Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Zhang Guodong Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured, Now Sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-12-05On September 28th, 2006, police arrested Zhang Guodong while he was at work. On November 3rd, angry police officers forced him to sit in a torture-chair for 48 consecutive hours. They told Zhang Guodong: "Two people who practise Falun Gong have already died in this torture chair." This was in retaliation for his reporting the abuse and torture he endured during his previous arrest to the Procuratorate.On November 16th, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Guodong was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp for an eighteen-month-sentence.
The Persecution Other Practitioners and I Experienced at Yushu City Detention Centre and Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2006-12-05After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and sent back to Yushu City Detention Centre. Director Wei Fucheng and his guards forced us to recite prison rules, sit on benches, do physical exercises and perform hard labour. When we refused to follow orders, they beat us with plastic tubes. Later, they transferred us to a jail, where we were kept in damp, cold and dark cells. I was tortured constantly. Director Guo once put shackles on me. I was also hung up and beaten. Guard Li slapped me repeatedly, causing my nose to bleed and I saw stars. My ears were also deaf for a short time.
Seven Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Persecution in Beijing, Anhui Province, and Jilin Province
2006-12-0565-year-old Ms. Feng Guiqin was from Liaoning Province. She first started to practise Falun Dafa in 1997. After she began her practice, the bronchitis that had bothered her for many years disappeared without a trace. Following the events of July 20th, 1999, Feng Guiqing went to Beijing to appeal for the rights of Falun Gong and was brutalised by the local policemen who shocked her with electric batons, slapped her in the face, and punched and kicked her. Later, she was sent to a detention centre, where she was detained for over 40 days and had 1,800 yuan extorted from her. Policemen came to her house many times to intimidate and threaten her. She died on September 4th, 2006 in her home.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Yaxian from Shenyang Tortured to Paralysis at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-12-04Due to persisting in cultivating Falun Dafa, practitioner Gao Yaxian was detained at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. After being tortured for nine months she eventually became paralysed. She was locked in a small cell six times, for as long as three months at a time. The police forced Gao Yaxian to wear only an undershirt at minus thirty degrees in the winter, and stay in the "sardine can" (the solitary confinement cell with four-inch-thick foam covering all four walls). She was repeatedly beaten brutall. To avoid any responsibility, the guards at the camp sent the dying Gao Yaxian to her family members on January 8th, 2005.
The Persecution of Four Female Teachers in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2006-12-04After Falun Gong practitioners broadcast the video, "Self-Immolation or Staged Act?" on the Changchun Cable TV network, Jiang Zemin issued an arrest quota for 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners. He said that law administrators would be demoted or fired if they didn't finish their "assignment." The police tortured every arrested practitioner to get more names. When the police officer interrogating teacher Ms Ma Yanfang heard she didn't know anyone, he struck her in the temple. She took a few steps back and nearly fell down, could not stand steadily, and her body shook. The police officer forced her to kneel and then kicked her until he grew tired.
Ms. Zhao Wei, 25, Force-Fed Water Laced With Hot Chilli Pepper in Jilin City Detention Centre in Jilin Province
2006-12-04On November 4th, 2006, Zhao Wei, 25, was arrested by police. They handcuffed Ms. Zhao and ransacked her home. It happened when a neighbour of Ms. Zhao's was passing by her residence and saw that the lights were on. The neighbour wanted to see who was inside. But before the neighbour even knew it, the policemen dragged her inside Zhao Wei's home and started to interrogate her. They took possessions worth over 10,000 yuan. At the detention centre she held a hunger strike to protest against the imprisonment. The guards and the doctors of the centre brutally force-fed her with hot pepper-laced water.
Dozens of Male Police Specifically Dispatched and Stationed at Masanjia Labour Camp to Persecute Female Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-12-04The most brutal torture method in Masanjia No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp is "the great hanging" method. One hand is handcuffed to the upper rung of one bed while the other hand is handcuffed on the lower rung of another bed; with the legs tied, both shoulders are fully extended, one higher than the other, making it impossible to stand or squat. This torture method is extremely uncomfortable; the victims are not allowed to eat or drink, nor visit the toilet. Most soil their trousers. Practitioner Wang Guiping was hung in this position for over thirty hours; her wrists were bleeding and badly bruised. Unable to withstand the torture, she was compelled to write the three statements renouncing the practice.
Practitioner Ms. Luo Siying from Shenyang, Liaoning Province Is Arrested Before Daughter's Wedding
2006-12-04On October 24th, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Siying, 56 years old, was arrested from her home by the police from the Heping District National Security Team. She is now imprisoned in the Shenyang Jail. Ms. Luo had a happy family. Her daughter, Linlin got married on 28th of October. When the relatives and friends came to attend the wedding ceremony and found out that Ms. Luo had been arrested just before her daughter was to be married, they were shocked.
Mr. Cao Dong Secretly Taken to Gansu Province After Being Arrested Due to His Meeting with European Parliament Vice-President
2006-12-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong from Beijing was arrested by State Security Agents on May 21st, 2006 immediately after meeting with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament. Mr. McMillan-Scott had come to Beijing to investigate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Cao Dong testified that Falun Dafa practitioners were being cruelly tortured. By the end of September 2006, CCP officials secretly took Mr. Cao Dong to the Gansu Province State Security Division Detention Centre located in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shen Jing’e Passes Away After Numerous Tribulations
2006-12-03On October 26th, 2001, Ms. Shen Jing’e was arrested when she was preparing leaflets exposing the persecution. The police sentenced her to three and a-half years in prison. She kept her faith in Dafa and refused to compromise in the "intensive training team." As a result they locked her in a solitary cell that had no heat in the winter. They tied her hands behind her back and hung her up. They repeatedly force-fed her through a tube and deprived her of sleep. Later she went into a coma. In May 2005 she returned home. But she was extremely feeble. Ms. Shen Jing’e died at age 45, on November 5th, 2006.
Mr. Yang Hongquan from Jilin City Persecuted to Death
2006-12-03The police beat him, used a wood plank to scrape his ribs, and turned him around by dragging his hair. The police also used plastic bags to cover his head and suffocate him. They released him momentarily when they saw him near death before they repeated the suffocation. The police also threatened that he was not to go out and talk to anyone else about the torture; otherwise they would torture him to death. He died on August 29th, 2006.
Four Practitioners from Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, and Yunnan Provinces Pass Away as a Result of the Persecution
2006-12-03Ms. Feng Guiqin was 65 years old. She began practising Dafa in 1997 and was cured of chronic bronchitis. She went to Beijing to appeal after the persecution began. When she went back to Linghai City, the police shocked her with electric batons, slapped her face, beat and kicked her. They then took her to a custody centre and held her there for 40 days. She was held again for the second time for 15 days and was extorted of 1,800 yuan. The local police frequently harassed her and her family at home. She passed away at home on September 4th, 2006.
Practitioner Mr. Li Feng From Hebei Province Brutally Tortured; Family Asks for Medical Parole
2006-12-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Feng was sentenced to 15 years in prison for broadcasting videos exposing the persecution on the cable TV system. He was held at the prison in Hebei Province and savagely tortured. He was administered with unknown drugs against his will, resulting in a partial loss of hearing and eyesight. He lost the ability to think for many days. He was subjected to brainwashing until he suffered a nervous breakdown. He has had persistent high blood pressure and symptoms of heart disease since March 2005. He is in critical condition, and his family has asked for his release on medical parole. The prison authorities refused the petition because he did not "reform."
Ms. He Qing Tortured for 100 Days Straight in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp, Hebei Province
2006-12-02Practitioner Ms. He Qing was sentenced to two years of forced labour in May 2002. She was once tortured around the clock for 100 days at Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. The guards forced her to stand against a wall while they beat her palms and legs with a broom. They also threatened her, saying "As long as you are alive, the brainwashing will continue. If we beat you to death, it will be considered a suicide, and no one will care." After about 20 days, they kept her handcuffed to a bed frame day and night, stretching her arms as far apart as they would go. If she began to fall asleep, the weight of her entire body would pull on her shoulder muscles, causing excruciating pain.
Ms. Wang Yamin Suffers Mental Disorder from Persecution in Jiangsu Province
2006-12-02On October 24th, 2005, Wang Yamin was arrested while at work by the State Security Group of Donghai County. She was questioned and tortured for eight days and nights with electronic batons and unknown drugs to force her to give up her beliefs. As a result, Ms. Wang Yamin became mentally disordered. She is currently detained on the Mental Disorder Section of Pukou Prison in Nanjing City.