Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecuted Practitioners from the Chaoyang District of Beijing
2006-10-25On September 11th, 2003, practitioner Ms. Su Wei was arrested by the 610 Office and local police while she was buying breakfast for her child. At that time her husband was visiting his ill mother, so her young son was left at home with nobody to look after him. Ms. Su was later sentenced to a two-year term of forced labour. On February 24th, 2006, she was again arrested from her home and sentenced to another two and a half years of forced labour.
Practitioner Mr. Li Huzhe From Yanbian, Jilin Province Arrested and Taken to Helong City Brainwashing Centre
2006-10-25Officers from Beishan Police Station in Yanji City broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Li Huzhe on the evening of September 18th, 2006, only because he practises Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance and tries to be a good person. They took him to Beishan Police Station in Yanji and later sent him to the Helong City Brainwashing Centre.
Practitioner Mr. Song Baogang from Shandong Province Arrested
2006-10-25Practitioner Mr. Song Baogang, 38 years old, was fired in July 2000 because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Dafa. His home was ransacked and he was arrested in August 2000. He went to Beijing to appeal on January 1st, 2001, and was later held at Yuelou Detention Centre for one month. His family paid 2,000 yuan for his release. Later, national security agents eavesdropped on his phone conversation with a friend and he was arrested by police. He was taken back to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for a two-year term. His sentence was eventually extended by more than two years. He was arrested again at the home of another practitioner on September 7th, 2006.
Mr. Yang Jianpo on Brink of Death at Tangshan Prison; Liu Xianglong Arrested for Taking Mr. Yang’s Family to Visit Him
2006-10-24Forty-three-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo is on the brink of death at the Jidong Prison. His family went to the prison on October 6th, 2006 and asked to meet with him. They also requested Yang Jianpo's release on medical parole. Division 4 officials forbade the family to meet him. Some other relatives wanted to go to the prison on October 8th hoping to see Yang Jianpo this time. The relatives didn’t know how to get there and so asked practitioner Liu Xianglong to take them. Once there, the prison arrested Liu Xianglong.
More Details on the Death of Practitioner Mr. Xin Minduo
2006-10-24On August 3rd, 2005, police officers arrested Mr. Xin Minduo while he was walking down the road. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison, on February 21st, 2006. He was confined to a "small cell" and force-fed heavily-salted water because he resisted efforts to make him give up the practice of Falun Gong. The prison staff refused to let his family visit him because he had been on a hunger strike for three months and was physically very weak. The warden said to his family: "We won't release him even if he is dead, it doesn't matter who you talk to. You can even go to the State Council." On September 1st, 2006, Mr. Xin Minduo died in Nanshan Prison, and his body was cremated without his family's approval.
Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested in Yanqing County, Beijing and Sent to Labour Camps Since Late June 2006
2006-10-24Practitioner Mr. Shi Yingji, 31 years old, was arrested on June 28th, 2006 and abused until he suffered from symptoms of brain haemorrhage. The police didn’t approve his formal arrest at the time and instead placed him under surveillance at the Yanqing County Hospital. Beijing Police Department's No. 1 Department suddenly approved Mr. Shi's arrest on September 19th, 2006. He is now being held at the Beijing Detention Centre. The notice was sent to Shi Yingji’s family after one week, but no written or oral explanation was given. Shi Yingji was held at the Yanqing County Hospital during which time he had symptoms of a myocardial infarction, high blood pressure and a stroke. He was in critical condition.
Police in Liaoning Province Try to Frame Falun Gong for Their Crime of Persecuting Mr. Chen Dongping to Death
2006-10-24Fushun city police in Liaoning Province have harassed and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Jie's family for a long time. Ms. Jiang's husband, Mr. Chen Dongping, was arrested twice. Mr. Chen became very sick from the long term persecution and passed away on August 12th, 2006. On September 8th, Ms. Jiang was arrested again by Fushun police and she is currently detained at Fushun City Detention Centre. Fushun police attempted to shift the blame on Falun Gong for Mr. Chen's death. At this time, the police are persecuting Ms. Jiang Jie with all kinds of torture methods, trying to force her to slander Falun Gong and its founder.
Ms. Zhang Guiqin Developed Advanced Bone Marrow Cancer As a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2006-10-24Because I cultivated Falun Dafa, and strove to be a good person, I was detained in Heilongjiang Women's Prison for four years and suffered all kinds of persecution. Guards taped practitioners mouths to stop us from crying out and persecuted us with the torture, "handcuffed behind the back". Since that day I started to experience difficulty in walking and had pain in my lower back and legs. People in the prison hospital saw that I was seriously ill and decided to take me to be examined in a hospital outside of the prison. After examination the results were as follows: old bone fracture, bone marrow cancer and osteoporosis. They said I was in the last stages of cancer and needed two people to take care of me.
Disabled Practitioner Ms. Tian Yuan from Changchun City Died Due to Persecution
2006-10-23Before Ms. Tian Yuan became a practitioner of Falun Dafa she had a minor conflict with the police and they shot her. She became paralysed over more than two thirds of her body. Through Dafa practice she regained her faith in life and experienced overwhelming physical improvements. Ms. Tian’s home was ransacked, she was detained by the police and her family was threatened after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. She passed away on October 1st, 2006, after enduring long-term persecution.
Ms. Zhang Hong, 23, from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province, Died after Years of Brainwashing, Harassment and Torture
2006-10-23In December 2003, police arrested Ms Zhang Hong and sent her to a brainwashing centre, where she was brutally tortured and beaten. Officials extorted 200 yuan from her family, then they released Zhang Hong. After a month home she died as a result of the persecution on February 2nd, 2004, at the age of 23. As of today, Zhang Hong is reportedly the youngest practitioner who has been killed in the Jixi area.
A Family of Practitioners from Yishui County, Shandong Province, Suffer Serious Persecution
2006-10-23In October 1999, Ms. Zhang and her daughter were arrested in Jizishan Village. Ms. Zhang was dragged out of a crowd of people by Wang Sike. She was thrown on the ground in front of the crowd and severely beaten. The purpose of this incident was to threaten other practitioners. Wang Sike brutally kicked Ms. Zhang in the abdomen several times and punched her in the face and head. As if that abuse was not enough, he then dragged her to a room where four people fiercely kick her with their boots, punched her head, and slapped her face. They didn't stop beating her until her mouth and nose were bleeding.
Which Law Have We Violated by Striving to Be Good People?
2006-10-23In October 2000, when we went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square to appeal, a few police thugs came and knocked us down. They took us and other practitioners to the Tiananmen Square police station, and locked us up in iron cages to force us to give them our names and addresses. Then, local police and the village head, forcefully shipped away 3,500 kilogrammes of soybeans that belonged to us and extorted 800 yuan from our parents. In addition, they auctioned off our land for only 1,000 yuan and pocketed the money. The officials and police officers in Longjiang County sentenced us to forced labour camps, leaving our child and our parents without any care.
Persecution of Practitioners in Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-10-22In September 2001, practitioners Ms. Zhang Yunxian, 55 years old, Ms. Ma Wenhua, 58, and Ms. He Guilan were detained in the "dark den," in Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. They were handcuffed and tortured for over a month. The three practitioners protested the persecution by holding a hunger strike. As a result, they were placed in solitary confinement. They were tortured physically and mentally for over seven months. The guards often encouraged the criminal inmates to hang the practitioners from the window bars and then kick and beat them.
Falun Gong Gives My Family a New Life, But the Chinese Communist Party Destroys It
2006-10-22"My family of four travelled to Beijing together to appeal for Falun Gong and we were arrested. The police brutally beat us with clubs, belts and our own shoes. At the detention centre, I was made to perform hard labour every day. In 2001, the police arrested my son and took him into town. About eight policemen kept hitting my son with their belts. They bared my son's lower body and beat him brutally until he was severely bruised."
Seeing the Sham Chinese Legal System Through My Own Persecution Experience
2006-10-22I was taken to the Jiawang District Court for a trial. After the presiding judge announced several legal articles, the public prosecutor used illegal articles to prosecute me. When I started my self-defence and had spoken for only less than five minutes, the presiding judge stood up and threatened me: "Don't talk!" When I strongly defended myself for about three minutes, he again shouted at me and didn't allow me to continue speaking. At this point, I could not even defend myself. Less than one hour had passed since he announced that I had the right to a defence. In the end, they sentenced me to four years in prison.