Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Xiu Jinqiu Persecuted to Death
2013-12-19Ms. Xiu Jinqiu handed a Falun Gong pamphlet to a female officer in the Linjiang Community, Dandong City, on September 5th, 2013. This officer reported her, and Ms. Xiu was arrested and tortured. She was released and left her home to avoid being arrested again. She, her husband, and their daughter were arrested on September 9. Her health deteriorated after that. She lost consciousness on November 16th and passed away on November 28th at the age of 52.
Practitioner Recalls Drug Torture and Other Traumas in Shandong Province Women's Prison
2013-12-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Meng Lijun was released from the Shandong Province Women's Prison on July 11th, 2013, after being held there for nine years. During her nine-year prison term, Ms. Meng was brutally tortured with forced drug administration, along with other tortures. She had lost a great deal of memory by the time she was released. Her emotions went up and down and she was mentally unstable. After her release, Ms. Meng had to rely on her family to take care of her day to day needs.
Ms. He Chengyu from Sichuan Province Dies as a Result of Abuse and Torture in Detention
2013-12-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Chengyu, a 54-year-old farm labourer, was arrested on May 6th, 2012, and was sentenced to five years in prison. She was persecuted severely while held at the Dazhou City Detention Centre and the Yangmahe Prison in Jianyang City. She died in November 2013 as a result of torture.
Ms. Hao Qiujin Describes Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2013-12-14Large-scale arrests of Falun Gong practitioners were conducted in Dalian City on July 6th, 2012. Ms. Hao Qiujin was one of the practitioners arrested and was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. She recounts: "Donggang was a place in Masanjia where practitioners were tortured in various ways using “stretching” torture, electric shocks, injections with unknown drugs, confinement, force-feeding, freezing, hanging, and beatings, etc. After being taken to Donggang, my hands were cuffed to a heating pipe. The handcuffs were so tight that they cut into my wrists, and my hands quickly turned purple. I had to squat down from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m."
Accountant Arrested, In-Laws Appeal for His Release, Father-in-Law Dies from Grief and Anger
2013-12-14Mr. Chen Fu was arrested on July 19th, 2013, because he practises Falun Gong and had talked with people about Falun Gong and the persecution. This had a tremendous impact on his family, as they rely solely on his income. His elderly in-laws appealed for his release to no avail. His father-in-law died one month later from grief and anger.
Violence and Terror behind the Beautiful Facade at Gongzhuling Prison
2013-12-14Gongzhuling Prison in Jilin Province, China, looks like an office building complex with beautiful gardens. Once through the door of the visiting room, however, the guards are irrational and violent, almost as if they are possessed by demons. Behind its beautiful facade, the prison is a dark and terrifying hell on earth. In the so-called “recovery division,” a prisoner over 60 years old asked the guard if he could get a bed away from the window. In response, a young guard beat him brutally.
Ms. Jian Chengrong, in Her 70s, Arrested and Tortured
2013-12-14On September 9th, 2013, police broke into 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jian Chengrong's home. They claimed that Ms. Jian's home was the headquarters for local Falun Gong practitioners, and sent about 20 officers to ransack the elderly woman's home. They took away all of her Falun Gong books, as well as Ms. Jian's computer, printer, mobile phones, and about three thousand yuan in cash. Around 9 p.m., the police brutally interrogated Mrs. Jian. They hit her lower abdomen violently until it bled. Later they slapped her face and beat her.
Sham “Public Trial” Held in Nong'an County Court, Jilin Province
2013-12-10A Nong'an County Court in Jilin Province held an illegal hearing on the afternoon of October 11th, 2013, without notifying the defence lawyers and family members of eight Falun Gong practitioners. All of the eight practitioners pleaded not guilty. Mr. Liu and Ms. Zhang accused the Domestic Security Division of extorting their confession by torture and stated that evidence that was obtained by torture was invalid.
Two Female Practitioners Imprisoned and Persecuted in Jilin Women's Prison
2013-12-10Practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan has been held in Jilin Women’s Prison for seven years and persecuted. She was tortured on the “stretching bed” and is now disabled. Even in her condition, she is still being dragged to the toilet and beaten. Practitioner Ms. Liu Xia has been held in Jilin Women’s Prison for five years. She was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. She was forced to sit on a small wooden stool for a long period of time in front of an open window while wearing thin clothes in winter. She was once tortured this way for over two months.
Ms. Li Qunying Brutally Tortured in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, Now Missing
2013-12-10Ms. Li Qunying was arrested while speaking to people about Falun Gong and the persecution in Daxing County in April 2011. She was taken to the Daxing County Detention Centre and then transferred to Division No. 4 of the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Li was tortured to the point of being in critical condition. The labour camp transported her in a minibus to an unknown location in June 2011. Her whereabouts are still unknown.
Mr. Zhang Jinku and Mr. Mo Zhiqui Sentenced to Long Prison Terms and Tortured in Hulan Prison
2013-12-10Mr. Mo Zhiqui and Mr. Zhang Jinku were sentenced to 12 and 5 years in prison, respectively, for practising Falun Gong. They are presently held in the Hulan Prison of Heilongjiang Province. Both practitioners were transferred to the prison hospital after having been tortured. Mr. Mo could no longer walk normally as a result of the abuse. Ms. Zhang has developed symptoms of tuberculosis and is extremely weak. He is disoriented and unable to control his urine and bowel movements.
Making Sense of “Health Examinations” in Prison and Forced Labour Camp
2013-12-10I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan. I was sentenced to prison and held in the Sichuan Provincial Women’s Prison in Yangmahe, Jianyang City. I was subjected to many physical examinations while detained there. The doctors at the prison collaborated with the guards in actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners were subjected to several physical examinations, which included X-rays of the internal organs and blood draws. I was held for almost three years, but never told about any examination results. I suspect that these physical examinations were done for possible harvesting of my organs.
1.5 Million Signatures Delivered to the UN Call for Action Against Organ Harvesting in China
2013-12-10International Human Rights Day falls on the 10th of December each year, and a significant event set the stage for the occasion at the United Nations. A petition bearing a remarkable 1.5 million signatures was delivered to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The petition asks the UN to initiate further investigations into forced organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to call upon China to immediately end this crime against humanity.
In Her Own Words: Ms. Mi Xiaozheng's Story of Enduring Fourteen Years of Torture and Abuse
2013-12-07Ms. Mi Xiaozheng is a Falun Gong practitioner in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Although she had the highest grades at her university, she was suspended just one year before graduation for practising Falun Gong. She was arrested and sent to brainwashing centres twice, where she was tortured and beaten. Even during her pregnancy she was still harassed constantly, which caused a miscarriage.
Mr. Feng Xingji Persecuted in a Shanghai Prison
2013-12-07Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Feng Xingji was arrested by police because he had made banners saying "Falun Gong Is Good." Mr. Feng was tried in Pudong Court on November 22nd, 2011. Judge Shi Yaohui refused to allow Mr. Feng's lawyer to enter a not-guilty plea on his client's behalf and didn't let him defend Ms. Liu Juan, Mr. Feng's wife. On November 30th, 2011, Mr. Feng was sentenced to four years in prison and transferred to Tilanqiao Prison.