Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Guards and Inmates Collude to Mistreat Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province

    Prison guards took another Falun Dafa practitioner to a special torture room. Guard Li Gongming (male) cuffed this practitioner with his arms tightly crossed (left hand cuffed to the right corner of a bed and right hand to the left corner), which made the practitioner suffer excruciating pain, and he could not move at all. Because his lower back was twisted, he was unbalanced, but he could not stand or crouch down; it was unbearably painful. Whenever the practitioner cried out, guard Liu Lin (male) would stuff his mouth with rags and kick his buttocks violently. The practitioner was tortured this way for over two hours.
  • Criminal Inmates Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Fifth Section of Gangbei Jail in Tianjin

    Zhang Shilin is the head of the Fifth Section. He has been torturing practitioners for many years. The method he usually uses is to have various criminal inmates, including gangsters, rapists, and robbers besiege Falun Dafa practitioners. With Zhang's lead, guards of this section constantly pressure criminals into committing crimes against practitioners. A group of criminals slap practitioners' faces, punch them in the chest, and kick practitioners in the stomach. One or more take turns beating practitioners. When practitioners protest with a hunger strike, the prison guards brutally force-feed them.
  • Chongqing Women's Prison Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    Practitioners are watched around the clock by two monitors each during the day, and two at night. The monitors report on the practitioners to the prison ward head. After breakfast, they force the practitioners to watch videos and materials that slander Falun Gong in an attempt to stop the practitioners from practising Falun Gong. If practitioners are not "transformed" after one or two months, the monitors make them read materials that slander Falun Gong until ten or twelve o'clock at night. Practitioners who are not "transformed" after two months are subjected to brainwashing tactics until two o'clock in the morning. The prison monitors also beat practitioners and give them a hard time. If the practitioners continue to follow their beliefs, they are subjected to brainwashing sessions until four o'clock in the morning. Everyone must then get up at six o'clock.
  • Police Kidnap Xing Youlu, Director of Dongpang Coal Mine Region in Hebei Province

    Around the new year of 2007, several Dafa practitioners from the Xingtai Dongpang Coal Mine and Neiqiu County were kidnapped by police because of distributing Falun Gong materials. Another practitioner, Xing Youlu, director of Dongpang Coal Mine Region, was kidnapped as well. Xing Youlu was tortured, hand-cuffed and put in shackles. He was then sent to the Second Detention Centre of Xingtai.
  • Party Officials Plan Trial of Practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen from Heilongjiang Province and Deny Family and Lawyer Visits Until Conclusion of Trial

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Hengfen, 41 years old, was a kindergarten teacher from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. Her husband divorced her in 2003 after she was sentenced to three years in prison for practising Falun Gong. Tang Hengfen was arrested by police on April 5th, 2007. Her family consulted with numerous people in an effort to rescue her. The police threatened the family. Tang Hengfen is currently held at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Jixi City. Her family hired a lawyer to defend her in court. When the lawyer requested a meeting with his client Yang Hengfen, the procuratorate told him, "You cannot see her until the trial is over."
  • Chinese Communist Party Plans to Intensify Persecution of Falun Gong Until the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics

    According to an internal source from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Police Department, the upper levels have issued an order stating that until the time of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, police should "more severely treat" people with contradictory opinions [against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)], especially Falun Gong practitioners. On May 22nd, 2007, the Regional CCP Committees held an urgent meeting to discuss strategies to persecute Falun Gong. The departments that joined the meeting included the regional police departments, all departments and offices in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in each government agency, and several commercial companies.
  • Ms. Zhang Lianying's Family Trying to Find Lawyer to Sue Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp for Its Crimes Against Humanities

    While Ms. Zhang Lianying was imprisoned in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, she was subjected to violence and psychological torture repeatedly. On March 21st, 2007, she again suffered brutal violence. She received beatings to both sides of her head, which resulted in a coma. She was taken to hospital for emergency treatment. Her life is in grave danger.
  • Mr. Gao Weixi from Changchun City, Jilin Province Arrested One Day Before Going to Visit His Daughter

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Weixi was planning to visit his daughter, whom he had not seen for eight years, out of town on May 10th, 2007. On May 9th, he was arrested by police from the Nanguan District Department and Jilin Province Department. On May 10th, the family could not find Mr. Gao at the train station like they had planned. Finally, they went by train to look for him at his house in Changchun City; they found two policemen, who had been living there for several days. The police said, "We found three big bags of Falun Gong materials in this place. Five books are enough to have him sentenced. Mr. Gao has been detained in the Changchun City Third Detention Centre, and once he is sentenced, he will be permitted visits."
  • Several Practitioners in Critical Condition from Abuse at the Qingyang District People's Hospital in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

    On May 5th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Zhongling was killed in Qingyang District People's Hospital in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. In addition, several practitioners in Qingyang District People's Hospital are on hunger strike. One has been on hunger strike for six months (name unknown) and is in critical condition. Practitioner Ms. Huang Min has been on hunger strike for 80 days and is extremely weak. Her family is trying to rescue her.
  • Young Artist in Shandong Province Becomes Homeless for Persisting in His Spiritual Belief (Photo)

    Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Ning is an outstanding teacher in the Shandong Special Education Polytechnic Institute. He suffered repeated persecution and eventually became homeless. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not recognise the school he worked for as the provincial model work unit in 2006, because of the CCP's implication policy. That is why school principal Wang Wen as well as the head of the school's Party committee discharged this outstanding teacher. The excuse was, "Having not returned to work for a long period of time." Mr. Zhou had contributed much to the school and to the education of the disabled. Zhou Ning's right to an assigned apartment was revoked.
  • Poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party, Daughter Turns in and Assaults Mother Ms. Hu Lingying

    In July 2003, Ms Li Huaying beat up her mother, Dafa practitioner Ms. Hu Lingying, at home because she continued to practise Falun Dafa. She assaulted her mother with an iron nail, attacking her head, back and upper body, causing her to bleed profusely. In 2006, Ms. Hu was reported to the police by her daughter and sent to a brainwashing centre.
  • The Persecution Suffered by Practitioner Ms. Wang Huaixiang from Weifang City, Shandong Province

    In September 2001, Ms. Wang Huaixiang went with other practitioners to the Hanting Town Government compound to distribute Falun Dafa leaflets. They were reported to the authorities and subsequently sent to the Hanting Detention Centre. There, she was tortured with all kinds of means. She was purposefully given very little food. She was not allowed to read any Falun Gong related materials or do the exercises. If she did the Falun Gong exercises, she would be tortured via the excruciatingly painful "cross" torture method, the "death bed", and the "grand cuffing".
  • School Teacher Ms. Zhao Junfeng from Hebei Province Persecuted for Eight Years

    Ms. Zhao Junfeng is a teacher. Since July 1999, the authorities have harassed her almost every day to stop practising Falun Dafa. The Township Secretary and policemen monitor Ms. Zhao 24 hours a day; they go to her workplace and her home, so that she cannot work and live normally. They constantly threaten and intimidate, taking pictures, and they have confiscated her ID. At the end of 2003, Ms. Zhao was turned in to the police. The school principal Wen Juhai cancelled her authority to teach for two years, depriving her of her 300-yuan salary each month. Zhao Junfeng's daughter has also been harassed frequently at her work.
  • What I Saw and Heard in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp

    In late May 2005, in the "Intensive Training Team" of Beijing Women's Forced Labour Re-education Camp, there was an elderly Falun Gong practitioner who was quite tall and had white hair. When it was time for her to shower, three people would hold her body, with a towel forced into her mouth in order to keep her from talking. However, we have not seen her since June. When we were having so-called "legal lessons," practitioners asked, "What crime did we Falun Gong practitioners commit for you to sentence us?" The guard who was leading the session said, "You committed a crime because you believe morality is superior to the law." There was no further explanation.
  • An Account of Persecution at the Shandong Province No. 2 Forced Labour Camp in Wangcun, Zibo City

    Practitioner Zhang Feng, 32, an English teacher, went on a hunger strike for nearly three years at Liaocheng Hospital, and later he was transferred to the No.7 Division of the No. 2 Labour Camp of Shandong Province. In 2005, guards used cruel means to try to force Zhang Feng to give up Falun Gong using both physical and mental abuse. Later the guards made him do forced labour like other Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners were forced to use toxic glue to put together glass in the closed, suffocating workshop. The glue contained sodium nitrate, and each practitioner was forced to finish his quota. Zhang Feng's eyes were sensitive to the glue, and he was already myopic. His eyes were so affected by the glue that his right eye shrank and became distorted. Furthermore, his right eye became smaller and smaller until it was nearly blind. The guards still did not release him