Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecution Destroys Family of Xuyong County Practitioner Ms. Li Yunsheng
2007-11-28Sixty-year-old Ms. Li Yunsheng began practising Falun Dafa with her husband Mr. Gan Zongji in 1997. Public Security authorities frequently broke into Li's home to harass the couple, and took over the house many times. They also closely monitored them, controlling everything including the mail and attempted to force them to "transform," and give up the practice by threatening to eliminate their source of income. Ms. Li's husband suffered a mental collapse, became seriously ill, and passed away in October 2003. The police attempted to arrest Ms. Li and take her to the Public Security Bureau. Li was forced to leave her mother and little girl, and is homeless.
Ms. Lan Guiqin from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, Brutally Tortured
2007-11-27In 2002, police broke into the home of Ms. Lan Guiqin and arrested her. In Hexi Detention Centre, because Ms. Lan insisted on practising the Falun Gong exercises, she was subjected to the "Pig chain" twice, first for seven days and then for six days. When someone is tortured with the "Pig chain," both wrists and ankles are chained together less than twelve inches apart. She could not straighten up her back, put on her clothes, use the toilet, or sleep. The torture is extremely painful. She could not do anything but stay in that position. To protest this abuse, Ms. Lan went on a hunger strike both times.
Elderly Mr. Long Lianzheng Died under Persecution
2007-11-27Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Long Lianzheng, 70, persisted in practising Falun Gong after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. In February 2001, five policemen tried and failed to open Mr. Long's door with a master key, so they smashed his metal security gate and the front door, rammed a large hole through his wall, and forcibly took Mr. Long to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. He was subjected to brainwashing sessions there. He was tortured with brutal force-feeding and several of his teeth were knocked out. He was tortured with various other means including the "Dead Person's Bed." After 6 months, Mr. Long was diagnosed with bone cancer, and he was released on bail for medical treatment. His old sicknesses recurred, and he died on November 2nd, 2007.
Wang Lihua and Bi Jiankai of Rongcheng City, Shandong Province Sentenced to Forced Labour for Three Years
2007-11-27Falun Gong practitioner Bi Jiankai went to practitioner Wang Lihua's home. Wang Lihua's neighbour Song Yongping reported this to the community office. Police officers broke into Wang Lihua's home and confiscated two laptop computers, 20,000 yuan, and two Satellite TV receiving systems, and arrested them. Wang Lihua and Bi Jiankai were sentenced to three years of forced labour. They were subjected to inhumane torture in the detention centre. Guards hung Bi Jiankai from a window frame for over five hours, which caused her to lose consciousness. Wang Lihua was also subjected to hanging and electric shocks.
Facts About the Persecution of Falun Gong at Yangjiang Prison in Guangdong Province
2007-11-27Over the years, officials at Yangjiang Prison have imprisoned and tortured scores of male Falun Gong practitioners. Currently, there are between 20 and 30 practitioners still held there. News from inside the prison has revealed that the prison officials use extreme torture techniques to coerce Falun Gong practitioners into giving up their beliefs. Falun Gong practitioners' core principles are Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Many officials seek rewards from their government for successfully persecuting these practitioners. One can only wonder how torturing good people into giving up their faith can produce any good results.
Mr. Ni Wenkui, 45, Died as a Result of Torture and Abuse in Daqing City
2007-11-26Mr. Ni Wenkui, 45, was a Falun Gong practitioner. The police sentenced him to three years in prison in June 2003. During that time, he suffered inhuman abuse. He was often beaten and not allowed to sleep. In the last ten months of his life, he was in a vegetative state and could not take care of himself. Mr. Ni died on November 12th, 2007.
Three Practitioners from Yunnan Province, Chongqing City, and Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2007-11-26Ms. Yang Sufeng, 49, steadily followed the teachings of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and tried to be a better person. She soon improved her health, both physically and spiritually. Then someone reported her when she was distributing informational materials exposing the persecution in a rural area in March 2005. Personnel from the 610 Office and the Gejiu City Police Department had her sentenced to forced labour for two-and-a-half years. Ms. Yang was subjected to brainwashing and mentally pressured when she was in the First Forced Labour Camp of Yunnan Province. She was so severely injured, both physically and mentally, that she was very weak when she was released in June 2007. She passed away in a hospital on November 11th, 2007.
Nanjing City 610 Office, Under Cheng Xiaodong, Persecutes Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and His Wife, Ms. Liu Kaimei
2007-11-26Cheng Xiaodong (male) is head of the 610 Office in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Since July 20th, 1999, he has used all kinds of ruthless tactics to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As a result, many practitioners have been detained, taken to the brainwashing centre, or taken to the mental hospital for persecution. Some of these practitioners have also been taken to the forced labour camp. Two of those who have been been imprisoned are Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and Ms. Liu Kaimei. This couple has been sentenced to long prison terms by the Xiaguan District Court in Nanjing City.
Little Hong Hong's Family's Bitter Experience
2007-11-26Hong Hong is only seven years old. Unfortunately, a few days ago, she was arrested with her mum and dad, Mr. Tong. Mr. Tong originally believed the slander and hate propaganda about Falun Gong that was broadcast and published by the television and newspaper media when the persecution started in July 1999. When he went abroad, he discovered that the CCP had spread lies about Falun Gong. On October 11th, 2007, Hong Hong went out with her parents to visit a friend's family. On their way home, several police officers forcefully took the family away to the police station. Hong Hong was very frightened, crying all the time. That same day, Mr. Tong was sent to Haiwei Detention Centre. Hong Hong and her mother were later released and allowed to go home at midnight.
Further Details About Mr. Xu Jishan's Death as the Result of Torture at Daqing City Prison
2007-11-25On June 7th, 2005, guards Li Fengjiang and Zhang Dezhi Daqing City Prison urged inmates to forcibly "reform" practitioner Xu Jishan. They stripped off his clothes and tied him to bed boards (the two boards were crisscrossed), and threw him into the urinal in the toilet. They poured cold water on him from taps and basins for four hours, which resulted in Mr. Xu's choking death. When the inmates realised Mr. Xu Jishan had died from their abuse, they hurriedly reported this to guard Zhang Dezhi. They put clothes on Xu Jishan's body and hastily carried him to the Daqing City Prison Hospital. The 7th Division head Li Fengjiang convened a meeting and told the inmates that Xu Jishan had died of a heart attack. In addition, they threatened the inmates not to speak at will.
Many Practitioners Arrested in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
2007-11-25On October 4th, at 5am, 8 people from Shenzhou City police station and Dongan village township police station drove to practitioners Wang Qinghui and Guo Yanchun's home in Xiyangtai village, Dongan township. The police broke into their home by climbing over the wall, arresting them and confiscating one laptop computer, one printer, one copier, some DVDs and one satellite receiver. The following day, Lu Xiaoli from the same village was also arrested. In the evening of October 3rd, police from Yuke township government, Shenzhou City, drove to the home of practitioners Zhang Yunhui and Song Guiling. They were arrested as they returned from corn harvesting in the field and taken to the township judiciary department where they were brutally beaten.
Torture, Brainwashing and More: Persecution in Chifeng Prison, Inner Mongolia
2007-11-25Practitioner Zhou Jinpeng was arrested in September 2004 when police raided a site producing leaflets exposing the persecution. Zhou was sentenced to seven years in prison. Warden Zhang forced Zhou to write statements renouncing Falun Gong, and Zhang often ordered Zhou to stand at attention for hours on end. He also shocked Zhou with a 300 kilovolt electric baton for one hour. Zhou was shocked three times during his first 6 months in Chifeng Prison. Inmates often took part in the torture. They wrapped Zhou in a big blanket, then over a dozen inmates punched, kicked, and rammed him.
Persecution of Practitioners in Xinjiang Autonomous Region
2007-11-25Mr. Zhong Mingwen and Ms. Tao Ying were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. They were reported to the local authorities and arrested on March 25th, 2007 by police. The police confiscated a laptop computer, a printer, two pairs of AC powered speakers, over 60 blank CD's, and numerous Dafa leaflets. The couple was detained in the Jinghe County Detention Centre. They refused to obey the police's orders or wear the inmate uniforms. Thus the detention centre director Yu Lujun beat them with a baton over 30 times. The next day they refused to count off and were handcuffed and hung for 4 hours. Then the following day they were hung for over 10 hours, during which time the policeman Guan Ning kicked them violently.
More Than 50 Practitioners Still Detained in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province
2007-11-24I was arrested by police from Dongguan City for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, and was sentenced to four years in prison. I was detained in Sihui Prison and subjected to brainwashing and forced hard labour, which resulted in great trauma to my physical and spiritual health. There are 50 to 60 practitioners currently in Sihui Prison. The guards in the prison have instructed inmates to watch practitioners around the clock. Practitioners are deprived of sleep for long periods of time and only allowed to sleep two hours per day. They are forced to sit on small stools for extensive periods of time. Mr. Zhuang Wenshu was handcuffed and shackled for two years. He is now very frail. Mr. He Jingru was mistreated for a long time. He went on a hunger strike and was force fed through a tube. He is in very poor health.
The Persecution of Ms. Zhang Bo of Tonghua City, Jilin Province
2007-11-24On April 27th, 2007, practitioner Ms. Zhang Bo was taken to the Jilin Province Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City because she continued to practise Falun Gong. Zhang Bo had no contact with other detainees and was watched by two prisoners, former practitioners who had written the "Four Statements" to renounce Falun Gong. She was forced to watch videos that slandered Dafa and ordered to write down her "feelings", which she refused. Wei Dan tortured Zhang Bo with an electric baton, and her heart contracted with every shock. Another time, she was forced to stand from 5:10 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. for twelve days, after which her feet and legs were badly swollen. Later, guards tortured Zhang Bo with electric batons until the batons ran out of batteries.