Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
"Sleep Torture" in China's Detention Centres
2007-11-13One of the tactics officials in detention centres use on detainees, including Falun Gong practitioners, is "sleep torture." One key element of "sleep torture" is packing the inmates together tightly. Detainees are only permitted to wear their shorts and are compelled to lie on their sides, each one holding the ankles of the person in front him. This means that each person has someone else's feet on either side of his head. When the cell heads are still not satisfied, they hit the detainees with their shoes and kick them hard while yelling out, "Get moving and get closer!" Once I was made to lie down close to an inmate who had a festering sore the size of a pigeon egg on the back of his leg. It is common for inmates to develop scabies or contagious skin diseases in China's detention centres.
Gu Xuemin in Her 70s Is Imprisoned in the Women's Prison in Xinxiang, Henan Province
2007-11-12Right after the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2007, 70-year-old Ms. Gu Xuemin suddenly disappeared. After searching for her, we discovered that police and people from the Chuanhui District 610 Office had collaborated with the Chuanhui District Court, which directly ordered the arrest of Gu Xuemin, and detained her in the Zhoukou Detention Centre. Three days later, they transferred Ms. Gu to the Xinxiang Women's Prison.
Ms. Wang Haohong, in Hiding for Eight Years, Has Been Arrested Again
2007-11-12Ms. Wang Haohong was arrested several times by police because she practised Falun Gong. During her first detention, she was beaten and verbally abused when she refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. The former Deputy Chief of the police station shocked Ms. Wang with a hand-cranked electric telephone generator. The shock was so great that she lost control of her bladder and wet herself. The chief of the police station forced Ms. Wang to stand under the burning sun during the hottest time of the day. They also extorted 2,000 yuan from Ms. Wang's husband. Since 2001 Ms. Wang went into hiding to avoid persecution, but was arrested again in September 2007.
Inner Mongolia Practitioner Mr. Hou Weiguo's Persecution Account
2007-11-12On January 1st, 2002, Mr. Hou travelled to Tiananmen Square to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. But while there, the police arrested him and he was sent to the Public Security Bureau where criminals poured ice-cold water onto his body. In May 2002, he was sentenced to two years of forced labour at the Tumuji Labour Camp. Prison guard Zhang Yaguang threatened Mr. Hou, "We'll "transform" you--even if you refuse to do so, we'll force you. Even if we don't kill you, we'll strip you of three layers of skin." Zhang brutally beat him until his blood covered the ground and walls.
Ms. Xie Fengting from Hebei Province Died in 2002 as a Result of Police Brutality
2007-11-12Practitioner Ms. Xie Fengting, 61 years old, upheld her faith after Jiang Zemin's regime began persecuting Falun Gong. One night in November 2000, police stormed into her home, punched Ms. Xie in the chest very hard. She fell down on the floor unconscious. They also took her husband into custody and cruelly beat him. Ms. Xie Fengting suffered a mental breakdown as a result. Finally, she died on February 9th, 2002, at the age of 61.
Female Falun Gong Practitioner Subjected to Sexual Abuse in Shandong Province
2007-11-11Ms. Sang Chunlian was abducted by Shouguang City police on September 24th, 2007. According to her account, in the police office, two policemen pressed her on the ground and forcibly pulled her hands behind her back, and then violently pushed her chin and wrung her neck backward. They continually slapped her face on both sides, wringing her ears in between. The policemen also stomped on her thighs and legs with their heavy leather shoes. They burned her elbows and hands with lighters and seriously blistered them. While carrying out these atrocities, the policemen exclaimed, "Tonight, we won't stop until your skin is all burnt off." One of the policemen even stripped her naked, and said to others, "All of you get out of here now, and let me burn her private parts."
More Information about the Death of Mr. Wang Hongnan in Nanguanling Prison of Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2007-11-11Police Chief Li Jixiang restrained Mr. Wang in a chair and ordered four officers to tie Mr. Wang's arms and legs with rope and pull in four different directions, which dislocated Mr. Wang's shoulder. The chief said, "Torture is how we deal with Falun Gong practitioners. We torture the male practitioners using the same methods we use to torture you; for the female practitioners, we rape them." Mr. Wang was tortured to death at Nanguanling Prison in Dalian City
Several Practitioners in Kangping County Arrested, Brainwashed, and Beaten
2007-11-11On September 13th, the Kangping County Police Department took practitioners Ms. Qi Jingru, Ms. Li Yuqing, Ms. Zhao Xiumei, and Ms. Liu Li into custody and they were detained in detention centres. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents tried to have Ms. Qi Jingru sentenced to prison. However, the case was turned down by the Procuratorate due to insufficient evidence. Ms Liu Li was beaten, resulting in cuts and bruises all over her body. Ms. Zheng Xiuli and Ms. Chen Yuchun were released after each was extorted of 5,000 yuan.
The Body of Deng Wenyang, a Practitioner from Shanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao City, Is Cremated
2007-11-11Mr. Deng Wenyang refused to renounce Falun Gong, and as a result he was sentenced to three years of forced labour, where he was brutally tortured. On October 8th, 2007, he was tortured to death in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Baoding City, Hebei Province. The labour camp officials gave Mr. Deng's family two choices: make a secret deal or file a lawsuit. His family hired a lawyer but the camp forced Mr. Deng's case to be closed quickly.
Practitioners Tortured and Forced to Do Hard Labour at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-11-11Practitioners have been forced to work from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., or even 10:00 p.m. if more work needed to be done. Qiang Tongqin is the production captain in this brigade. In his labour record book, he wrote down that every Wednesday is his interview day, that Saturdays and Sundays are rest days, and that labour is done only five to six hours each day with rest breaks taken at noon. But these records do not reflect the true situation at all.
Ms. Zhang Li Tortured to Near Death in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2007-11-10Ms. Zhang Li, a Falun Gong practitioner, is currently detained in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Personnel from the prison ordered inmates convicted of murder to abuse Zhang Li. Inmate Wang Yumei, serving a sentence for murder, continually finds opportunities to beat Ms. Zhang, who is constantly facing danger. The guards incite other inmates convicted of murderer to torture her while the guards pretend not to see it. they have shoved her to the ground and choked her, preventing her from breathing.
Ms. Wang Xiaoren was Unjustly Tried by Judicial System in Jinan City, Shandong Province
2007-11-10On October 24th, 2007, Ms. Wang Xiaoren, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was tried in the Fourth Courtroom in the Lixia District of Jinan City, Shandong Province. An announcement of the trial itself was not posted on the bulletin board or anywhere else. The guards at the entrance to the courtroom carefully searched everyone who attended the session. The chief justice, Liu Yong, refused to allow Ms. Wang's husband to attend the trial, claiming that he was involved in the case. The chief justice made his judgment very quickly because Ms. Wang did not have a defence counsel. In addition, because he was afraid that Ms. Wang would speak out about the persecution of Falun Gong in court, the chief justice continually interrupted Ms. Wang and distorted her words when she attempted to defend herself.
Why Has Mr. Ruan Fanghua's Happy Family Been Torn Apart?
2007-11-10On October 7th, 2007, Mr. Ruan Fanghua was reported while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Dafa. He was then arrested by the police from the Longping High Tech District in Changsha City. He was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and sent to the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp. On May 15th, 2005, he was sentenced to forced labour for the first time for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution to the local residents. The first torture for practitioners on their arrival at the forced labour camp is sleep deprivation. They are not allowed to sleep for many days and nights. Then those in charge take advantage of practitioners' foggy mental state as a result of sleep deprivation and pressure them to write the Guarantee Statement declaring that they will no longer practise Falun Gong.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Harbin City's Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2007-11-10Practitioner Qiao Zengyi was tortured to skin and bones in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp, and he was on the verge of death. In June 2007, he was sent to hospital for emergency treatment. On July 4th, his family was ordered to bring medicine for a lung infection. When the family saw how emaciated he was, they asked the camp authorities to hospitalise him for further treatment, but their request was denied. They did not take Mr. Qiao to the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University until July 11th. Mr. Qiao died two months later.
Students and Teachers from Jiaotong University in Shanghai Persecuted for Their Belief in Falun Dafa
2007-11-09Several Falun Gong practitioners from the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at Shanghai's Jiaotong University were recently sentenced and persecuted. Among those detained were teacher Mr. Guo Xiaojun, mechanical engineering student Mr. Mei Jianqi, and Department of Energy student Mr. Ju Yanlai. They were all sentenced to five years in prison. Also, Mr. Wang Xudong, a Master's degree student from the School of Chemical Engineering, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. They were all detained in Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai at one time or another. Mr. Ju Yanlai held hunger strikes to protest the persecution for four years and was once near death.