Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
After Suffering Years of Persecution, 74-Year-Old Ms. Liu Yuerui Dies
2006-09-2474-year-old Ms. Liu Yuerui recovered her health after practising Falun Dafa. In the fast few years, she and her son, Mr. Li Zuoqing, were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and her son was detained in a forced labour camp. Ms. Liu's son and son-in-law were fooled by the lies of CCP and abused their mother. Ms. Liu Yuerui was persecuted for a long time and was under enormous pressure from her family. Ms. Liu died on April 25th, 2006.
The Persecution Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Suffering in Jidong Prison
2006-09-24Practitioner Sun Jianzhong was sentenced to seven years in the prison. In December 2002, the 610 Office arrested and tortured Sun Jianzhong. On many occasions guards used telephone wires to shock Sun Jianzhong until he lost consciousness. They then woke him up with cold water and repeated the torture. Sun Jianzhong went on a hunger strike while in the detention centre, so the guards pried his mouth open with a pair of pliers and force-fed him. The guards also ordered prisoners to force-feed him with urine. They tortured him until his left side became paralysed.
Crimes Committed by Police Officer Yu Jiejun from Longkou City, Shandong Province
2006-09-24Policeman Yu Jiejun has persecuted many Falun Gong practitioners. Yu beat Mr. Kong Tiezhu (who is currently in a forced labour camp) until he was black and blue all over. Mr. Kong's eyes were so swollen after the beating that he could hardly see to walk down the road. He had to hold onto the wall to find his way. All his fingernails were burned with cigarettes and fell off. His ankles were bruised and bleeding from heavy shackles. His feet were so swollen that he could hardly walk.
The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province (Part 3)
2006-09-23Practitioner Ms. Zhou Fenglin, 32 years old, was arrested at home on December 27th, 2000, by police. To protest the arbitrary detention Ms. Zhou launched a hunger strike. She was put on the "Forbidden Board" for nine days and hung up for 17 nights. The "Forbidden Board" is the most severe punishment, used exclusively to torture death penalty prisoners. The victim is handcuffed and shackled tightly to a wooden board, so that she cannot move, not even when relieving herself. This punishment is so cruel that after only several hours on the board, most people would rather die than be tortured in this way. Ms. Zhou passed away around midnight on January 9th, 2001.
Authorities Prevent Family From Seeing Practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo, On the Brink of Death after 220 Days of Hunger Strike at the Jidong Prison in Tangshan City
2006-09-23The family of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo drove to Jidong Prison to visit him on September 11th, 2006. They were refused a visit so they went to the division head's office and said to him, "Yang Jianpo is on the brink of death and doesn’t fit the requirements of a prison detainee." The division head said, "I have to ask my superiors. If my superiors don’t let you see him, you should go home and stop bugging me." But the family would not leave and eventually Yang Jianpo's daughter was allowed to see her father. She saw her father lying on a bed, barely breathing. Yang Jianpo saw her and said, "Remember, your dad didn’t do anything wrong. I absolutely will not eat. I will appeal with my body. I didn’t commit any crimes!"
Mr. Gao Tianhong Is Dying in Panjin Prison
2006-09-23On April 25th, 2004, Mr. Gao Tianhong was arrested at his home, and sentenced to eight years in prison. Mr. Gao Tianhong refuses to perform physical labour or to wear a prison uniform. He posted banners of "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" in the Prison to speak out for Falun Dafa. In order to protest the persecution, Mr. Gao Tianhong has been on hunger strike since September 2006. He has been force-fed. He is as thin as a skeleton, and his life is in critical condition. The guards called Mr. Gao's home many times, asking his family members to visit him and persuade him to accept the brainwashing.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangxi Province
2006-09-23Ms Zhang Yulan is a 65-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. Officials and police harassed her at her home many times after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, trying to force her to give up Falun Gong. The lawless officials coerced Zhang Yulan to go to Longtan Village Office in 2002 to sign documents and be fingerprinted. They brainwashed her for half a day. The following year, in 2003, they brainwashed her again for another half-day. On April 11th, 2006, Zhang Yulan was reading Falun Gong books with some other practitioners when some officials jumped into her backyard and arrested them. The same group of officials harassed her again at home on June 13th, 2006.
Three Practitioners from Yunnan, Liaoning, and Jilin Provinces Die after being Persecuted
2006-09-23When Jiang Zemin’s regime started to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Chen Wei, 58, went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. The police ransacked his home and he was sentenced to one year of forced labour education. He was imprisoned in Longshan Rehabilitation Centre in Shenyang City, and both his physical and mental health were greatly harmed. The local police and the neighbourhood association harassed him after his release, which caused his health to deteriorate. He developed cancer and died on July 2nd, 2006.
In Critical Condition from Torture and Abuse: Mr. Liu Xueming in Zigong Prison, Sichuan Province
2006-09-22Mr. Li Xueming was arrested at his home in September 2002 by police and Jinxing County Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. On June 5th, 2003, Mr. Liu was sentenced to 7 years by a judge in Xinjin County CCP court. He was detained at Zigong Prison on July 24th, 2003 where he was cruelly persecuted. Mr. Li's health condition is precarious because of the mistreatment he endured.
The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province (Part 2)
2006-09-22We are Falun Gong practitioners in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The police put three of us in mental hospitals against our wills for three months in 2000. During that time, we were tied to beds, forcibly injected and force-fed medicine. The medical staff there injected large quantities of unknown drugs into our bodies that caused us to immediately lose consciousness. Right after the injections, while the drugs were active, we experienced such severe pain that we would roll on the floor, yell and slam our bodies against the wall. When we regained consciousness, we asked them, "Why do you inject and force-feed us, though we do not have any mental problems?" They said, "We have to follow orders from the top.
Brutality at Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2006-09-22In 2004, An Senbiao refused to be "transformed" at Suihua Forced Labour Camp. He protested the persecution by hunger striking for six months. During the hunger strike he suffered all kinds of brutal tortures. He was hand-cuffed to a death bed for a prolonged period of time, force-fed through the nose and tortured continuously by four collaborators, who forced him to drink salt water and burned his mouth with boiling water. The collaborators also wrapped up An Senbiao's private parts with cayenne husks, making them swell so much that he could not urinate. In order to prevent him from crying out they sealed his mouth.
Three Dafa Practitioners from Hebei Province Sentenced to Forced Labour
2006-09-22While distributing leaflets exposing the persecution on the night of July 20th, 2006, Dafa practitioners Yarn Mao and Cheng Ming were arrested and taken to the Kongjiazhuang Police Station by local patrol officers. Dafa practitioner Zheng Guiqin, along with her son, were followed and arrested by undercover officers from the local police station while they were putting up signs to expose the persecution. They were sentenced to forced labour.
Mr. Dai Xianming from Hubei Province Died due to Persecution
2006-09-2262-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dai Xianming started practising Falun Dafa in 1996 and all of his illnesses disappeared. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal and was brutally beaten by police. In March 2002, he was arrested and cruelly tortured. He was near-death when his family bailed him out. In the ensuing years, Mr. Dai Xianming was arrested four times and forced to leave home once to avoid being arrested. Due to this long term harassment by the police he died on June 16th, 2006.
The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province
2006-09-2171-year-old Mr. Zhang Wannian went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in February 2000. He was arrested. The police forced him to stand up and "reform," after which they savagely tortured him for 13 days. The police saw that he would not give up his belief, so they extorted 7,500 yuan from him, then sent him to a detention centre and tortured him there for one month and then sent him to the mental hospital, where they abused him for 45 days. Mr. Zhang Wannian was sentenced to one year of forced labour. He went on a hunger strike in mid September 2000 to protest the persecution and was extremely weak after seven days. The police feared taking responsibility should he pass away in their custody, so they hastily carried him home. Mr. Zhang Wannian died one day later.
Practitioner from Shandong Province in Critical Condition - His Family Members Harassed
2006-09-21The 610 Office arrested Wang Shoushan and attempted to brainwash him, which caused Wang serious harm. He can no longer take care of himself. He was staying in a hospital where his son and daughter-in-law work. When the 610 Office learned of this, they went to the hospital to coerce the head of the hospital to threaten his family.