong to the prison guards but they did not listen. They hung me up on the window frame of the toilet and opened the window, exposing me to the bitter cold winter wind, more than ten degrees below zero. My whole body became swollen and the handcuffs cut deep into my flesh. My wrists were so swollen that the handcuffs were not even visible. I was hung there for 15 days. When the guards unlocked the handcuffs, I was unable to move my hand and fell down in the filth of the open-pit toilet. I could not bring my hands down, which were stuck to my back."
Elderly Intellectual Persecuted for His Beliefs
2009-09-13I have been cultivating Falun Gong and following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance for 13 years, and have never wavered in my faith in all that time. Since the open suppression and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started on July 20th, 1999, the police have used deceitful methods eight times in order to gain entry to my home, confiscate my property, and arrest me. I was sentenced in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp, Beijing to a term of one and a half years; then I was sentenced to 3 years in the Chadian Qianjin Prison of Tianjin City. In 2008, before the Olympics, I was arrested again and sentenced to two and a half years in a labour camp. The term was served outside of the labour camp because I was over 75.
"Where Is the Justice?" Husband Asks After His Wife is Arrested
2009-09-13Veteran Falun Gong practitioners Ms. He Tao, a retired doctor from Northeast University Medical Hospital, and Ms. Mao Juan, a retired worker from Shenyang Railway Bureau, were both very healthy and kind. On August 10th, 2009, they and their friends Liu Ping and Zhang Huilan, were arrested by police in Shenyang City, while they were resting in a corn field in the Zaohua Town area. At present, no one knows where they all are, and the family members are extremely worried.
The Destruction of Spirituality at the Guangdong Province Legal Education Centre
2009-09-13I was arrested in 2008. The police assigned other inmates to monitor practitioners. Practitioners are even forbidden to stand by the cell door and converse with anyone except their personal spy or to respond to any questions. Every day, the inmates monitor and report the practitioners' every word and deed to the police. In order to find out practitioners' states of mind and weaknesses to thereby better control them, the police usually have a "conversation" with practitioners on the first few days after their arrest. They then use deception and other means to "transform" practitioners by targeting their weaknesses.
Masanjia Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Nearly Sixty-Year-Old Woman
2009-09-12In March 2005, 58-year old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Shufen was subjected to three years of forced labour, and she was then sent to Masanjia Labour Camp. For practising Falun Gong, she was brutally tortured including forced sitting on a small stool, death bed, the "big hang-up" and others. In April 2006, Ma Jishan (education section head) and Liu Yong (security section head) came to Division 2 with more than 20 male guards to persecute practitioners who refused to do the hard labour. Guards beat Ms. Wang Shufen brutally. They dragged her up and down, and forced her to kneel down in front of them. Ms. Wang Shufen refused and Zhang Jun became angry. He beat her severely until she lost consciousness.
Older Practitioner Mr. Lu Zhenxiang Vomited Blood as a Result of Forced Feedings
2009-09-12On July 21st, 2009, was arrested when he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. He was sent to the Shili Detention Centre. One week after he was detained, he went on a hunger strike to protest the unjust persecution. The detention centre guards began to force feed Mr. Lu. They inserted a plastic tube from his nose to his stomach while handcuffing his hands behind his back, with one hand pulled back from his shoulder to his back. They left the plastic tube in Mr. Lu after the forced feeding and spread his arms and feet fully outwards before tying them down to a plank bed with handcuffs and shackles. After two days and one night, Mr. Lu began to vomit blood. When the doctor removed the plastic tube, they found that Mr. Lu's oesophagus and stomach were full of blood.
53-Year-Old Ms. Zhang Ziqin's Family Suffers Persecution in Luzhou City and Cannot Return Home
2009-09-12Ms. Zhang Ziqin, 53, and her husband Mr. Luo Zhenggui live in Pule Village in Sichuan Province. Because they firmly believe in Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), their whole family has been repeatedly persecuted for the past 10 years. This couple has been sentenced and sent to Guangyuan Prison and Jianyang Prison. After they were released, they could not live a normal life and suffered the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution several times. In order to avoid persecution, they were forced to leave home.
Trial of Mr. Li Yonghong, Mr. Yu Bin and Ms. Xu Li Pushed Ahead by Two Days in Chengdu City
2009-09-12On September 2nd, 2009, the Qingyang District Court in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province held a trial against Mr. Li Yonghong, Mr. Yu Bin, and Ms. Xu Li. Mr. Li and Mr. Yu pleaded innocence. They exposed the mistreatment they had suffered since they were arrested in August of last year, such as extortion of a "confession," beating (two teeth of Mr. Li were knocked out), sleep deprivation for six days and nights and more. The court, however, sentenced the three practitioners to between two and three and one half years in prison. The trial was originally scheduled for September 4th, but was pushed forward by two days to avoid public attention.
Ms. Li Juhua's Life in Danger from Persecution, Family Not Permitted to Visit
2009-09-11On August 19th, 2009, more than a dozen police officers broke into Ms. Li Juhua's home, searched it and arrested her. The family went to the Wuhan City No. 1 Detention Centre, the Women's Detention Centre, the Women's Prison as well as several brainwashing centres in Wuhan City in an attempt to find Ms. Li, but with no success. Ms. Li was being held at the Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre. On September 2nd, Ms. Li's family received the news that, "Li Juhua is 'sick' in the centre". Ms. Li's daughter went to the brainwashing centre and was not allowed to visit her mother.
Ms. Wang Lili Disabled by Torture
2009-09-11Due to her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Ms. Wang Lili was persecuted and abused by the Communist authorities many times over the past ten years. Ms. Wang has been detained at the Jilin Women's Forced Labour Camp twice. She was also detained at several different detention centres and at the Jingyuetan secret torture facility. The police have severely beat her and used electric batons to torture her. She was also subjected to torture methods called "big hang-up" and "stretching torture" among others. During the tortures, her rib was fractured, and as a result of the abuse, she developed a kidney haemorrhage and protrusion of the lumbar inter-vertebral discs. Wang Lili was nearly disabled, but the authorities still refused to release her.
Wei Jia Misses His Mum
2009-09-11Lin Weijia is six years old. In April of 2009, his mother, Yin Qi, his maternal grandmother and his maternal grandfather were arrested by police in Zhuhai City because they practised Falun Gong and followed the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They have been kept in custody at Doumen No. 2 Detention Centre. Weijia used to be a very happy child. When he would come home from kindergarten he would happily follow his mother around. When Wei Jia lost his mother it was devastating to him! He misses his mother so much, but instead of crying, Wei Jia just sits there quietly for a long time, motionless. Sometimes he asks, "Will my mother come back to see me when I die?"
Mr. Yang Jinmiao and His Daughter Unjustly Sentenced--Another Daughter Detained
2009-09-11Mr. Yang Jinmiao, 70, was reported by the Yangjing Neighbourhood Night Patrol Team when he was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong on June 4th, 2008. He was arrested and taken to the Yangjing Police Station. Mr. Yang's daughter, Ms. Yang Hairong, who happened to be home, was also arrested. Ms. Yang was sent to the brainwashing centre, where she was held until the Olympic Games were over. She was tortured her with sleep deprivation for five consecutive nights. On February 11th, 2009, the Pudong New Area Court held a public hearing of Mr. Yang and Ms. Yang's cases and sentenced them to a three-and-half-year term, despite their defence lawyers' pleas of not guilty of any crime.
Ms. Yang Xiaojing Seriously Ill, Husband Cao Dong Still in Prison
2009-09-10Hoping to rescue his wife Ms. Yang Xiaojing, on May 21st, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cao Dong met with European Parliament Vice President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott in Beijing. Mr. Cao informed Mr. McMillan-Scott of the brutal persecution suffered by himself and his wife. Two hours after the meeting, Chinese Communist regime security agents arrested Mr. Cao. Mr. Cao was sentenced to five years of imprisonment on February 8th, 2007. In August 2006 his wife, Ms. Yang was released after being abused at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. In July 2008 she was found to have lymphoma. She has sought help in making her voice known to the public, but Communist regime agents have been threatening her.
Jiang Xiqing Persecuted to Death in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, His Daughter Arrested for Appealing for Him
2009-09-10Mr. Jiang Xiqing was persecuted to death in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. The circumstances surrounding his death are unclear. Seven hours after being notified of his death, his family found his body still warm in the freezer. Labour camp officials did not give any reasonable explanation for his death and had his body cremated without his family's consent. His daughter, Jiang Hong, sought justice through legal means. Officials in the Politics and Law Committee and the 610 Office did not want to be exposed further, so they orchestrated the arrest of Ms. Jiang.
Four Practitioners in Sichuan Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2009-09-10Mr. Peng Guangrong, 61, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong after the persecution started in 1999 and was arrested by police and detained. He was taken to a Brainwashing Centre. He was mistreated in the centre, and the local officials withheld his disability-retirement fund. He was detained until his health had deteriorated badly and he had lost a lot of weight. He was released only after his family demanded his release. After his return, Wang Qiujun constantly sent people to his house to harass him. Mr. Peng died in October, 2003.