Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Thieves Become Police, Police Become Thieves - Persecuting Good People by Looting and Plundering
2002-12-12While arresting Dafa practitioners, wherever they found money or bank deposit books, regardless of whether a practitioner was carrying it with him or had it in their residence, whichever police officer found the money would hide the money in his waist pouch as quickly as possible. Not only would he not leave a receipt, he will also not report his find to the rest of the police who were doing evil deeds with him. The amount of money ranged from hundreds of Yuan to tens of thousands of Yuan.
Non-Practitioners Fearlessly Clarify the Facts
2002-12-12A retired division director said to the policemen "You cannot even tell who are good people and who are bad people. What kind of police are you? They practice Falun Gong to improve their health and to become good people. Does this have anything to do with you? Don't harass them again."
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Li Lan-qing, The Head of Chinas 610 Office
2002-12-11This is the first case in which Chinese officials, who have persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, have been sued in Europe. European legal and human rights communities have largely paid attention to the case...Chinese officials who participates in or gives orders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners will face prosecution while entering Europe.
Please Help to Rescue my Fiancee in China - by a UK Resident
2002-12-11 -
Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at a Detention Centre in Guangdong Province
2002-12-11Shen Deming was arrested while distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in Shenzhen City. He was then detained for six months in the Jiujiechun Detention Centre. Due to the severity of the torture, he suffered a mental breakdown. On September 8, Shen Deming passed away.
Two Years of Persecution Has Not Shaken My Belief in Dafa
2002-12-11The guard asked me, "Will you dare to do the exercises again?" I replied, "Yes." He brutally slapped my face...He then cuffed me onto a metal frame by the wall, with my arms stretched as far as possible and my feet dangling above ground. He kept asking, "Will you dare to do the exercises again?" My answer "yes" brought another round of face slapping. Then he brought out electric batons and tried to shock me under my clothes. It did not work...Tired and frustrated, he asked me again, "Are you still practising?" I resolutely answered, "Yes." They despondently released me and let me go back to sleep.
Dafa Practitioners Alleged to Have Interrupted TV Programming Stand Firm and Are Tortured in Court
2002-12-10Practitioners were not allowed to defend Falun Dafa in court. As soon as any Falun Dafa practitioner said, "Falun Dafa is good," or pointed out any rumour or slander of Falun Dafa by the government, or gave any example of illegal torture and extortion of Falun Dafa practitioners, he or she would be taken out of the courtroom and tortured.
Belated Report: Practitioner Tortured to Death in the Daqing Labour Camp
2002-12-10He suffered immensely while in detention from torture and forced labour. Niu was forbidden from practising the Falun Gong exercises or studying the teachings of Falun Dafa, and his health deteriorated quickly.
Japan: Yoko Kaneko Rescue Committee Holds Press Conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
2002-12-10He confirmed that she looked like she had lost about 10 kilograms in weight and appeared to be very weak, but more alarmingly she seemed to have changed mentally and had large bruises around her wrists, indicating she may have been tortured or ill-treated in the camp. The once high-spirited Yoko had an unusually sullen expression.
An Old Doorman Speaks Out
2002-12-10The doorman refused to let them in: "She is the best person in our workplace, she comes to work early and leaves late, she works earnestly and diligently. She never does wrong deeds. What crime could she have committed? You just want to make trouble for her, why don't you discipline those who embezzle and are corrupt? I don't buy what you're doing!"
Mudanjiang City Police Torture to Death Female Dafa Practitioner
2002-12-09On the morning of September 16, 2002, she was kidnapped by the city police department. In the afternoon of the same day, she was beaten to death. In order to shirk responsibility, the police threw her corpse off from a building and then claimed that she committed suicide by jumping off the building.
Germany: Please Help to Rescue my Good Friend Hong-Bo Liu
2002-12-08On July 20 2001, Mr Hong-Bo Liu was forcibly abducted from his home by the agents of the National Security Bureaus Dalian office. He was injured in several places as he was dragged from down the stairs to the ground floor. He passed out and only regained consciousness with first aid. Afterwards, police officers searched his home illegally, and stole many valuable items including four computers.
Practitioner Killed by Inhumane Force-Feeding in Baoding City Labour Camp
2002-12-08In order to shirk responsibility, the labour camp claimed that Zhang Yiqin suffered from tuberculosis and ordered her family members to take her home. Tragically, Zhang Yiqin passed away in September 11, 2002, a few days after she was taken home.
Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Liaoyang City's Huazi Jail
2002-12-08In September 2002, he was unlawfully sentenced to a five-year jail term. After only 18 days of being transferred to Liaoyang City's Huazi Jail in Liaoning Province, he was tortured to death on September 21.
Liaoning Province Practitioners: We Wish to Sue the Head Criminal, Jiang Zemin
2002-12-08We tried to expose the conspiracy of a few thugs through the Appeals Office in Beijing...The results of our sincerity and trust in the government were beatings, arrest, detention, forced labour, and incarceration in mental institutions and prisons.