Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Shao Ying, a Survivor of the 2001 Wanjia Tragedy, is Again Brutally Persecuted
2006-08-06At Chinese New Year in 2003, the police arrested Ms. Shao Ying, and she was sentenced to a 10-year term. She has been imprisoned in the Harbin Women's Prison, where she has been under continuous persecution. Many of Ms. Shao's teeth were knocked out, her legs and back have been seriously injured, and she has suffered back pain and spinal nerve pain.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Cao Dong Still Detained and Persecuted After Meeting with Vice President of European Parliament
2006-08-05Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Cao Dong and Mr. Niu Jinping met with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament on May 21st, 2006. After Cao Dong met with Mr. Scott, he disappeared later the same day. It was learned that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) National Security agents abducted and held him at an undisclosed location. It is difficult to understand the mental pressure and physical torture Cao Dong has undergone. However, he firmly refused to cooperate with the lawless officials and refused to tell them anything. The officials are threatening to continue to detain him and throw him in prison.
Li Guoshun Persecuted to Death, Family Members Forced to Remain Silent
2006-08-05Falun Dafa practitioner Li Guoshun was arrested and imprisoned by police on August 23rd, 2004. He went on a hunger strike to protest and was persecuted to death on October 14th, 2004. Recently, the town police chief had someone convey a message to Li Guoshun's mother that if some people came to investigate Li Guoshun's case or asked about anything related to Falun Gong, she had to reply, "I don't know." Li Guoshun died a tragic death, and he was cremated by the authorities. His family members have not seen any medical records or postmortem examination reports. So far, they have no place to appeal, and their injustice cannot be redressed.
Persecution against Practitioners at Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-05Ms Xu Lanzhen was detained and tortured in an isolated cell that was dark and damp. Wardens tried to "transform" her. As they could not force Xu Lanzhen to give up her belief, they instructed drug abusers Yan Pingping and others to beat her. The wardens on duty did not pay attention to Ms. Xu screams of pain, and they allowed the drug abusers to torture practitioners at will. Ms. Xu was forbidden to purchase daily necessities, to see family members, or to sleep, but was forced to work day and night, and only at the end of the day could she use the toilet.
Why Was a Six-year-old Girl Detained Twice?
2006-08-05When Yuetong sees other kids with their parents, she thinks they really must be lucky. Those kids get to learn beautiful Tang dynasty poems and know where to buy delicious treats. However, they do not know about a brainwashing centre in Changli County. Little Yuetong does know about it. Guo Yuetong is a six-year-old girl. When Yuetong was one year old, she was detained in the brainwashing centre for a long time. At present, five years later, she is again detained there.
An Account of Jilin Province Practitioner Mr. Pan Zhaowen's Arrest and Persecution by National Security Agents
2006-08-05On December 13th, practitioner Mr. Pan Zhaowen was secretly arrested by local national security agents. After the Minghui [Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net] website reported this incident, many practitioners inside China and abroad were very concerned. Mr. Pan Zhaowen went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Failing to force Mr. Pan to renounce Dafa after exhausting their methods, the national security agents then extorted 10,000 yuan from Mr. Pan's relatives and released him before the Chinese New Year. They claimed that Mr. Pan participated in the interception of TV signals and operated an underground publishing place.
The Mysterious Death of Guizhou Province Practitioner Mr. Ye Fenglin at the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-0444-year-old Mr. Ye Fenglin was persecuted at Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in 2002. In mid-June of 2002, he suffered sickness symptoms of fever and sweating. When he felt better two days later (on June 23rd), he was sent to the hospital of the labour camp, then passed away there on the night of June 26th. The person on duty that night at the hospital said, "He (Ye Fenglin) was chatting with us for a long time that evening, and went to bed after eleven o'clock. He was totally fine then. Why did he pass away so suddenly the next day? There must be some problems..." Upon his death, the authorities cremated Ye Fenglin's body without informing his wife (also a practitioner). Could the above evidence about Ye Fenglin's mysterious death have anything to do with the allegations of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China?
81-Year-Old Practitioner Dies As a Result of Persecution
2006-08-0481-year-old Ms Sun Guizhi had suffered from a number of ailments since her youth. These all disappeared after she began practising Falun Gong, however, and she no longer needed to take pills to maintain a normal life. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, an official from Ms. Sun's former workplace believed the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and became hostile to practitioners. Ms Sun was supposed to receive a special New Year fund for elderly couples without children, but the official denied that there was any money for her. She became very depressed after this and died on March 9th, 2006.
A Partial Collection of Cases of Persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for Spreading Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
2006-08-04Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party , the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been vigorously persecuting the people spreading it. Many Falun Gong practitioners have been detained, and many received excessive sentences and are even tortured until they are disabled. Since the Nine Commentaries exposes the real face of the party, spreading the Nine Commentaries is for the good of all the Chinese people. The CCP’s brutal persecution of those who spread the book exposed the party’s deep fear.
Liu Wenzhong from Inner Mongolia Persecuted to Death
2006-08-04After the persecution began in July 1999, 52-year-old Mr. Liu Wenzhong was arrested many times. Mr. Liu's department shop, which is worth millions of dollars, was forcibly closed, causing a great economic loss (estimated at 800,000 yuan) and interruption to the local people's lives. Liu Wenzhong was sentenced to three years of forced labour and sent to Wuyuan Labour Camp to be persecuted. During his detention there the police extorted over 40,000 yuan from him. He was also forced to do intensive labour. Because he refused to be "transformed," he was beaten and subjected to various types of torture. Under such huge pressure and severe persecution, he passed away on July 9th, 2006.
Elderly Practitioner Wang Xinfeng from Shandong Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-08-04Ms. Wang Xinfeng, 69, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and police arrested her. Chief Liu Yongtao detained her in a small room in the backyard. All four walls of her detention cell had gaps and the wind blew through them. The authorities didn't even offer her food. In the winter nights, Ms. Wang slept on the cold cement floor. In 2004 seven or eight policemen to broke into her home and Ms. Wang Xinfeng was so scared that she collapsed to the ground. After that, her old illnesses recurred and she couldn't take care of herself anymore. Ms. Wang passed away on June 29th, 2006.
Li Yequan's Life Hanging By a Thread While Still Being Persecuted at Suihua Labour Camp
2006-08-03Falun Dafa practitioner Li Yequan, from Heilongjiang Province, has been on a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment for more than nine months. His situation is extremely critical. On June 19th, his family members went to Suihua Forced Labour Camp and the Labour Camp Bureau in Heilongjiang to ask for his release. The bureau and the labour camp both tried to dodge the request by refusing to meet with them.
Dafa Practitioners Hung Up and Beaten in a Restaurant Attic by Police in Panzhihua City
2006-08-03On November 24th, 2005 police arrested several practitioners. On December 1st, the police covered practitioner You Yuanzhang's eyes with a piece of black cloth and took him out of Yanbian Detention Centre. You was brought to their "nest"- the attic of Jingu Restaurant where he was handcuffed to the windows, with only the tip of his toes touching the ground. Sun Luning and Huang Jianjun took turns slapping You Yuanzhang in the face. If You's touched the ground, he would be given a hard kick to his body, and when he refused to respond to a set-up that the policemen devised, the police would immediately raise the height of the cuffing, lifting the tip of his toes to 10 cm. (4 in.) off the ground.
Pension of Cheng Hua from Guizhou Province is Suspended, Causing Her Elderly Mother to Have No Money for Food
2006-08-03Ms. Cheng Hua, a former veterinarian in her sixties, has been in good health since practising Falun Gong. After the persecution of Falun Gong was initiated by Jiang Zemin's regime in 1999, Ms. Cheng remained steadfast in Falun Gong. In 2002, she was arrested and sentenced to a three-year forced labour term by the authorities. During the term of forced labour, burglars ransacked Cheng Hua's unattended house. What's worse police confiscated Ms. Cheng's retirement pension five years ago, with the excuse of following orders from their supervisors. Cheng Hua has an elderly mother in her eighties who now has to survive on wild edible plants . At present, they are in a very difficult financial situation.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Jiaju Abused at the Baimalong Prison in Zhuzhou City
2006-08-03Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Jiaju is in her 50s. She started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. Various agents from different levels of government had detained her after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. She was also abused at a labour camp and prison. She spent four Chinese New Years inside prisons and labour camps.