Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Press Release by Falun Gong Practitioners in Bielefeld: German Doctors Aid Torture Victim from China
2007-10-21"Wang experienced that peaceful people, who are seen by the Communist regime as a threat to their power, are dealt with worse than murderers and rapists in slave labour camps. At the slave labour camp, the guards ordered drug addicted inmates to monitor, humiliate and beat up Wang. On April 15th 2003, five inmates in his cell tortured him and broke both of his hip joints. The slave labour camp doctor gave Wang only a few pain-killers although he suffered from multiple broken bones and his body was covered with wounds from burning cigarettes."
Eight Years of Persecution for Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Hong and her Family from Huludao City, Liaoning Province
2007-10-21Ms. Yang Hong used to be an employee of the construction company affiliated with the refinery in Huludao City. Officials at her workplace fired her eight years ago for her refusal to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. Over the past eight years, Ms. Yang was subjected to several arrests and incarceration. In Masanjia Forced Labour Camp she had to do 14 hours of heavy labour every day. Since Yang Hong refused to renounce Falun Gong and refused to memorise the labour camp rules, the criminals beat her ruthlessly. Her legs were often black and blue from being kicked. Criminals also punched her on her back, injuring it so severely that she could not bend over. Guards locked her to an iron column so that she could not fall asleep.
Mr. Wang Hongfa, a Faculty Member of Tianhe Institute of Guandong Polytechnic Normal University, Again Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp
2007-10-21Mr. Wang Hongfa, a faculty member of the Machinery Department at the Tianhe Institute of Guandong Polytechnic Normal University, was reported to the police when he explained the facts about Falun Dafa to someone in the Computer Science Department. Afterwards, the authorities of the University said that they would no longer employ him. Also, they cooperated with the officers of the Haizhu District 610 Office and the Tainhe Street Police Station and arrested him on July 16th, 2007. On August 10th, he was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp in Huadu District, Guangzhou City .
Torture Methods Used in Yinchuan Women's Prison, Ningxia Province
2007-10-21Prior to 2003, the prison authorities sent all practitioners to brainwashing sessions supervised by agents from the provincial 610 Office. After the brainwashing sessions were over, the prison officials decided to have scheduled sessions at the prison to try to force practitioners to "reform." The officials set up award programmes to encourage prison guards and criminal inmates--including convicted murderers, thieves and drug addicts--to "reform" practitioners using various methods of torture. In order to encourage guards and other inmates to force practitioners to give up their belief, the prison officials grant a third class award for a guard or reduce a criminal's sentence for each practitioner who renounces Falun Dafa.
Many Beijing Practitioners in Universities Arrested Recently and Their Houses Ransacked
2007-10-21Agents from the Beijing 610 Office ordered agents of all 610 Offices and all government-supervised neighbourhood committees in Beijing, as well as other community officials, to go to practitioners' houses and/or call practitioners to harass them. There were rumours of another "re-education" (brainwashing) class and of renewed requirements for Falun Dafa practitioners to write "thought reports." Busybodies went to practitioner's homes wanting to "check on them." All these activities are related to a renewed intensification of the persecution of of Falun Gong surrounding the Seventeenth Party Congress and the Beijing Olympics.
Eight Years of the Persecution--The Plight of Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanchun and Her Family in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2007-10-20On August 14th, 2007, the Dalian police arrested more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Wang Yanchun, at their homes. Their only crime: believing in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Even now, 47 days later, family members of these practitioners--fathers and mothers, sons and daughters--are still hoping that their loved ones will return home safely. Not too many know about how they have suffered because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has covered up crimes committed by the police. Ms. Wang Yanchun had previously been arrested and imprisoned in Dabei Prison because she persisted in her Falun Gong practice. When her daughter visited her a total stranger seemed to face her, wearing a dirty uniform, her hair short and messy, with a skinny face and a body covered in bruises. She could not connect this woman with her once beautiful, elegant and well-dressed mother.
Ms. Li Xiaoling from Shanxi Province Sentenced to Prison
2007-10-20On July 20th, 2007, when Ms. Li Xiaoling, 34, gave leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to security officers in a Gaoping City government building, she was reported to the authorities and consequently arrested. Personnel from the 610 Office carried out the arrest and searched her home. On September 19th, 2007, Ms. Li Xiaoling was secretly sentenced to four years in prison. However, her family was not notified. When her family became aware of Li Xiaoling's situation, they immediately tried to appeal her case. Yang Changchun (from the 610 Office) threatened to prolong Xiaoling's imprisonment if her family followed through with the appeal.
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuxia from Shanghai City Tracked and Monitored Twenty-Four Hours a Day
2007-10-20Since September 29th, 2007, practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuxia has been tracked and monitored 24 hours a day. Ms. Zhang Yuxia's husband, Mr. Guo Shenghuan, is an instructor in the Maths and Science Institute of Shanghai Normal University. On the morning of January 25th, 2007, he was taken into custody on his way to work. Mr. Guo is currently being detained in Xuhui District Detention Centre. After Mr. Guo Shenghuan was taken into custody, his father suffered a serious mental breakdown. As a result, his father became delirious and passed away on May 19th, 2007. Mr. Guo was not allowed to see his father even one last time. The authorities intercepted a letter to Mr. Guo from his family, so even now, Mr. Guo Shenghuan does not know about his father's death.
Wang Junchang, a National Security Team Agent That Ransacks Practitioners' Homes in Li County of Hebei Province
2007-10-20When three elderly Falun Dafa practitioners went to the Huagang area to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, they were taken into custody by Li County National Security Team agents. That afternoon, security team agents ransacked the practitioners' homes. The real purpose of the raid was robbery. They took away whatever valuables they could. When the police searched Ms. Cui Shumei's home, there was no one home. The agents climbed over the wall, went through the yard. and broke open the door. They looted a 25-inch colour TV, a DVD player, a motorised tricycle, Falun Dafa books, tapes, lecture CDs, an MP3 player, a satellite dish, and many other items. The thugs turned all five rooms upside down, leaving everything in disarray. They took away anything valuable, leaving only a broken refrigerator behind. All of the drawers with locks were pried open, and clothing was thrown around.
Agents of the Communist Regime in Guangan City, Sichuan Province Held Brainwashing Sessions to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-10-19On September 2nd, 2004, practitioner Yang Linxin refused to watch the video that slandered Dafa, so security guard Zheng Ce brutally beat Yang Linxin on the face and asked, "Won't you watch? Won't you watch?" Yang Linxin shouted, "Someone is beating me." Hearing the yelling, guard Cao Shan and other guards rushed into the room and shouted, "Beat him!" They all savagely beat Yang Linxin, and he was knocked down as a result. As they beat him they shouted, "You still dare to shout. We will beat you to death." Yang Linxin was beaten until he was unable to eat or stand up straight. His face was swollen and his chest was covered with bruises.
Ms. Yan Jingqiu Imprisoned in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp and Not Allowed to Visit Her Husband Before His Death
2007-10-19Because she removed banners that the wicked Chinese Communist Party made to defame Falun Gong, practitioner Ms. Yan Jingqiu of Qingdao City was arrested by police and sent to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for a term of two and a half years. Because of the mental pressure, her husband suffered from a severe illness and passed away; Ms. Yan was not allowed to see him before his death. The forced labour camp forbade Ms. Yan to visit her husband because she refused to sign a guarantee statement to give up her beliefs. She is still unlawfully imprisoned and her daughter is at home alone.
The Chief Engineer of the Textile Enterprise Group in Weihai City Has Disappeared After Intense Monitoring by 610 Office Agents
2007-10-1969-years-old Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Hengcai's home was ransacked and his wife was arrested on September 19th, 2007. That same day at 3:00 p.m., five agents from the 610 Office and from the police department in the Huancui District broke into Jiang Zhennan's home, ransacked it and confiscated a printer and some leaflets exposing the persecution. They also took away Mr. Jiang's nephew's new laptop. Jiang Zhennan has since disappeared, over a week ago.
How Ms. Chen Shaoqing from Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province Is Persecuted
2007-10-19Ms. Chen Shaoqing used to be a teacher at an elementary school. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted her for the past eight years because she practises Falun Gong and believes in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance". Her husband couldn't stand the persecution and was forced to divorce her. In 2003, Ms. Chen was arrested and sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. She was forced to squat on the ground 24 hours a day without going to the toilet, sleeping, standing up, or sitting down. If she didn't squat properly, the collaborators [former practitioners who assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners] would pinch her until she was bruised and elbow her in the back.
Mr. Deng Wenyang Tortured to Death in Hebei Province
2007-10-18Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Deng Wenyang lived in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Since the start of the persecution he was arrested and detained at a forced labour camp multiple times. On September 26th, 2007, he was arrested again, and died from mistreatment ten days after being detained in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. Previously in 2000, Mr. Deng also experienced brutal torture in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. Guards and prisoners shocked him with electric batons and old-fashioned hand-crank phones: they attached his four limbs to the phones and cranked the handles nonstop, torturing him until past midnight.
Recent Persecution of Practitioners in Hengyang County, Hunan Province
2007-10-18On the night of August 17th, 2007, police officers broke into and ransacked practitioner Mr. Zhu Pingzhi's home in the Baiguo Village, in Hengyang County, and took away equipment such as a computer, printer, CD burner, and materials worth a combined value of more than 20,000 yuan (about 1,250 British pounds). Mr. Zhu and his wife have escaped and decided to go into exile to avoid further persecution and arrest.