Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Wang Zhongbao from Heilongjiang Province Savagely Tortured in Police Custody
2010-09-22On September 30th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhongbao was arrested. The police savagely beat him. They handcuffed him behind his back and forced him to kneel on the ground. While four or five people held him down, another police officer punched his head, neck, and chest using his fists, knees, and elbows. Mr. Wang was transferred to Jiangsu Province and subjected to one and a half years of forced labour. During that time he was so brutally tortured that he nearly became paralysed.
Ms. Guo Lingna Sentenced to Another Three Years in Prison for Talking in Public About Falun Gong
2010-09-22Ms. Guo Lingna, 49, has been persecuted on several occasions by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for persisting in practising Falun Gong. In 2007, Ms. Guo was arrested by police and sent to the Yunnan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year term. While she was in the forced labour camp, Ms. Guo's company terminated her work contract. Ms. Guo's husband was forced to divorce her, when he came under the threat of being fired by his company. Ms. Guo was arrested again in December 2009, for giving a person a Falun Gong DVD. The court sentenced her to three years in prison. Ms. Guo Lingna is very weak as a result of holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Tortured for Seven Years: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yinying from Beijing
2010-09-21Ms. Zhang Yinying, 52, started practising Falun Gong in February 1998. She has been detained in a forced labour camp three times for her firm belief in the practice. Ms. Zhang was tortured in Daxing Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing and Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. As a result of the torture, she lost almost all of her teeth. In her own words she recounts: "Guards locked me in a small room with six detainees who were ordered to beat me. Some hit me, while others stomped on my stomach. One of them used a water bottle to hit my legs. I got two black eyes after the beating that night."
Mr. Jin Chengshan in Critical Condition at Hulan Prison
2010-09-21Mr. Jin Chengshan is in critical condition at Hulan Prison. He is paralyzed from the chest down. The muscles in his back and hips are seriously injured and he can only lie on his front. Since the beginning of August 2010, the pressure ulcers on his body have started to bleed. Permission was granted for him to be released from the prison for medical treatment, but prison officials still made various excuses to prevent him from leaving.
The Persecution Suffered by Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Huang Juxiu
2010-09-21Ms. Huang Juxiu is a 58-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Yueyang City, Hunan Province. She was employed by the Public Transportation Corporation of Yueyang City. Ms. Huang has been persecuted many times for practising Falun Gong; she was arrested seven times and was sentenced to four years of imprisonment. Her employer stopped her wages for nine years.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Zhixian Sentenced to Four Years
2010-09-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Zhixian was put on trial at the Tiedong District Court on May 7th, 2010. Her lawyer defended her and entered a "not guilty" plea. The chief judge interrupted the lawyer many times during his defence. However, the lawyer firmly continued with his defence, and asked the court to release Ms. Wang unconditionally. However, she was sentenced to four years of imprisonment by a court which is controlled by the Anshan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-20The first step in the "transformation" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] process in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp was to have practitioners read books slandering Falun Gong. Then the guards would assign more personal monitors, apply more pressure, and pick on practitioners for small things. The personal monitors frequently abused practitioners, both verbally and physically. They beat them, claiming that they were "correcting their movements." The guards also beat practitioners without hesitation. They also reduced the practitioners' sleep time. They were forced to get up at 5 a.m. or sometimes 4 a.m. They were to do "military training" throughout the entire day: squats, push-ups, high leg lifts, and so on without any break.
Mr. Zhu Youquan Arrested and His Mentally Handicapped Wife Brutally Beaten
2010-09-20Mr. Zhu Youquan is a practitioner from Chaoyang District, Beijing. On the morning of August 20th, local police officers and officials from the residential committee broke into his home and arrested him. His mentally handicapped wife was taken to the police station and viciously beaten. The bruises on her body remained clearly visible two weeks after the beating. The police brutality is outrageous given that she is over 50 years old and mentally handicapped.
Ms. Liang Bo Suffers Costal Cartilage Fracture from Beatings by Police
2010-09-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liang Bo, a teacher at the School of Literature, Journalism, and Communication of the Minzu University of China, was arrested on May 21st for practising Falun Gong. After her arrest, officer Dong Yongping viciously beat her, cursed at her, deprived her of sleep, forced her to put on the inmate uniform, and forcibly cut her hair. Dong, who weighs around 170 pounds, also sat on her and pushed his left leg on her chest, fracturing her costal cartilage and inducing internal bleeding. Ms. Liang was subsequently transferred to the Haidian District Detention Centre, where she continued to be subjected to extensive beatings and other tortur
Mr. Liu Jian Sentenced to Seven Years by Wenjiang District Court
2010-09-20A court hearing was held at Wenjiang District Court in Chengdu City for practitioner Mr. Liu Jian on July 15th. During the hearing Wang Yajun, a lawyer from Beijing, presented the case for his defence. Over seventy people attended the hearing, including staff at the court, officers from the police department, local government officials, as well as legal professionals and Mr. Liu's family members. The hearing ended just over an hour later. In a second court hearing on August 6th, Mr. Liu was sentenced to seven years. Mr. Liu appealed against the court's decision and demanded an acquittal, as the authorities handling the case has confiscated a large amount of money from Mr. Liu and Ms. Liu Qi, his elder sister.
Methods of Torture Used in Zhejiang Province's No. 2 Prison
2010-09-19Zhejiang Province No. 2 Prison has been called a "model" unit by some in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), presumably for its performance in persecuting Falun Gong. Every day, as a form of torture, practitioners are forced to sit or stand completely still in a designated posture while being strictly monitored by prisoners. If a prisoner thinks a practitioner has moved, even the smallest amount, the prisoner reduces the practitioner's allotted time to sleep by 30 minutes or an hour. If he or she moves twice, the sleeping time will be reduced twice, and so on. The prisoners often reduce practitioners' sleeping time regardless.
Prison Rejects Ms. Jiang Yanling Due to Her Deteriorated Health Resulting from Torture
2010-09-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiang Yanling was arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division of Yi County Public Security Bureau, Liaoning Province, on December 22nd, 2009. She has been held at the Jinzhou City Detention Centre for over eight months. When her family visited her on July 27th, 2010, she said her hands and feet had no feeling in them due to torture she had been subjected to since her arrest. Officers from Jinzhou Detention Centre have sent Ms. Jiang to Liaoning Women's Prison twice, but she was not accepted on both occasions due to her severe health condition, which was a direct result of the torture.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Fan Shunmei and Ms. Chen Yelin from Hunan Province Arrested
2010-09-19On July 19th, 2010, Ms. Fan Shunmei was arrested while explaining the truth about Falun Gong to people in Qiancheng Town. Ms. Fan Shunmei gave a DVD to a man who happened to be a plainclothes police officer. As soon as he saw the disc, he shouted, "Falun Gong!" He and five other plainclothes police officers then grabbed Ms. Fan's hands and arrested her. The Hongjiang City 610 Office sentenced Ms. Fan Shunmei to one year of forced labour. Because Ms. Fan's family paid a lot of money to the police, the officers allowed her to go back home. In mid-August, her family brought her back home. Her family is now keeping a very close watch on her at home.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lin Xue'e from Fujian Province Detained at Forced Labour Camp
2010-09-19Police officers ransacked practitioner Ms. Lin Xue'e's house in Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province in August 2009. On the evening of September 18th, she was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp. Her family requested to visit her but were denied. On October 11th, the police went to the school Ms. Lin's daughter attended to harass her, and attempted to cajole the child into making false testimony. It has been one year since Ms. Lin was arrested, and her family has still not heard from her.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Kunming Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked
2010-09-18Ms. Wu Yun is a Falun Gong practitioner in her thirties, and a resident of Kunming, Yunnan Province. On August 27th, Ms. Wu was arrested at home, and her home was ransacked. Over 20 police officers and plainclothes police participated in the arrest, including six or seven armed police carrying rifles and pistols. The ransacking lasted over five hours, and the police took many photos and videos throughout. Ms. Wu is currently detained at the Wuhua District Detention Centre.